Not your Mother's Crunches!

moxy28 Posts: 103 Member
Just finished the abs workout day 4! And I never sweat so much doing abs lol! Loved it! Great workout! Let me know what you guys thought! Keep up the good work guys! ;)


  • MadFrankie99
    MadFrankie99 Posts: 46 Member
    It was the only workout in the first week that had my muscles trembling. I hated it when he was in the V and said 'now lets take it up a notch'!

    I found myself swearing at him quite a lot...
  • moxy28
    moxy28 Posts: 103 Member
    LOL! Right! I don't know what letter mine was but not a V for sure! ;)
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    I'm super ready to get off work and do this work out now....
    I can't wait till monday when I'm able to get up at 4:30am to work out...
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    It was the only workout in the first week that had my muscles trembling. I hated it when he was in the V and said 'now lets take it up a notch'!

    I found myself swearing at him quite a lot...

    YES!! This was me too, a trembling swearing V lol I can certainly feel it this morning.
  • runningkathy
    runningkathy Posts: 11 Member
    Yep. This was a killer. And I was hoping it would be easier than P90x abs. HAHAHAHAHHA no. :)
  • MelissaRettie
    MelissaRettie Posts: 48 Member
    LOL! Right! I don't know what letter mine was but not a V for sure! ;)

    You're so funny!! I think I probably looked more like a "W."
  • MelissaRettie
    MelissaRettie Posts: 48 Member
    I felt great after doing today's workout!! I was expecting only crunches and planks....imagine my surprise!
  • It was the only workout in the first week that had my muscles trembling. I hated it when he was in the V and said 'now lets take it up a notch'!

    I found myself swearing at him quite a lot...

    Hahaha same here, I think we all must have had the same "are you f**king kidding me" moment :P I know I had it a few times in this one :D

    But at least we ALL will have something to show for it in the end!
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    I did this before bed last night... I thought I was going to cry at times but I pushed through it.. I had a few choice words for Shaun T last night and they were not pretty... I really have a love hate thing going on with him... I have done P90x Ab ripper before and this is right there with it...
  • tigergem86
    tigergem86 Posts: 59 Member
    This was my favorite workout! my V's looked more like a U lol... the supermans were my absolute favorite! I may just have to do those everyday!!! :) I made some of the funniest faces while doing it, almost swore but couldnt speak
  • cshaw6482
    cshaw6482 Posts: 7 Member
    Does anyone know of an alternative to V sit? I had back labor with my 2nd child and just cannot stand the pressure this puts on my lower back. Love the other work outs though :)
  • MadFrankie99
    MadFrankie99 Posts: 46 Member
    Does anyone know of an alternative to V sit? I had back labor with my 2nd child and just cannot stand the pressure this puts on my lower back. Love the other work outs though :)

    Have you got a swiss ball? I'm sure you could do similar ranging movements on there rather than on the floor, and with the ball supporting your back a bit more.
  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    Love the ab workout!!!!