30 Day shred and then Ripped in 30

On 23rd January I started eating clean focusing on medium-low carbs, medium protein and high (healthy) fat intake. I''ve already lost 3lb!

Im going to give 30ds a go this evening using 1.5kg weights, i need some extra cardio to help blast off some fat! After 30ds im planing of doing Ripped in 30 and then a combination of possibly 6w6 pack and killer buns and thighs or 6w6 and the butt bible.

I already do kettle bell workouts 6 days a week using light kettlebells

Feel free to join me!

Start weight: 200lb
Height: 5"7


  • I'm on Day 5 of the 30 Day Shred.
    Level 1 is starting to get easier, but I think I need to get some heavier hand weights.
    I'm only using 1 lb - ers.

    Start weight: 145 lbs
    Height: 5"3'
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    Hi! I just found this group today. :)

    I stumbled across this DVD from one of my MFP friends and fell in love with her 3 2 1 workouts!

    I am on day 9 of level 1 of 30DS. I can't believe how much of a difference I feel from Day 1! I will be moving on to Ripped in 30 after 30DS. I just ordered 6 week abs and yoga meltdown to incorporate into a rotation.
  • Hey all! I completed day 1 today and I think it is going to be a reasonable challenge. I am hoping to tighten up and look better in a bikini....I dont really need to lose tons of weight, but I could def lose a few inches!
  • JessicaTheKnitter
    JessicaTheKnitter Posts: 2 Member
    I did level 2 for the first time this morning.
    It was comfortably difficult while I was doing the workout, but now, I feel kind of like I've been run over.
  • JennergyKC
    JennergyKC Posts: 254 Member
    Hey! Today is my last day of 30-Day Shred! I'm going to take a week "off" and do Jillian's Yoga Melt Down, then start Ripped in 30. I usually give myself two weeks for each level because my work schedule makes it hard to work out every single night.
  • Sewpunk
    Sewpunk Posts: 6 Member
    these are my only two JM DVD's so I am in with the workouts!

    I just started Ripped in 30 and have done week one for 2 days. I can only fit in the DVD about 3 days a week right now, so i may also be staying on the same week for two weeks in a row. I the other 3 days a week I am doing cardio.
  • amber6108
    amber6108 Posts: 53 Member
    Hey! Just started ripped in 30 yesterday and looking for some buddies! I can't find any active groups for this DVD, I'm hoping it's a good DVD! I'm also going to the gym 4-5 times a week
  • s258705r
    s258705r Posts: 96 Member

    I'm doing ripped in 30 right now, so I would love to discuss it with you as you go. I'm on week 2 right now.
  • amber6108
    amber6108 Posts: 53 Member
    Great! I could use buddies to keep me accountable and talk about the program. Are you seeing improvement in week 2? I'm only on day three and my hamstrings are killing me
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi girls :) I did RI 30 today and am hoping I can make myself keep up with it. Please keep posting if you're doing it. Having some group support might make the difference in me looking forward to it and actually getting it done!
  • xkmhx2011
    xkmhx2011 Posts: 15 Member
    Way to go everyone.
    I finished 30 day shred yesterday.I lost 3 # 8 inches and went down a full panys size.I worked out everyday but 1.Im starting Ripped in 30 today.
  • JennergyKC
    JennergyKC Posts: 254 Member
    I'm definitely noticing more definition in my upper body from Ripped in 30. Started week 2 on Wednesday - I'm giving myself ten days for each week, so if I miss one or two days I still get 7 days at each level. Week 2 is also funny, Jillian is in a feisty mood!
  • Asterie
    Asterie Posts: 159 Member
    Hi everyone! I didn't do 30 DS but I did do insanity last year if that counts, haha. I just started Ripped in 30 yesterday and I'm about to do my second video; I'm doing it with Stronglifts 5x5! Feel free to friend request me so we can keep each other motivateddd :flowerforyou:
  • wabadabadoo
    wabadabadoo Posts: 43 Member
    Doing Ripped in 30 too. Doing one week... 5 or 6 workouts at each level. Found level 1 easier than 30 day shred which I finished two weeks ago. Took a week off then started Ripped.
  • mrsmarquez11
    mrsmarquez11 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm starting Ripped in 30 tomorrow. If anyone is doing it also and would like to add me they can.
  • clairebeth8
    clairebeth8 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi all! I just finished level 2 of 30 day shred, and I haven't touched level 3 yet. I've been really impressed with the results I've seen. Even though I haven't really lost any weight (I don't have much to lose), I can tell that I'm smaller and tighter, and my core is definitely more toned. I was so impressed with Jillian's workouts that I just ordered a few more of her DVDs. I love her 3 2 1 HIIT approach, because I can say "I hate these [insert exercise here--mine are plank jacks]" but if I can get through 30 seconds of it, I won't have to do it again.
    Anyone feel free to add me. I'm becoming a Jillian Michaels-aholic, but I need the motivation to follow through with my goals!