Day 13 done...goodbye week two

Pure Cardio has now become one of my favourite and I am pretty much able to push all the way through. Cardio abs will take some getting used to but it is a really good Ab work out none the less. I am a bit of a fan of standard crunches so I do kinda miss those but variety is always good.

Stupidly I made the mistake of not doing the fit test the 1st time round, so I won't know exactly how much I've improved :( but I can tell I have so i'll be sure to record Monday's results.

Happy day 13 & enjoy your well deserved rest day xx


  • littlecely
    littlecely Posts: 45 Member
    Great job on finishing week 2! I just finished and I'm not as fond of Pure Cardio but I do feel I've improved. Cardio Abs was a bit of a challenge but I liked it. Looking forward to our second fit test to see if I've improved at least a little. At least I can do some push-ups now! :glasses: :bigsmile:
  • mummybabyjojo
    mummybabyjojo Posts: 87 Member
    We're half way through month one!!! well done everyone!

    I hated today! Pure cardio and me are not friends.. and cardio abs really hurt lol I'm dreading next week already..

    Bring on the fit test though I hope I have improved.. I feel stronger so fingers crossed it will go okay!

    Good luck on Monday everyone and enjoy your well deserved rest day tomorrow :-)
  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 334 Member
    Wooohooo!! Week 2 is done!!!

    I've noticed a lot of improvement! Still not 100%, but I have a feeling I could go through it twice and not be 100%.

    I have to say Tanya is a total BEAST!!! She kicks butt in all the videos!!!

    Lovin' Insanity today!!!

    Enjoy your rest day folks!! Monday comes quicker than you expect!
  • MountainMoverJosh
    I will be doing Pure Cardio tonight. I did Plyometrics this morning, as it is one workout from the first week. I compromised on Cardio abs and did the Ab Circuit at Planet Fitness. It was about 12 minutes, and I still got a good ab workout. That C-Sit position is very hard for me to maintain, as I pulled my back about 6 years ago, and it is not as it once was. As in any ab workout, if you feel it more in your back and your form is right, then it shouldn't be done. I know that the Cardio Abs has more "cardio" in it, but it is accessory.

    I will be taking Sunday off, and doing the Fitness Test #2 on Monday morning. I am also using Monday to fit in another workout from week 1.

    Kick *kitten*!!
  • Artificer22
    Artificer22 Posts: 68 Member
    Week 2 done. Awesome job everyone. I hurt so bad right now, im glad its a day off tomorrow.
  • MountainMoverJosh

    I hated today! Pure cardio and me are not friends.. and cardio abs really hurt lol I'm dreading next week already..

    When doing ab workouts, most athletic trainers will tell you to not start counting until it starts to burn. That way, you know your muscles are getting the workout they need. I can recommend trying to push through when that burn comes, and keep going for about 5-10 seconds before relieving yourself of the burn. Go that extra mile and it WILL pay off.
  • NyxButterfly
    NyxButterfly Posts: 88 Member
    Did Cardio Power and Resistance today! Tomorrow, since I took my "Sunday" on Wednesday, I'll be doing Cardio Circuit and Abs. I'm getting better and my stamina's getting better bit by bit. My only complaint is that Shaun T. just LOVES abusing my thighs with squats and lunges! @-@ Though, these ARE the exercises that tone the thighs and bum area so I keep reminding myself I'll have lovely legs for all the pain! XD

    Monday I'll be back on track with everyone!
  • MizMouRin
    MizMouRin Posts: 52
    Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs Complete.. I wasn't 100% today on either one :-S and cardio abs totally kicked my butt.. ive had better days