Binge Journal

Is it appropriate to keep a journal thread here? Or should I just keep a physical one?

Either way, today I binged like crazy. It is the day after welfare day, and as I work in fast food, it was an insanely busy day. I nearly broke down into tears while working the drive through window. I no longer take rude or mean customers personally since reading some Wayne Dyer books, so I managed to detach from a particularly insufferable woman and positive think my way back to calmness, but at soon as I reached my car at the end of my shift, I had only one destination in mind: the grocery store. I went into the "trance." I bought a bag of hickory sticks, old Dutch ketchup chips, and smart food popcorn, along with a bag of Spitz. I ate half of each bag. My face is hot and swollen and my brain feels foggy. Not only am I exhausted, but now I am sick and exhausted.

I don't know how to stop needing to escape into salty foods. I've tried meditation, exercise, making all my meals for the week and freezing them... I quit smoking a year ago and I rarely drink. I don't want any crutches. But this one won't leave me in peace.


  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    I was thinking the same thing. If we were to post for every 5 days we didn't binge and ad it up? Keep ourselves accountable! Or everyday.

    I'm the same as you. I gave up smoking a year ago and haven't drank since Christmas, have no interest in alcohol but it feels like food has taken over my life and I've lost all control
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    I've seen people keep thread journals, do what you think will help you. It's helped my keep a blog on my wall, it's nice to see encouraging comments or tips, suggestions, etc. Keep fighting the good fight!
  • ShmeaShmea
    ShmeaShmea Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks ladies. I've since finished the rest of my hoard, so tomorrow will be Day 1 since a binge. I intended to post here only when I binge, but I realize that is not very optimistic and probably counterproductive. I like the idea of a 5 day update, and wall blogging. :)

    Edit: Congrats Sarah, for quitting smoking!! When I'm feeling down I remind myself of that accomplishment.