MadFrankie99 Posts: 46 Member
Hi all,

Let's post our daily workout notes, encouragements and fears on here...and maybe slightly berate those who don't press play ;-)

Most of all...FOCUS...


  • MelissaRettie
    MelissaRettie Posts: 48 Member
    So my workout note for DAY 1 CARDIO is that it was difficult for me! I tried all of the workouts without the modifier but ended up using the modifier as well. After the workout I threw up. Lol. It wasn't funny at the moment but that's what happened. :) So good luck to everyone! I wasn't looking forward to tomorrow's workouts but after reading other ppl's posts about DAY 1 I'm remaining positive!!
  • MadFrankie99
    MadFrankie99 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm actually a week ahead as I started last Monday so I can be your future selves...

    Cardio today - nailed it...

    Found it much easier than the first day, partly because I found myself a bit more familiar with the moves and I suppose partly because I've done a week of training and felt like I was getting back into the swing of it all...

    Keep going people, it does seem to get easier...
  • KaylaH1008
    KaylaH1008 Posts: 2 Member
    I am on Week 3 Day 2 tomorrow. The hardest for me so far has been Total Body. I can't do push-ups worth a hoot. Even from my knees. :( My husband finds that hard to believe, but it's actually true. Lol. But anyway, I'm trying!! So far I like it pretty well. I like having a set schedule to follow and I feel like I'm actually getting a workout. One thing I dislike is the punching moves where you have to jump around at the same time. I feel like a complete, uncoordinated idiot. Lol. But oh well. Overall, I like it better than 30 Day Shred which I had been doing previously.
  • Glad to be doing this with a group of people! Just finished speed 1.0. Great way to wake up!
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    Speed 1.0... day 2 for me... it was a nice way to work out... just need to get up bout 20minutes earlier so I dont have to rush getting ready for work after my work out... I did use the modifier on a few moves just so I can catch my breath... but I got through it..
  • Hey all,

    What exercise are you putting for Speed 1.0 in the exercise log? I'm a little stuck as to what to put in?

    Not that I have done it yet today lol, I plan on doing it when the kids go to bed in half hour.
  • moxy28
    moxy28 Posts: 103 Member
    I do believe it is still considered cardio, hope that helps! :)
  • It helps lol :D

    That is what I was thinking, I put yesterdays down as "Aerobics, high impact" for 222 Calories as they don't have T25 on the database :). Might get a heart rate monitor to see how much I actually burn. Would be nice to know lol
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    So far I've just been recording it as Aerobics, probably not accurate but its better than nothing. But I bought a HRM yesterday so I will try that out today and see what difference it makes. Unless doing Total Body Circuit kills me, then we'll never know lol
  • bradutah
    bradutah Posts: 25
    Hey Guys I love the motivation and accountability that has started on this challenge group. sorry that I have been absent but I have been put on a 16 hour work schedule so I will try to get on here as much as possible. Speed 1.0 is considered cardio I just did it with my heart rate monitor and I got 306 for the workout. I'm glad everybody is holding each other accountable. This program will see amazing results if you stick with it.
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    I'm already 600 grams down from when I started. Whether or not its the program or was just going to happen to come off now regardless, I'm happy :)
  • bradutah
    bradutah Posts: 25
    Great Job
  • MadFrankie99
    MadFrankie99 Posts: 46 Member
    Ok total body workout, I'm ready for you.

    <edit> done...damn I hate planks...
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    I've literally just finished it. WOW! HRM says 346 cals. I think I will feel great after a shower, but for now, I'm stuffed. Was good fun though
  • tigergem86
    tigergem86 Posts: 59 Member
    Yesterday i forgot to post but i did it in the morning. I usually cant get up in the morning to work out but then i say... Its only 25 minutes, just get it done and hop in the shower. It is so nice to have it out of the way.

    This morning was the Circuit and holy wow! all those planks and moving planks!!! That is my true weakness. Sure its hard jumping all the time but i feel like my legs are not as resistant to building muscle. my core and arms protest like no other. today they just gave out. Tonight when i go to the gym to run i think i will do some arm machines.
  • MadFrankie99
    MadFrankie99 Posts: 46 Member
    Well done to everyone who's kept it up so far, no matter how red their faces have got and how much they have thrown up!

    Just done week 2 - speed 1.0 - nailed it
  • Ab intervals is the hardest one for me. But like I said yesterday. T25 is a great way to start the day.
  • hbowserfit
    hbowserfit Posts: 9 Member
    Just heading downstairs to start Lower Focus, I really like that one!

    On week three and already my legs feel stronger.

    Did a quick couple miles on treadmill yesterday afternoon and breezed through it, so I am really noticing the overall positive effects of the cardio from T25 too!

    Way to go everyone sticking through the first week!
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    I haven't worked out yet today but I did last night before bed.. I did Total Body(day 3) It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be..I was a hot nasty mess once I finished... and was up all night since I had thing magic rush going on from my after work out high I guess.. I'm ready for todays work out... hoping I get home early to get it done before girl scouts and soccer..
  • I haven't really introduced myself or posted more than a couple of words. I did restart Alpha over on Monday but it is really my 5th week. I am very heavy and since I need to modify, I didn't think that elongating my alpha time would be anything but prudent. I can even do some not modified parts now (except with the ab workout). I like having the routine of getting up early and working out before anything else happens. My home is very small, so it is a time of day that I can monopolize the space. A couple of summers ago I did insanity (to the best of my ability) and I did all the work outside (literally wore out the grass). I am glad to be a part of a group and I cheer you all on as you move through the program!