Week 2 Weigh In

Hey guys, so this first week is over, excited to see how everybody did :)

Post your weight / measurements to track your progress!


  • discobarbie1971
    discobarbie1971 Posts: 55 Member
    Loving this group it's keeping me focussed

    Today's weight 248lbs/112.5 kg Loss of 2lbs/0.9kg

    Chest. 128cm loss of 4cm
    Waist 107cm/42" no change
    Hips. 121.5cm loss of 1.5cm
    Bicep 37cm/14.5" no change
    Thigh 61cm loss of 1cm
    Calf. 42cm loss of 1cm

    happy with my start ????
  • kodji67
    kodji67 Posts: 41 Member
    Here is my progress! Funny my lopsided thighs seem to be evening up, I gained in the smaller one! They look better to me so I am surprised, but maybe it's just less fat and more muscle, which is what I'm trying for :)

    Weight: 132 lbs (-2)
    Bust: 35 "
    Waist: 29.75 (-.25)
    Hips: 37 (-.5)
    Thighs: 22 (+.5) and 22.5
    Arms: 11 and 11

    And for my metric friends:
    Weight: 59.9 kg (-.9)
    Bust: 89 cm
    Waist: 75.6 (-.6)
    Hips: 94 (-1.3)
    Thighs: 56 (+1.3) and 57
    Arms: 28
  • Sandralyna
    That first week was a really good week for me since I broke my plateau of almost 2 weeks !

    Current weight: 115,5 lbs/ 52,4 kg

    Its a loss of 2,2 pounds/ 1 kg which im really happy of ! Only 5,5 lbs to go since i reach my goal weight of 110 lbs/ 50 kg !

    I didnt take my measurement because i think that in one week it wouldnt have changed that much, even tho i can definitely see some change in the mirror. I might take them next week !

    Karen and Jodi im happy to see that this first has been great for you too :)
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    I had better composition last week 119.2 lbs. 23.3% body fat..

    Today 118.4 lbs. 25.4% body fat

    It seem to me I lost water and Tanita scale is sensible to levels of hydration.
  • AllisonAugustyn
    AllisonAugustyn Posts: 17 Member
    Well, I gained a pound (157 lbs). But I just tried on an old skirt I wore a month ago and it's too loose now. So...yeah. Also, had a bad week with socializing, eating out, the first drinks I've had in almost a month. I'm back on track to cut out the booze and sugar this week.
  • Skinny59Bitch
    Congratulations on breaking the plateau, must have been frustrating but persisting has obviously paid off!
  • Skinny59Bitch
    Well, I gained a pound (157 lbs). But I just tried on an old skirt I wore a month ago and it's too loose now. So...yeah. Also, had a bad week with socializing, eating out, the first drinks I've had in almost a month. I'm back on track to cut out the booze and sugar this week.

    I did the same, even though I was spot on with my exercise, my diet was a disaster 4 days out of 7. I am now back on track and hopefully next week will be better for us :)
  • Skinny59Bitch
    So this week has been pretty horrific in terms of diet, but exercise-wise spot on. The scales haven't bulged but at least I haven't put on any weight (which surprises me given the fact that 4 days out of 7 I had double my daily allowance...)

    Hopefully next week will show some improvement. For now, let's try to hit that 2000 calorie mark for the first challenge :D

    Current Weight: 58 kg

    Body Fat: 24.3 %

    Water: 55 %

    BMI: 22.2
  • Jmcbryan570
    Jmcbryan570 Posts: 32 Member
    I'll be reporting weight and measurements tomorrow, I was on my feet all day at work and running around like a mad woman. Think I'm dehydrated because I can't get enough water right now. Don't want to give a false number.. Not expecting a weight change because either my diet's a disaster and my exercise is spot on or my diet's spot on and my exercise gets put on the wayside.

    Being part of this group and seeing other's successes reminds me that is all about consistency.

    CHEERS to all you that posted positive changes.
  • CocoLaMocha
    Congratulations to everyone!! :drinker: You're all doing soo good. Keep up the good work. I will be weighing myself next week, for my mental sanity, and also because I weight tends to fluctuate a lot and I don't want to be discouraged. I am still hitting the gym 3-4x a week, and watching what I eat, hopefully this week as well.
  • jobell2355
    jobell2355 Posts: 49 Member
    I forgot to check in yesterday. Everyone is doing so well. So glad I joined this group. As of yesterday I am down 1.5 lbs but more importantly I've lost an inch off my bust, an inch off my waist, 1/2 inch off my thighs 1/2 inch off my hips and 1/4 inch off my arms. Keep it up everyone. Together we will all get there!
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Down 2.2 lbs, that was from a few days ago as it is the time of the month and I don't dare step on the scale.
  • Jmcbryan570
    Jmcbryan570 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm promising myself a weigh in and measurement check tomorrow. Starting to wonder if my starting weight was off because I'm definitely watching my intake and working out more. But the scale went up? So frustrating. Maybe I was dehydrated on day one. ARG. Might just give myself a 'new' starting weight since it's been pretty consistent the past 3 mornings.