Day 5 (30DS Challenge)

dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
I think my soreness has finally gone away....I think I'm going to work a little harder today during the workout! Good luck to everyone today.

Lets get our SHRED on!!!!


  • dani_ban
    dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
    I shredded!!! I actually made it through all the bicycle crunches....I feel like I'm getting better at not stopping so much. :smile:

    Sending sleepy, good napping baby vibes your way today!!

  • cmann1988
    cmann1988 Posts: 38
    You go girl! Not enough sleep for me last night but I'm going to see what I can do tonight after DH gets home...
  • jtmt21
    jtmt21 Posts: 39
    Done. :)

    Does anyone else hate it when Jillian calls Anita, "buddy?" It drives me nuts!
  • ecu_jules
    ecu_jules Posts: 35 Member

    LO was much happier today!

    I started turning down video volume and just playing music on my tablet BC it annoys me too.
  • yellifish
    yellifish Posts: 15
    Done :)
  • ebrady913
    ebrady913 Posts: 12 Member
    So technically this is Day 1 for me though I started the 30 DS before so I know the routine. I'm not super religious but (yesterday) was Ash Wednesday which marks the start of Lent so I thought I'd take on working out since I've never successfully given anything up... The workout was definitely hard- I followed Anita for most of it (and Jillian Michaels drives me a bit crazy...) but the worst part was I forgot to get my mat so my knees and back had some trouble. I also CANNOT do even the modified push-ups for the life of me...
  • cmann1988
    cmann1988 Posts: 38
    okay, did a 20 minute workout similar to 30 day shred on Hulu. My computer was blocked by my sons train tracks :-) the workout probably wasn't quite as intense but I was super tired so I'm glad I was able to do anything at all! Slept better last night so should be able to shred today.
  • SHenn84
    SHenn84 Posts: 9 Member
    She drives me nuts. I now turn the volume down and crank up Pandora. It makes the workout go so much faster. I am so tired and don't feel like working out today, but I will push myself later.
  • dani_ban
    dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
    Yeah Jillian drives me crazy. "chop chop ladies" "isn't it buddy" "I could always just a good chest fly in my life" I also turn on music and turn her on low.
  • jtmt21
    jtmt21 Posts: 39
    That and "they don't even cheat when I'm not looking." Correct because they are being filmed and are jacked!