


  • I am new to Paleo, just starting this week to be honest. I am hoping it will help with some health issues including leaky gut and candida, and hoping it will help with some weight loss too :D. I'm glad I found this board and that others are still enjoying a glass of wine while on Paleo. I think I will try to limit my wine to just weekends Friday - Saturday night with a limit of 2 glasses. I love my wine and find it hard to stop sometimes but like someone else mentioned its the bad/poor food choices I make when I have had more then a glass of wine that cause me issue not the wine itself.
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    I'm a pretty big drinker and it definitely has an effect on weight-loss. For me it's mostly junk food I eat when I do drink though (even if it's Paleo, which often times it's not, I eat more than I should and need).
    I also tend to drink beer but I'm trying to steer clear and stick to whiskey-water or vodka-soda, with the odd glass of wine/beer.

    It may not seem Paleo enough for some here and some people might want to take away my "Paleo-badge", but in the end, this is a lifestyle for me and if I enjoy having a drink on the weekend, I'll have a drink on the weekend. It's all part of my 20%.

    With that said, if you're really looking to buckle down (hoping to lose a good chunk of weight or hoping to clear up some health issues), you're probably best trying to drop it for a month or so and see what your results are.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Any fellow Paleo people drink? And yes, I'm aware that alcohol is not really Paleo...but it's something I don't really want to give up. However, I'm finding lately that weight loss is not really happening...and thinking that is the culprit. I know what I have to do....just wondering if I'm the only drinker? What do you guys drink, how many drinks do you limit it to, etc?

    I've cut down a bit but I ****ing love beer. Plain and simple. I'm not going to quit altogether.
  • KendleX
    KendleX Posts: 275 Member
    I drink on weekends, it keeps me sane. ;) Vodka and Diet Sunkist Lemonade = 0 carbs. Although wine is pretty low cal also. Could you be eating more than you think once you drink?

    Need alcohol to "keep sane"? And with artificial sweeteners. Hmmm.....

    I get it because I've been there, done that when I was young and unhealthy, mentally and physically... but it doesn't fit as part of a healthy Primal/Paleo lifestyle.

    Ever tried vodka and club soda with a piece of lemon/lime or dash of fruit juice? I can't even get club soda where I live so it's just water and lemon or lime wedge.

    I really don't know what you are saying here. I was attempting some humor with the "keep sane" quote. And as a matter of fact I am very healthy, the best I have been in 15 years.

    I do drink on the weekends with artificial sweeteners and I am 5 years younger than you. It so happens to be my birthday today at a "young" age of 36 and I will celebrate with a glass of wine.

    I NEVER post pictures of myself without a shirt, but today is an exception. Today marks one year of my non healthy Primal/Paleo lifestyle progress pic.

  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    I drink on weekends, it keeps me sane. ;) Vodka and Diet Sunkist Lemonade = 0 carbs. Although wine is pretty low cal also. Could you be eating more than you think once you drink?

    Need alcohol to "keep sane"? And with artificial sweeteners. Hmmm.....

    I get it because I've been there, done that when I was young and unhealthy, mentally and physically... but it doesn't fit as part of a healthy Primal/Paleo lifestyle.

    Ever tried vodka and club soda with a piece of lemon/lime or dash of fruit juice? I can't even get club soda where I live so it's just water and lemon or lime wedge.

    Why does this come across judgy? If you eat Paleo 100% great for you but just because someone has artificial sweetener or alcohol does not make them unhealthy mentally or physically.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I drink on weekends, it keeps me sane. ;) Vodka and Diet Sunkist Lemonade = 0 carbs. Although wine is pretty low cal also. Could you be eating more than you think once you drink?

    Need alcohol to "keep sane"? And with artificial sweeteners. Hmmm.....

    I get it because I've been there, done that when I was young and unhealthy, mentally and physically... but it doesn't fit as part of a healthy Primal/Paleo lifestyle.

    Ever tried vodka and club soda with a piece of lemon/lime or dash of fruit juice? I can't even get club soda where I live so it's just water and lemon or lime wedge.

    Why does this come across judgy? If you eat Paleo 100% great for you but just because someone has artificial sweetener or alcohol does not make them unhealthy mentally or physically.

    It comes across as judgy, because it is. Someone has a big chip on their shoulder and a condescending attitude.
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    Amazing trans-formative pictures- thanks for sharing! You should definitely be comfortable going shirtless this summer.

