Initial Test and Tips:)

DLJ_77 Posts: 100 Member
I am glad to see so many of you are eager to get started! Obviously, there is not a specific start date so do it when you feel comfortable...I am going to have a post for each day of the challenge. M hope is that when you do start you can contribute to the conversation for the day that you are on (for example there will be a future topic entitled Week 3 Day 2 and when you get to that point you will be able to share). Hopefully, that makes sense. It's been a long day and I am tired.

Remember, the app will do all of the work for you in terms of telling you how many pushups you will be doing each day. You only need to do this 3 days a week (they suggest Mon, Wed and Fri, but do whatever works for you). Make sure to have a day inbetween workouts! If you question your form the app or website can guide you through what proper technique looks like. Yes, it does guarantee 100 pushups in 6 weeks, but I totally understand that you need to listen to your body. You may need to repeat an entire week. Do what is best for you! As long as we keep plugging away we will get there!

I believe I have sent everyone a friend request, but if there is anyone I have missed I apologize and please send me one:) Feel free to get your friends to join!

Has anyone done their initial test? If so how did it go? My initial test was last week actually. I did 15 pushups...I am telling you the only reason I was able to do that many was because I had started the program 2 other times! The first time I tried I was somewhere around 5-8 I think. Let's make this fun!


  • 4Lab
    4Lab Posts: 20
    Way to go DLJ!
    Did my test today, (7 in a row....but did do 8 sets) it happened to be a pushup workout at the gym. So I used that. I am really working on form and the gym standard is chest to floor (the app is not as strict). 7 is the most I have gotten in a row with good form and not doing the 'butt snake"! I appreciate the is not all about the numbers but the progress we all make.
  • DLJ_77
    DLJ_77 Posts: 100 Member
    I completely form is not necessarily chest to the floor, but I do the best I can. At least I know I'm not one of the people with their butts up in the air, lol! I know it gets harder as you go...I can feel myself shaking and I really need to focus. I can feel my entire core engaging which is a good thing:) Tomorrow is my Week 1 Day 2 and I think it will be very difficult since I'm sore today. Here's hoping it goes well!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    Yes, it [the app] does guarantee 100 pushups in 6 weeks, but I totally understand that you need to listen to your body. You may need to repeat an entire week. Do what is best for you! As long as we keep plugging away we will get there!

    Not having a Smart Device (phone, pad, tablet whatever) I went to for my info and schedule (a 6 week plan which is printable). It has several "re-tests" built in, around the end of weeks 4 and 5. Depending on individual results, they encourage you to re-do a week if you have to - but reassure that you WILL get there in the end.

    I will be doing straight-leg off the 3rd or 4th step. (for starters)
  • DLJ_77
    DLJ_77 Posts: 100 Member
    Great! I always find it easiest to have everything basically figured out for me already in terms of how many to do per set, etc. I really like that it allows for different starting points as well. Good luck:)
  • 4Lab
    4Lab Posts: 20
    Ok I am obviously web-challenged.....I can't find the schedule for the 6 weeks to look at nor the retests on the website, not the app...what am I missing? thnx
  • DLJ_77
    DLJ_77 Posts: 100 Member
    Ok I am obviously web-challenged.....I can't find the schedule for the 6 weeks to look at nor the retests on the website, not the app...what am I missing? thnx

    I'm sure there are numerous sites out there! Here's a link to Week 1 of the site I found...make sure you are looking at the column for the number of pushups you did on your initial test:) All of the other weeks can be found on the left hand side of the site
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    Ok I am obviously web-challenged.....I can't find the schedule for the 6 weeks to look at nor the retests on the website, not the app...what am I missing? thnx

    This is the website I looked at =>

    If you look down the left hand side, you will see the site menu that links to each week of the program. Do the test, and depending on your age and the results, the text at the beginning of the Week 1 page will guide you to where you start.

    Let's pretend that you will be starting Week 1 using Column 2. For Week 2 you also use Column 2. (there is a tiny-print note at the top of the chart saying "week 2- use same column as week 1" )

    At the top of the week 3 page it says ...
    "week 3

    You should be a little stronger than you were a couple of weeks ago and able to complete considerably more push ups than your initial test.

    •If you managed 16-20 push ups in the latest test, follow column 1.
    •If you completed between 21 & 25, column 2 is for you.
    •More than 25 consecutive push ups? Excellent! You'll be following column 3.

    If you're struggling with the program, don't lose heart. Some people will still be doing less than 16 consecutive push ups, but this is ok. Just repeat the week you struggled with until you're strong enough to move on to the next level - I promise it will be worth your while! "

    Each "Week " on the site map starts with text confirming what you should have been able to do, by the end of the previous week and pointing you at which column of the chart to use next. It also has text following the charts. By week 5 it mentions that if you have to redo week 3 or 4, do so. Better to take the extra time than to risk over-stressing what your body isn't ready for yet.

    I can't speak to apps. I don't own anything portable that could run one.

    Hope this info helped. Maybe you were either on a different site, or missed the site menu at the side, or didn't scroll down far enough to see the charts (some of those "smart devices" have such tiddy-wee screeens :ohwell: )
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    According to, at the end of Week 2, you do a test to gauge where you are, and determine where you start in Week 3. It says to "Perform this test within a couple of days of completing Week 2." For the test ahead of Week 1, they suggested "Before starting Week 1, I recommend taking a couple of days to familiarize yourself with the program and recover from the exertion of the initial test."

    If I follow the advice to run the second test a couple days after completing Week 2, and then giving another couple days to rest before starting Week 3, I'm going to throw off my nice M/W/F routine (and viable schedule).

    Anyone see any reason not to do a post Week 2 test on Saturday, and then start Week 3 on Monday again?
  • 4Lab
    4Lab Posts: 20
    Got it thanx! Interesting, the website I was on has the same logo but different content. This is mucho betta! Appreciate the explanation.
  • DLJ_77
    DLJ_77 Posts: 100 Member
    Anyone see any reason not to do a post Week 2 test on Saturday, and then start Week 3 on Monday again?

    Not really unless you are really sore from your reps on Friday. You may want to consider doing your Week 2 test on Sunday and then doing a Tues, Thurs, Sat week before getting back to your Mon, Wed, Fri...of course your body will tell you what's right!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    I did my test this morning. I scored "7" (but that was straight legs AND the 3rd tread on the stairs. If it had been straight legs on the flat, it would have been "0")

    SO my aim is to get to 100 consecutive using 3rd stair or moving to the window-seat part way through. Once I get to the end. I can start over, but on the flat.