For today, Mar 3rd

GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
"It is when we try to make our will conform with God's that we begin to use it rightly." - Bill W.

"For today: To know what God would have me do is my first priority, for that knowledge smooths my path and frees me to live with energy and love"

I am grateful that my higher power is behind the wheel when it comes to my program. This allows me to focus on the day to day, earthy stuff and surrender this eating disorder to something bigger than myself, whether or not I believe in God in the biblical sense. Some people choose to surrender their disease to a group, or something tangible. I like that we can all choose a higher power of our understanding, it makes this program workable for me!



  • purplybob
    purplybob Posts: 51 Member
    That's good! My sponsor tells me all the time "Just do the next right thing". Everything else will be ok!
  • jellis2014
    This is so fitting as I decide what to give up for lent. I looked to God for direction and loud and clear He answered with a specific food group. My reaction was, No way! That'll be too hard. And immediately I knew it was the right thing because I too often run to the specific food group for comfort and strength when I need to be turning to God instead.

    I wonder if I'm afraid of failing or afraid of succeeding? My identity has been wrapped up in food and my weight for so long, it's hard to imagine who or what I'd be without those things.
  • NewMe1year
    That's good! My sponsor tells me all the time "Just do the next right thing". Everything else will be ok!

    I love this.... "Just do the NEXT right thing". Most of the time I feel like throwing in the towel and say "tomorrow" or "Monday" I will get back on track because of one (or multiple) poor choices. Saying to do the NEXT right thing sounds doable : ).
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    This is so fitting as I decide what to give up for lent. I looked to God for direction and loud and clear He answered with a specific food group. My reaction was, No way! That'll be too hard. And immediately I knew it was the right thing because I too often run to the specific food group for comfort and strength when I need to be turning to God instead.

    I wonder if I'm afraid of failing or afraid of succeeding? My identity has been wrapped up in food and my weight for so long, it's hard to imagine who or what I'd be without those things.

    Jellis, I struggled with the same thought process, about fear of success. I had a dream last night where i stood naked in front of a mirror and I was at a healthy weight and it terrified me. My family and friends were around me and were paying me compliments and although i knew that I looked good, i couldnt take all of the compliments. This is definitely something that I need to work on, I wouldn't want to carry this fear in my reality!
  • blackthrux
    blackthrux Posts: 58 Member
    I also have identified a fear of success as one of my "things". I don't know what to do about it and I don't have any words of wisdom for you, other than to say that you are not alone.