    It was judgy, I come here to hopefully learn and not be judged.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I'm in the same boat!! I still drink red wine. I drink around 4 nights a week. I usually have two glasses...sometimes just 10 oz. but somtimes 15 oz. LOL. Depends on how big my glasses are. :)

    this is me too...about 3 nights a week on average, and not to get drunk, just 1 or 2 glasses to unwind....but agreed If i stopped with the wine it may help my goals, but its my ONLY indulgence :sad:
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I drink on weekends, it keeps me sane. ;) Vodka and Diet Sunkist Lemonade = 0 carbs. Although wine is pretty low cal also. Could you be eating more than you think once you drink?

    Need alcohol to "keep sane"? And with artificial sweeteners. Hmmm.....

    I get it because I've been there, done that when I was young and unhealthy, mentally and physically... but it doesn't fit as part of a healthy Primal/Paleo lifestyle.

    Ever tried vodka and club soda with a piece of lemon/lime or dash of fruit juice? I can't even get club soda where I live so it's just water and lemon or lime wedge.

    I really don't know what you are saying here. I was attempting some humor with the "keep sane" quote. And as a matter of fact I am very healthy, the best I have been in 15 years.

    I do drink on the weekends with artificial sweeteners and I am 5 years younger than you. It so happens to be my birthday today at a "young" age of 36 and I will celebrate with a glass of wine.

    I NEVER post pictures of myself without a shirt, but today is an exception. Today marks one year of my non healthy Primal/Paleo lifestyle progress pic.


    My apologies. I don't know you and I've been in here over a year and a half... and due to the lack of physical presence and body language, I took you literally. If you were literally drinking to "stay sane" that is an unhealthy attitude. I live in the Arctic and have all my life so I do see that used as a justification for drinking to excess (and having no money for food, and abusing one's family..). I'm also coming from a place of once having a very unhealthy reliance on alcohol, self medicating, using it to socialize etc.. I still have to watch myself. And yeah, I'm old, I guess.

    I too like a glass of wine on occasion. In fact I just ordered in a case since I can't buy any locally.

    I only comment on the artificial sweeteners as it generally isn't something considered healthy by those of our lifestyle. Of all the cheats and treats I can't really understand keeping it, but that's my personal opinion.

    Great progress!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I drink on weekends, it keeps me sane. ;) Vodka and Diet Sunkist Lemonade = 0 carbs. Although wine is pretty low cal also. Could you be eating more than you think once you drink?

    Need alcohol to "keep sane"? And with artificial sweeteners. Hmmm.....

    I get it because I've been there, done that when I was young and unhealthy, mentally and physically... but it doesn't fit as part of a healthy Primal/Paleo lifestyle.

    Ever tried vodka and club soda with a piece of lemon/lime or dash of fruit juice? I can't even get club soda where I live so it's just water and lemon or lime wedge.

    Why does this come across judgy? If you eat Paleo 100% great for you but just because someone has artificial sweetener or alcohol does not make them unhealthy mentally or physically.

    It comes across as judgy, because it is. Someone has a big chip on their shoulder and a condescending attitude.

    Wow, thanks. I say it as I see it. I don't walk on eggshells. Did you read the part where I admit to "been there, done that" in reference to an unhealthy relationship with alcohol? As it turns out the person was joking, but I've never seen them in this forum before (I've been here about 20 months...) so I took it literally. My bad.

    Everyone will make their own choices, and that's great. However, I will continue to point out things that aren't Primal/Paleo in the Paleo forum. It's my opinion, and honestly, it's pretty confusing for newcomers when they hearsomething isn't healthy and isn't Paleo but then see a lot of us eating it anyway, and justifying it.

    (Is this not the Paleo forum anymore? Because my Paleo views are sure ruffling feathers alot suddenly! I'm opinionated and passionate about this lifestyle and nothing I say is PERSONAL. Disagreeing, advising, challenging, questioning etc does not constitute a personal attack.)
  • KendleX
    KendleX Posts: 275 Member
    Back to topic... if I do drink it is either Vodka or Wine.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member


    Wow, what a difference! It's nice to see progress pics.
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    Alcohol was a question, some might not be perfect princess paleo 99% you. The way you type comes off *kitten* *kitten* sometimes.

    Geez, guys.....this is a SUPPORT group. Coming to this thread, not knowing anyone, and having no preconceived ideas, ya'll are being way too hard on this girl. She just shared her opinions about alcohol vs paleo and never claimed to be "perfect princess paleo"....she even admitted to drinking wine occasionally. Give the girl a break.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Alcohol was a question, some might not be perfect princess paleo 99% you. The way you type comes off *kitten* *kitten* sometimes.

