My Blood Test Results over the Years

shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
What do you guys think? Improvement since starting paleo in July 2013? I think so, for maybe a couple of the items!

I am going to try to add some lupus or autoimmune tests to this list. Anyone have any suggestions to which are good autoimmune tests to add? I'm overwhelmed with medical records and I'd like to put it in this sort of table to see how they change over time, so I can adjust my diet/lifestyle as needed.



  • each_day_stronger
    each_day_stronger Posts: 191 Member
    very cool :) I'm not a doc but that looks like a big improvement from my perspective! Awesome job!
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    Overall it looks like improvement, but you LDL is a bit low.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    The best measure by far is how healthy your body (including brain!) is and how you feel. Trust the body.

    The test results look good to me, but I don't put a lot of weight in that kind of stuff. I see too many people freaking out when their cholesterol is high (or other things) according to the tests and ignoring how they actually feel. Unfortunately, we humans still don't know much about the intricacies of our body and nature; though some certainly think they do.
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    I value numbers- I always have. I am always searching for other people's results over time so that I can see at least an inkling of truth that someones diet/lifestyle has improved their health instead of just "I feel better". Sometimes I think I feel better just because I'm eating certain foods, but when I had no symptoms to begin with, it makes me question human psychology and if I only feel better because I feel like I should. I know there is value in having more confidence in the way I eat and feeling happier and healthier. I don't know, I guess both numbers AND overall "feeling" of a healthy body is best.

    *Does anyone else feel like they have proof that eating a paleo diet has made an obvious impact on their heart screening/blood tests- whether it changed for the "better" or for the "worse" in medical opinion? Or other blood tests?
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to belittle the numbers or suggest that it isn't worth tracking.

    However, I do come from the view that we can trust our bodies to know better than what the doctor tells us. I think "feeling better" isn't something to dismiss at all. That's my personal experience with the medical system and now finding my own way to excellent health through diet and lifestyle alone. Of course you feel better because of better food; to me that's completely logical and inevitable. Why would it be otherwise?

    I was very sick previously and I have family that are very sick, always starting very young and trusting in doctors and not taking personal responsibility (speaking of my family and myself only) just lead to increased illness, treatments and pharmaceuticals… an endless cycle. Almost any doctor would tell me that my current diet is unhealthy and would recommend that I return to a diet that makes me ill; would it be logical to follow that advice? Then start taking the meds and getting treatments instead of changing lifestyle? Should I let a cholesterol test tell me that my excellent health is somehow imagined? I've seen people do that.

    Now that I am no longer morbidly obese, severely depressed, bingeing, pre-diabetic (and all the other health improvements that I've listed elsewhere) I think that's pretty clear evidence. Anecdotal to others; completely real and valid to me and anyone who has ever known me. I didn't get my numbers done (should have) because for my own safety, I had started avoiding the medical system quite awhile before I started this lifestyle. I wish I had though.

    The book the Cholesterol Myth had some interesting information on cholesterol and testing. I didn't agree with all of the dietary recommendations but it's still a worthwhile resource.

    PS. I see the dig about "proof". My comment wasn't intended to be insulting at all. I guess my experience is perhaps invalid because it's not measured in a test by a doctor/lab. :(
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    No digs intended. Thanks for sharing your experience. I want to check out that book! I am always interested in learning new things about how/why mainstream dieting and medical practices may not always show the clearest of pictures of a health situation. I switched to paleo based on those discussions and reading, so I'm completely open to it.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Since you like numbers , I pulled by biometric screening at work.

    2012 2013
    triglyerides 91 113 (only value that did not improve)
    total chl. 196 179
    HDL 42 62 (this is an awesome # for me!)
    LDL 119 111
    Ch/hHDL ratio n/a 3.2
    glucose 92 84
    blood pressure 120/70 116/70

    With this being said, I am not a purist. I cheat often (I'm working on it), and I believe I was only eating 80% paleo for about 3 weeks before my 2013 numbers. My doctors numbers were better but I don't have them with me.

    Another girl in my office is paleo. She has ulteratic colitis (spelling?). She just had her colonoscopy after 6 months of pretty pure paleo and there was no irratation or polyps (and she is super excited!)

    Hope this helps.
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    With this being said, I am not a purist. I cheat often (I'm working on it), and I believe I was only eating 80% paleo for about 3 weeks before my 2013 numbers. My doctors numbers were better but I don't have them with me.

    Another girl in my office is paleo. She has ulteratic colitis (spelling?). She just had her colonoscopy after 6 months of pretty pure paleo and there was no irratation or polyps (and she is super excited!)

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks so much for showing your results- they DO look at lot better IMO. Great job! It's so good to hear stories of improved medical test results after eating paleo... it really reaffirms why I do this and helps keep me away from those cereal boxes (I don't know why but out of donuts, poptarts, bread, etc...all I want is a bowl of cocoa puffs.)
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    Good for you for tracking and being able to see such an improvement, use anything and everything you can to see how you've changed!! Great numbers!