"Add me!" MFP/Reddit Thread



  • RunningBearMan
    RunningBearMan Posts: 1 Member
    I'm getting back into keto after a very long break... Looking for some people to keep me honest. Feel free to add me, I'm looking for as much help as I can.

    Username : RunningBearMan
  • khellisi
    khellisi Posts: 1 Member
    Just started keto and I am happy to have found you all over here as well! The /r/keto community has already been so helpful for motivation and knowledge. Looking forward to meeting new friends on MFP!

    Name: Kelli
    Reddit username: hotnonsense
    From: Huntsville, AL
    Stats: F/26/5'8", SW: 195, GW: ~140
  • wendybirdatl
    wendybirdatl Posts: 2 Member
    Name: Wendy
    Reddit Username: kittenpantzen
    Stats: F 5'5"/36 | SW: 170 GW: TBD
    Location: Atlanta, GA

    GW: So, the main reason I started keto was to see if it would help with my PCOS. So far, results in that area seem mixed, but I feel so much better in other aspects of my health that I plan to stick with it. I needed to lose some weight to begin with, and now I'm well within the healthy range for weight for my height and for bf%, so any slimming up I get from this point in is really just gravy.
  • stoavio
    stoavio Posts: 1
    Name: Mason
    Reddit Username: stoavio
    Stats: 26/M/5'10" SW: 190 CW: 184 GW: 160 SD: 2/22/1
    Location: Dallas, TX
  • clickshy
    clickshy Posts: 8 Member
    Name: Ahna
    reddit handle: thecatdoesdrugs
    location: portland, maine
    SW: 250 CW: 228 GW: 150
    Been eating keto and exercising for about two months now. Excited to get my *kitten* back to shape.
  • WellPickles
    WellPickles Posts: 7 Member
    Name: Mary
    Reddit name: tasteslikebread
    Location: Austin, TX
    One week into keto, and loving it. Joined a gym too. I am still figuring all this out, but this diet is something I can really stick too.
  • ucalegon
    ucalegon Posts: 43 Member
    username: scru
    Location: Hollywood, CA
    Been ketoing for two years now for maintenance, loving it.

    Starting waist: 29" Current waist: 25.5" Goal waist: 24" (I don't do pounds, sorry guys)
  • mmnick07
    mmnick07 Posts: 1 Member
    Name: Nick
    Reddit username: Luke_Emiya
    Location: San Diego, CA

    I started off paleo - which lasted intermittently since 2010. Wasn't quite hitting the spot, and always seemed somewhat ideological. Found keto when I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia and figured there had to be some diet to help offset side effects. Keto seems to work for me.

    I also needed to shred some weight from getting high all the time when I couldn't eat. May have gotten out of hand.
  • Name: Christopher
    Reddit username: keto_chris
    Location: Denver, CO

    I first started Keto back in mid-January, but fell off the wagon the weekend of my birthday in early February and again on V-Day. Did more research about macro percentages and such and started back up again after V-Day and been loving it ever since. Goal is to lose that stubborn belly fat. Aside from sometimes lower energy levels (I usually just crash on Saturdays), I overall feel much better, head feels clearer, mood is mostly better, energy is sustained throughout the day, and I've lost 14 lbs since January (I estimated about 8-10 lbs of which was water). Slowly but surely, Keto works. No cheat days, just 100% Keto.

    Even though the scale was moving, didn't notice a difference until I took progress pics Feb 12 and March 7. WOW. Not to mention people were noticing the weight loss at work.

    Keto for life.
  • whitesmokes
    whitesmokes Posts: 12 Member
    Name: whitesmokes
    Reddit Username: whitesmokes
    Stats: m/29
    Where ya from?: usa
  • Name: Michael
    Reddit: Long time lurker, first time poster.
    Runkeeper: strangeparadise (add me!)
    Location: Los Angeles

    Hey. I'm a binger. I binge on things. Keto kind of keeps me in check. Except when it doesn't. Anyway, I'm just here to completely tear my body apart. No biggie. Just push the ol' reset button. Lay a foundation. Upon which a manly-muscley-man-temple may be built. But not really. I just wanna be thin with nice shoulders and a fine rump. Lord Jesus Viking God of Ketosis, please, grant me nice shoulders and a fine rump. Amen.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Hey. I'm a binger. I binge on things. Keto kind of keeps me in check. Except when it doesn't. Anyway, I'm just here to completely tear my body apart. No biggie. Just push the ol' reset button. Lay a foundation. Upon which a manly-muscley-man-temple may be built. But not really. I just wanna be thin with nice shoulders and a fine rump. Lord Jesus Viking God of Ketosis, please, grant me nice shoulders and a fine rump. Amen.

  • Name: Kate
    Reddit: Chmurka (mostly comment, not posting much)
    Runkeeper: Chmurka (I just installed tho)
    Location: Sweden/Poland (depends, depends)

    Add me, please :) I have a lot to lose, so I probably will be hanging around here a while...
  • Runewynn
    Runewynn Posts: 1
    Name: Rebecca
    Reddit name: seerofmind
    Stats: Female/24
    Location: Pennsylvania
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    Name: kittyneutron
    Reddit Username: myfriendm
    Stats: Female/37
    Location: Norway

    Hiya! I've been doing the MFP thing since 2012, successfully lost 40 lbs, gained back most of it, after getting very burned out logging and following a low calorie/low fat diet and getting tired of starving constantly. I've been looking into keto for a long time as my eating habits worsened. Now I've been doing keto for just over a week and already lost 8 pounds, so I'm pretty sure this is the eating plan for me :)

    Fairly active on reddit and obviously on MFP throughout the day-feel free to add me!
  • Name: Natalie
    Reddit Username: SocialCandyEater
    Location: Alaska, US

    Started keto a little over a week ago. Feel free to add me! I'm definitely interested in viewing diaries and getting meal ideas.
  • hfaze
    hfaze Posts: 3
    Name: Matt
    Reddit Username: Nudoru
    Stats: Male/37
    Location: Charlotte, NC

    Low carb like 2+ years, keto little over a year.
  • Avansilee
    Avansilee Posts: 11
    Name: Bri
    Reddit Username: mayva
    Stats: Female - 26
    Where ya from?: I live in Montana, originally from Boston, MA.

    I started keto in October of last year, with a break in January and February as I moved across the country and settled into a new state. I started up hardcore again a few weeks ago, and I'm trying to get back into the habit of logging. Been a lurker since I started - I've lost 45lbs total, 10 of which were from traditional dieting for four months beforehand, and the rest from the same amount of time on keto. Feel free to add me! I need reasons to check in everyday, it really does help!
  • Courtney


    Reddit: u/memorymaze
  • Name: Kate
    Reddit Username: purplestormclouds
    Stats: Female - 30
    Where ya from?: From South FL, living in Vancouver, BC

    Hey all! I just started keto this week after Reddit finally made me research it thoroughly (all those r/loseit pics! damn!) I love to cook and share recipes will be doing my blog on here frequently with foods I find. Feel free to add me!