Suggestions for At-Home Weight Training?

Reading through the posts on this group page the last couple of days has been so beneficial and is helping me learn immensely as I continue my weight loss journey.
I 5'5" and began at 201 at the beginning of the year. I'm now at 187.2! I'm on my way, but no where close to where I want to be quite yet.
I was one of those who thought that lots of cardio and 1200 calories a day was the way to lose weight. But, I have recently switched to using my BMR and TDEE to eat at a deficit while still maintaining a healthy number of calories, as well as tracking my macros.
Five days a week I do the Advocare Can You 24 - Next Level DVD, which incorporates cardio and bodyweight strength exercises.
I do some jogging, but lately it's only been 1-2 days/week because my schedule has been so crazy.
Anyway, I say all that to get to this. My goal is to burn fat and build/strengthen/tone muscle. I'd love to add weight training into my workout regimen, but have neither the time or money at the moment to get to a gym. Does anyone have any recommendations for an at-home weight training regimen? Preferably one that doesn't require the purchase of expensive equipment. I do have a bench and two sets of light dumbells, with the possibility of getting some dumbells at heavier weights.


  • Marie80brown
    Congrats on you weight loss so far. Working out at home is the only I have ever exercised. I don't know how everyone else feels about Beachbody products but i'm currently doing P90x3 following their Mass routine. The mass routine does little cardio and focuses more on weights. I would also recommend going to their are tons of articles and training routines available to beginners and its FREE. Who doesn't like free! Like you, when I first started I had 3 sets of light weights : 5-8-10 lbs. I went to a used sporting good store in my area and picked up some big girl weights :-) Much cheaper than buying new.

    I hoped I help
  • sarahorange55
    YouTube! lots of good excises on youtube that you can watch for free

    Also 2nd hand sounds like a plan - but also look at getting some kettlebells too then are great for swinging around and using so lots of different ways to so cover a multitude of exercises! get 8, 10 or 12 and use heavy for legs squats etc and lighter for arms! you can also use them for tummies too!
  • scoutfinchie
    scoutfinchie Posts: 39 Member
    Hi!I work out early in the morning and use Kelly Coffey Meyer "30 Minutes to Fitness" DVD's. I use 10-12-15 lb dumbells. You can find her DVD's on amazon and on or go to her website to watch previews of all of them.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    For me, Cathe Friedrich is the best. I do 100% of my workouts at home, have purchased just about every DVD out there, and hers are the only ones I use consistently. If you want to get a feeling for her style, has Daily Deals every day and you can keep an eye out for some great deals (she also has Coupon Codes). There are short video clips on all of her DVDs available to watch as well...

    I like her because she does not rush through the exercises and has perfect form (some other videos use a lot of momentum and just go too fast for me...) A great one to start out with is the Gym Style series of 3 DVDs. Slow & Heavy is another great one as is Muscle Max. XTrain also has 2 or 3 lifting DVDs as well.

    Certainly her STS series is the "Mac Daddy" and hands down the best investment ever, if you end up liking her - it is always rotated through her Daily Deal cycle, and you can usually find the whole 36 DVD series on sale for like $130 of you keep an eye on her site...
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    As a step before Cathe (above) many people use Chalene Johnson's ChaLEAN Extreme. It is a very nice lifting workout, progressive, and nice and controlled.

    Month 1 - Burn - There are 3 lifting DVDs that you rotate (once through each per week), lifting between 10-12 reps
    Month 2 - Push - this is lifting between 6 - 8 reps, really focusing on lifting heavy
    Month 3 - Lean - Back to 10-12 reps, but tougher than Burn (not really in the amount of weight lifted, more in the combination of moves)

    I really like Chalene's peppy-ness (she is the turbofire lady, although that workout series is not what you are looking for here).

  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    bump for later