Day 6 (30 DS challenge)

dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
Lets get shredding!!


  • cmann1988
    cmann1988 Posts: 38
    Got to minute 21 before LO wouldn't sit in the swing any longer. Tough but feeling good!!
  • ebrady913
    ebrady913 Posts: 12 Member
    DS let me make it to the last ab circuit so I missed that sand the cool down. Since this is my day 2, I am feeling a bit sore but having my mat out helped lots!!!
  • jtmt21
    jtmt21 Posts: 39
    My SIL came and watched LO when I worked out and showered. I feel spoiled. This workout and my LO have taught me that my long days at the gym are a thing of the past. Quick and intense from now on!
  • dani_ban
    dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
    I shredded today! I'm not feeling well. My sinuses are killing me. I think all the commotion from my first week back at work has worn me out!

    I sooooo didn't want to workout today, but I did. I actually felt a little better afterwards.

    Life is so hectic with two kids! But I'm so determined to get this weight off.

    We are over half way done with level one!

    Ebrady- continue to check in with us, even though your on a different day! We want to encourage you too!

  • yellifish
    yellifish Posts: 15
    I still haven't done it and I feel so lazy. Not to mention LO is so fussy. I want to do it but at the same time I just wanna go lay in bed abd cuddle with him. If I fail to do it within the next 15 mins. I'll do it twice tomorrow, in the morning then at night again.

    ETA: I have to do it! After LO gets off the boob I'll get off the couch and shred!
  • yellifish
    yellifish Posts: 15
    Finished! 2 minutes before midnight :)
  • jtmt21
    jtmt21 Posts: 39
    Nice job Yellifish! I totally get not wanting to do it! Then once you get started, it is all good.