    Geez, guys.....this is a SUPPORT group. Coming to this thread, not knowing anyone, and having no preconceived ideas, ya'll are being way too hard on this girl. She just shared her opinions about alcohol vs paleo and never claimed to be "perfect princess paleo"....she even admitted to drinking wine occasionally. Give the girl a break.

    I had to create a new account because of judgement and ridicule in other mainstream forums, and If this is what this forum is shaping into, sayonara!! When I was in this forum before, I appreciated the help and honesty from many of you, otherwise i wouldn't have asked! *Sigh*
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I drink on weekends, it keeps me sane. ;) Vodka and Diet Sunkist Lemonade = 0 carbs. Although wine is pretty low cal also. Could you be eating more than you think once you drink?

    Need alcohol to "keep sane"? And with artificial sweeteners. Hmmm.....

    I get it because I've been there, done that when I was young and unhealthy, mentally and physically... but it doesn't fit as part of a healthy Primal/Paleo lifestyle.

    Ever tried vodka and club soda with a piece of lemon/lime or dash of fruit juice? I can't even get club soda where I live so it's just water and lemon or lime wedge.

    Why does this come across judgy? If you eat Paleo 100% great for you but just because someone has artificial sweetener or alcohol does not make them unhealthy mentally or physically.

    It comes across as judgy, because it is. Someone has a big chip on their shoulder and a condescending attitude.

    Wow, thanks. I say it as I see it. I don't walk on eggshells. Did you read the part where I admit to "been there, done that" in reference to an unhealthy relationship with alcohol? As it turns out the person was joking, but I've never seen them in this forum before (I've been here about 20 months...) so I took it literally. My bad.

    Everyone will make their own choices, and that's great. However, I will continue to point out things that aren't Primal/Paleo in the Paleo forum. It's my opinion, and honestly, it's pretty confusing for newcomers when they hearsomething isn't healthy and isn't Paleo but then see a lot of us eating it anyway, and justifying it.

    (Is this not the Paleo forum anymore? Because my Paleo views are sure ruffling feathers alot suddenly! I'm opinionated and passionate about this lifestyle and nothing I say is PERSONAL. Disagreeing, advising, challenging, questioning etc does not constitute a personal attack.)

    Alcohol was a question, some might not be perfect princess paleo 99% you. The way you type comes off *kitten* *kitten* sometimes.

    Did you miss reading the post where I apologize to you?

    Who said I was perfect? This is a PALEO forum and I often have strong PALEO views. That's why I am in the PALEO forum because I expect to be able to share my views and not walk on eggshells when I talk about the PALEO lifestyle. I am honest and I am blunt and I say it how I see it without resorting to calling people *kitten*, paleo princesses, or the like. Just because one does not agree with my views does not justify personal attacks and name-calling. Perhaps you are used to acting like that in the General forum?
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Alcohol was a question, some might not be perfect princess paleo 99% you. The way you type comes off *kitten* *kitten* sometimes.

    Geez, guys.....this is a SUPPORT group. Coming to this thread, not knowing anyone, and having no preconceived ideas, ya'll are being way too hard on this girl. She just shared her opinions about alcohol vs paleo and never claimed to be "perfect princess paleo"....she even admitted to drinking wine occasionally. Give the girl a break.

    I had to create a new account because of judgement and ridicule in other mainstream forums, and If this is what this forum is shaping into, sayonara!! When I was in this forum before, I appreciated the help and honesty from many of you, otherwise i wouldn't have asked! *Sigh*

    Yeah, the Paleo forum is the one place that I can usually talk openly about Paleo lifestyle. I am ALWAYS going to point out non Paleo info not to be "mean" but because it isn't inline with Paleo guidelines. It's not personal attack, it's clarification. Not everyone has been doing this for a long time and one of the complaints about Paleo is all the conflicting info! I never expect everyone to love me or agree with me; but stooping to personal attack and name calling because someone doesn't like what I have to say? I've never encountered that here until recently… I've been here 20 months and I'm not going away.
  • KendleX
    KendleX Posts: 275 Member
    I came in here to comment about Alcohol.... I was called out as "young and unhealthy, mentally and physically" by Akimajuktuq.

    Sorry folks, that is not how you guide newbies.

    I'll PM you Akimajuktuq, this thread should get back on topic.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Back to the main question, I do drink from time to time. I prefer wine. I drink white as red gives me a headache. My husband is in a band so I frequent establishments that don't serve wine, I go with vodka, club soda and lime (this take a little getting used to.) I steer clear of artificial sugars as it increases my appetite. If I had to choose between artificial sugars and regular pop, I would go with pop personally.