QUICK recipes for the daily chaos?

Kaitlyn811 Posts: 49 Member
Just looking to get some REALLY quick (and preferably affordable) dinner/meal recipes?

Unfortunately I live with family, they do not eat paleo. I cook a separate dinner for them, and then myself. I'd love to make meals that could be my lunch for the next day.

Any ideas?



  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I do big cook ups on the weekend and have left overs carry me through most of the week.

    I make my child eat Paleo too. It's best for her health and her behaviour has improved as a result.

    I cook the same things for her but occasionally boil up a few potatoes or do a pot of rice. I don't mind adding things but I will not make separate meals for other people when how I eat is healthy for everyone. Other adults can prepare the things they want in addition if they so desire. (Caveat: I'm single so.... but a friend visits occasionally and he seems to love the Paleo food.)

    Quick things: bake any meat in the oven. Serve salad or steamed vegetables as sides. Cook rice or potatoes as another side. I make sauces and stir fries but I never mix in things I don't eat. The dish can always be served on a bed of rice or noodles if so desired by others.
  • each_day_stronger
    each_day_stronger Posts: 192 Member
    So here's my ultimate laziness meal. Sausages (or stirfried ground meat) Plus frozen veggies (usually broccoli) that I have roasted in the oven. For fun I might add an avocado or bacon or something.

    I would recommend checking out Well Fed and her idea of "hot plates" Which is basically just teaching you how to stirfry whatever's around.
  • primalkiwi
    primalkiwi Posts: 164 Member
    I live with family too who don't eat this way - I'm chief cook but I refuse to cook separate meals. Most of our old family favourites can be made paleo very easily - drop flour/thickeners from casseroles etc. I will usually cook a paleo meal for everyone then just add some rice/potato/pasta etc for everyone else. My breakfast/lunch is usually leftovers so I never cook a meal that is just for the 3 of us. It takes no more time to double or triple a recipe so you have leftovers plus a couple of extra meals to freeze so you have something quick and easy available. For a really quick and affordable meal I usually turn to eggs - either an omelette with a salad or I do a fridge cleanout of all the leftover meat/veg and make a frittata.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Everything thrown in a crock pot works, I don't have to advertise that it's Paleo!
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    It is just me and my husband, but I'm the only cook one who cooks. Sorry, if you want a separate meal, make it your damn self is my theory. However, I have been working at cleaning up out food for years; so when I moved to paleo it wasn't a huge transition. I will make the hubs a baked potato when I'm making my sweet potato, but other than that he eats what I eat. He does supplement his diet with granola bars, cereal, ect, but he knows how I feel about them. He is a grown man and can make his own choices.