New to the group & restarting Low Carb

kristafb Posts: 770 Member
Hi I'm Krista, I lost 50lbs almost 3 years ago doing low carb & unfortunately gained it almost all back once I started eating sugar & flour again. So I'm starting again and in the last 4 days have lost 4 lbs so I know, without a doubt this is the best diet for me. I have PCOS and low carb seems to be the only thing that helps me lose weight. I've tried low fat, vegan, low calorie, you name it and cutting out sugar & flour is the only thing that has given me results.

Looking forward to following along with you all. :)


  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Welcome back! This is also the second time I'm eating low carb to lose weight and I've also tried low calorie and I'm also not very successful at it!
  • lisajsund
    lisajsund Posts: 366 Member
    Have you read anything by Gary Taubes?
    One of his books, Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It, talks about the basic science of why carbs are not good for us. They cause obesity, diabetes, cancer, and more. Some carbs, like veggies, are - of course - good for us but even modern day fruit is genetically modified to be sweeter than fruit found in the wild.
    It's an interesting read.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Thanks lisajsund I'll check it out!
  • malou1985
    malou1985 Posts: 138 Member
    Im in a similar boat. I lost weight doing low carb, 8 yrs ago. Gained a tremendous amount of weight during 2pregnancies lost all the weight doing low calorie and lots of exercise. And gsined all back and Then some. So giving low carb another shot
  • Emberbreeze
    Emberbreeze Posts: 7 Member
    Lost a lot of weight with weight loss surgery, but now that I can eat most food normally again, my weight is creeping back up. Want to refocus with a low carb/high protein diet and I'm on my first day of South Beach Phase 1. Did a quick grocery shop yesterday to get started and will do more tomorrow so I can plan out more meals. I want to loose about 30- 40 lbs eventually and really need to stop my sugar cravings that have been messing me up these past few months. Good Luck to everyone!
  • Heliconia
    Heliconia Posts: 166 Member
    Can someone tell me what PCOS is? Sorry for being so dense. I am doing low carb and loving it as well but I am also doing low calorie. I eat my fats and protein and just eat enough to stay below my calorie guidelines. I found that before when I wasn't tracking food or calories, it didn't matter how healthy I ate, no potatoes, rice or pasta, I still didn't lose weight.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Can someone tell me what PCOS is? Sorry for being so dense.

    PCOS stands for Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, largely thought to be a genetic disease. It can lead to infertility, and oddly enough, a huge percentage of women have it. Including me! It can cause painful and prolonged periods with irregular cycles, and weight-related symptoms. I switched to low carb specifically because of PCOS. I read a few studies that showed that women with PCOS had an easier time losing weight and managing their symptoms under a low-carb diet. I have to say that it's held true for me.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Like crepes said its Polycystic Ovarian syndrome, which I've had for over 20 years. There are a whole list of symptoms associated to it, irregular cycles, hair loss, excess body/facial hair, carb cravings & sensitivity, depression, weight gain, and more. I was misdiagnosed for years before getting the right one. The best treatment for it is weightloss but ironically it causes you to gain weight. I've tried every diet possible and low carb is the ONLY thing that works for me. Sugar is sooooo bad for a woman with this disease,but not just sugar, white stuff in general,flour,rice,pasta, etc.

    Years ago I was sent to a nutrionist that specializes in endocrine disorders & she said something that has stuck with me and has proved to be very true - "Other women can lose weight eating 1500 cals a day & working out 3 times a week, you are not other women. You might have to eat 1200 cals a day & work out 7 days a week, along with keeping sugars intake to a minimum to lose the same pound they lost" and its very true.
  • malou1985
    malou1985 Posts: 138 Member
  • autumnsquirrel
    autumnsquirrel Posts: 258 Member
    I am on day 13 of a low carb diet. My Endo didn't tell me how many to shoot for, so I am clueless. He just simply said to follow a low carb diet and the rest of my weight will come off. I lost a good 10 pounds so far, but now it's slowing down. I thought I was eating healthy, but turns out, I was eating alot of carbs. Someone else might benefit from the stuff I was eating; it did nothing for me, though. I didn't gain, but stopped losing. It stressed me out because I felt I was doing everything in my power--the healthy way--to get to my goal. He told me that there are people who can eat Oreo cookies all day and lay on the couch and be thin; I am not that person. I also have to work twice as hard because of being hypothyroid. I have no problem following his advice; I am just worried I'm doing it wrong. I see that some people are on Atkins and consuming 20 carbs a day. I have been doing 40-70; mostly from veggies and such. I stopped eating oranges and strawberries. Too many carbs. Hoping this thing works. What are your carb totals for the day?
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    Hi autumnsquirrel, I am eating about the same amount of carbs as you, some days less, but not induction level. I did lose more when I ate higher fat and fewer carbs, though. YMMV! If you need more info, take a look at the FAQ on this forum for links...

    cheers :drinker:
  • autumnsquirrel
    autumnsquirrel Posts: 258 Member
    Hi autumnsquirrel, I am eating about the same amount of carbs as you, some days less, but not induction level. I did lose more when I ate higher fat and fewer carbs, though. YMMV! If you need more info, take a look at the FAQ on this forum for links...

    cheers :drinker:
    Trying to streamline, but tonight it left me hungry and quite resentful. But it's something I have to do. Thanks so much for your helpful info:)