Day 7 (30 DS Challenge)

ecu_jules Posts: 35 Member
Confession time! I missed day 6:( I had a hurt knee yesterday and spent the day icing and on ibuprofen. The funny thing is that it wasn't even from exercise! I was sitting up in the bed early in the morning to nurse and felt it twist.I figured it would feel better once I go up and moved around but nope. So i got hurt lying in bed...yep, that's me...and carrying the lo is a pain with a bum leg!

Today is much better and I have already shredded! I had to replace most of then cardio with punches but everything else was fine and I worked extra hard;) I will double up one day this weekend if my knee feels better.

Good luck with your workouts


  • cmann1988
    cmann1988 Posts: 38
    You go girl. I was able to do it today already also. LO & DS cooperated! DS even did it with me a little (he's 4).
  • jtmt21
    jtmt21 Posts: 39
    Planning on a rest day today. I think 1 a week is important. This way I will be rested for the weekend and hopefully able to hit it harder when dh is home to watch LO. :)
  • dani_ban
    dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
    I shredded early this morning. I had to take DS to the doctor's today to check on his tubes in his ears so I knew I wouldn't have any other time today. I was glad to get it out of the way.

    I have a full blown sinus infection and I'm miserable!! But, I'm going to push through and keep up on shredding.


    I hope your knee feels better. Hurting your knee laying down, sounds like something I would do too. I run into walls and doors all the time. Glad you were able to shred today.

  • yellifish
    yellifish Posts: 15
    Not doing it today. I worked then had to pick up LO at the in-laws then came home to pump then made dinner and yeah now I'm too full to exercise. We'll see what happens tomorrow since I work again then going to the BIL's house...

    ETA: I'm feeding LO at the moment too.