Day 1 (30DS challenge)

dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
Let's start! Check in here once you complete the workout or to just talk about how you are doing.

I'm a little nervous to start and I probably won't use weights and I know I won't be about to do all the cardio, but I will try. I also don't want to go to hard cause I still want to be able to walk up the stairs and sit on the toilet. Haha.



  • dani_ban
    dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
    I did it!!!!!

    I didn't use weights and Anita was my best friend. Haha

    Is it sad that chest flies without weights was my favorite part of the workout.

    I'm going to celebrate when I can touch my toes at the end of the workout for the stretches!

  • kelscastle
    I just finished! Wow I watched it last night and said to myself....that doesn't look too tough! Hahaha after nearly 9 months of inactivity boy was I wrong! I'm not discouraged though. I know I'll be able to keep up. I think the most uncomfortable exercise was the jumping boobs do not like to be bouncing around while full of milk. Note to self: pump before the workout! I wonder how many calories it is? And one more thing, is it just me or do those women get up from the floor really fast! I remember I could do it without hands! Now I feel like an old lady haha. We will see how I do tomorrow. Oh! I also did it without weights but I grabbed 2 big bottles of Burt's bees baby shampoo and used those for the chest flys mad dumbbell rows. I figure they are about 2 pounds or less :)
  • yellifish
    yellifish Posts: 15
    Just finished and I'm exhausted. It kicked my butt! I used dumbbells only a few times then once I felt I couldn't do it I'd put them down and do the exercise without.

    I read to just put the workout under circuit training - general.
  • dani_ban
    dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
    Last year when I did this I had a heart rate monitor chest strap with a watch and I burned 200 calories.

    My note to self is to make sure to go pee and have an empty bladder before working out. Hopefully I don't have a weak bladder my whole life.

  • jtmt21
    jtmt21 Posts: 39
    Done with some modifications for the impact cardio and abs.
  • clee13mfp
    clee13mfp Posts: 8 Member
    I did it! I did have to stop once about halfway through to feed LO, though. I don't think I would have started it again if I didn't want to keep up with you ladies. I did almost all with modifications this time, hopefully I'll see some changes in the next 9 days. I'm excited to see how everyone does! :)
  • dani_ban
    dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
    Congratulations everyone! We made it past day one. I'm so proud of you ladies.

  • clee13mfp
    clee13mfp Posts: 8 Member
    You too! I'm surprised I'm actually excited for day 2. I definitely wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have all of you to join!
  • ecu_jules
    ecu_jules Posts: 35 Member
    I got it done this morning, but just got to MFP! I was better than I thought with the cardio intervals, but definitely had to drop the weights for several rounds. Hopefully I won't be too sore since I tried to not overdo it.

    Good job everyone!

    BTW, I did pump right before and it still hurt my chest.
  • julybuckeye
    First Day Fail!! After multiple attempts my country internet just couldn't stream the video via YouTube! I was so disappointed! I'm probably going to order from Amazon if I can't make it to the store tomorrow! Will start ASAP!
  • cmann1988
    cmann1988 Posts: 38
    I did it! DH tended to kids so I could focus. Kicked my butt, paused a few times but not longer than 5 seconds like she said. Did the calorie calculation off her site and got 171 calories burned, logged as Circuit training. Whew. Now to tend to the jambalaya! :)
  • cmann1988
    cmann1988 Posts: 38
    Oh yeah, and I held my boobs with my hands during the jumping parts Haha.
  • yellifish
    yellifish Posts: 15
    Lol I held my boobs too
  • SHenn84
    SHenn84 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Ladies!!

    I actually started the 30 day shred on Monday. I didn't know there was going to be a group for it, so I'll tell you about my experience so far. I'm on day 6 and it's been really challenging, but it's getting easier!!! Some advice, your legs are probably going to kill you (mine were day 2 and 3) I know this sounds crazy, but continue doing the exercises; your legs will really hurt but I think it's worse to not continue the workout. I'm trying to watch my calories and I've cut back to 1400/day. I've also been trying to do JM banish fat boost metab workout. I've done it twice this week. It's really hard, but I feel great after. LO's needing some attention, so I'll check back later. And I think I've lost 2lbs so far!! yay! :smile: