Day 20 -- Last workout of week 3!

mummybabyjojo Posts: 87 Member
Yay!!! One more week to go guys and then recovery! Eek month 2 is looming!!

We can push through and I bet we'll end up mastering month 2 as well as we have month 1!

Plyo circuit is mental - I couldnt really keep up with the drills at the end I had to keep stopping - do your ankles hurt when you do the ski jumps/in and outs too? My ankles take a real beating during those moves that I have to stop to give them a break.. I think if it wasnt for that I might be able to do them for longer.

Anyway Happy Weekend everyone enjoy your well deserved rest day tomorrow and bring on the last week!!



  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 334 Member
    Had to miss it this morning... I have a house full of 8 year-olds! Every room full of fast, loud, happy little boys (and 1 girl poor thing). I'll be doing today's workout in the morning before church.

    Have a great weekend!!
  • ladym0208
    ladym0208 Posts: 43
    WooHoo day 20 is DONE, I killed it this morning and am soooo in love with this workout I am gonna miss it in month 2

    REST day tomorrow and the start of week 4 xx
  • NyxButterfly
    NyxButterfly Posts: 88 Member
    Well, did the warm-up and as I began the main event my lower abdomen hurt (I'm on the monthly curse) so I stopped since I don't want to hurt myself. But I did my best and Monday I should be fine to do the workout as-is.
  • Artificer22
    Artificer22 Posts: 68 Member
    Awesome job everyone on getting thru week 3. I hope you are all seeing improvements
  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 334 Member
    Had to take the rest day yesterday and do this workout today! It was great!! :)

    Have a great week guys!