New to Atkins..How much have you lost?

Lori0534 Posts: 208 Member
Hi! I am 31 years old, 5'2", and started at 143 on Monday. I am down 4.5 lbs as of this morning!!! I know it is fluid, but how much should I expect to lose on induction following perfectly? I am also doing 30 to 45 minutes of aerobics 30 - 45 minutes a week.


  • Pennben
    Pennben Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Lori,

    My personal loss on the two week induction was 9 lbs. Thereafter, I've been doing a modified induction keeping carbs near 20g/day but added back almonds and dark chocolate as snacks.

    If you look at the January Challenge thread down a bit in this group, you can see a real time development of weightloss with lots of folks on induction. Also, please join the February Challenge thread if you want to keep tabs on yourself and others.
  • Lori0534
    Lori0534 Posts: 208 Member
  • I lost 16 in January (started on the 7th).

    Big stall on 3rd week and now I've been teetering all around my current number. It slowed down a lot or my body is re-adjusting. I'll be happy if lose at least a pound by next Monday. Although exercise isn't a necessity, I haven't been able to do it lately so that's not helping, either.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Last year, when I started low-carb, my highest weight (that I allowed myself to write down) was 218. I had about a 6 month lapse where I had convinced myself that I could eat better, and still have my carbs. My stomach does not agree...apparently a gluten sensitivity. Anyway, altogether, from day one, I've lost 21 pounds...nine-ish since January 14 of this year.
  • Fightin2GetFit
    Fightin2GetFit Posts: 69 Member
    10 lbs down in 3 weeks so far. Not as much as I hoped for. I suppose slow & steady wins the race. I hope to reach my goal weight of 135 lbs within the next 12 months. I currently weigh 222 and am 30 years old. I'm looking for friends who are also low carbers as well if anyone is interested. :)
  • JaimeLaRae
    JaimeLaRae Posts: 279 Member
    I'm doing the 21 DSD for the second time, which is also low carb. I lost 9 lbs in 3 weeks, took a week off & restarted on Monday. I'm back where I was at the end of my first 21 days. I started on Jan. 6th. Good luck to you & keep up the great work!!!
  • eemott
    eemott Posts: 46 Member
    I lost 9 lbs in the first two weeks. I didn't get to the gym as much as I wanted too...maybe about 2x a week. I also ate Atkins bars and shakes, if that interests you. Some people recommend against them, but they help me stay on track so if I can lose an average of 4.5 lbs a week and still have the Atkins 'treats,' I'm happy. Good luck!
  • Serenityshores
    Serenityshores Posts: 16 Member
    I have been on Atkins Induction for 8 weeks and have lost 30lbs. I believe that being so big which was 352lbs really came off easy. Not exercising yet but will begin walking in a month or so.
  • I started low carbing it on Saturday and I'm down 6lbs. I know its water weight, so I'm also keeping track of my measurements to help motivate me. I'm also a vegetarian, but I still make it work. So far I have been to keep my carb intake to below 20 carbs a day.
  • Started on this project Jan 2012......After 2 years and almost 2 months and down 250 lbs. I am proof that it does work....another 50-75 to go but believe that it can happen now.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Started on this project Jan 2012......After 2 years and almost 2 months and down 250 lbs. I am proof that it does work....another 50-75 to go but believe that it can happen now.

    That's awesome progress! Way to go!
  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 127 Member
    so ... for my first week of "indtuction" I lost 9.5 lbs.
    I keep saying its water weight...... but I hear that's a good thing because that means my body doesn't need to hold on to all the water, and its processing all the protein, YES???

    all I know is that I am having a decent time with it. I still would love a HUGE piece of pizza. I did buy some cauliflower to make a pizza crust with ,,, yes, I am that desperate!! LOL
  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 127 Member
    Started on this project Jan 2012......After 2 years and almost 2 months and down 250 lbs. I am proof that it does work....another 50-75 to go but believe that it can happen now.

    THATS AWESOME! I have 90 to go... but I just started. Good to know that it works in real life, not just in the books! :0
  • I started on February 18 and I have lost 15 pounds as of this morning. The carb cravings are gone and I am not really all that hungry anymore. I have to really make it a concerted effort to eat meals. Hah! Who ever though I would say that?
  • jamm2000
    jamm2000 Posts: 79
    I started on February 18 and I have lost 15 pounds as of this morning. The carb cravings are gone and I am not really all that hungry anymore. I have to really make it a concerted effort to eat meals. Hah! Who ever though I would say that?

    Hey! We started on the same day! Great job! As of this morning I am down 13.8 lbs. Good luck in March.
  • That is awesome, 13.8! Feels like a good start doesn't it? Just trying to figure out how to get the hang of this without getting bored.

    Good luck!! I'll be watching for you. :happy:
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    I did Atkins a few years back and had to stop due to a bunch of personal drama going on BUT I started on the 4th of July and by December 1st I had lost 89 pounds.

    But I had SO much to lose that I stayed in induction....
    I am back at it now for about a week now but I vowed to not weigh again until April 1st so I don't know how it's going so far but I will be sure to update when I weigh.