
  • I am SO ready for Ab Intervals today! Didn't think I would look forward to it as much as I do :D

    Good going for the people who have already done it today :D keep it up :D
  • MadFrankie99
    MadFrankie99 Posts: 46 Member
    Week 2 - Day 4 Cardio done...

    That's the 4th time I've done it now and I can definitely say that the moves become more instinctive.
  • savoy815
    savoy815 Posts: 88 Member
    So i am a little late to this bad!

    I did all of the workouts this week and while some did kick my butt, I did get them done! Have been following the nutrition guide but plan on incorporating various shakeology recipes into my daily rotation. I have also been drinking all of the water I can get my hands on. Anyway, here are my results for week 1:

    Week 1
    Starting Weight: 179.2
    Current Weight:: 174.6

    I am not doing measurements until the end of alpha.

    Have a great weekend!
  • savoy815
    savoy815 Posts: 88 Member
    Good morning team! Just completed T25 Stretch. It was actually a little workout too! But I feel great now that it is done. Keep pushing play and enjoy your day!
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    I didn't do the stretch yesterday, my daughter so lovingly gave me her sore throat and cough so I was just too tired to do anything. But I'm feeling more human again this morning, so I'll do today's workout and do the stretch at some point during the day too to keep on track.
  • I didn't do the stretch yesterday, my daughter so lovingly gave me her sore throat and cough so I was just too tired to do anything. But I'm feeling more human again this morning, so I'll do today's workout and do the stretch at some point during the day too to keep on track.

    The stretches are quite relaxing lol, after the first week they are more than a welcome break. Just watch out for those pigeons lol
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    Pigeons! Not cool lol It was nice to do the stretches after this mornings cardio, I ended up doing them back to back. I'm not sure if my legs were an 'S' like he wanted though... Something to work on this week I guess
  • MelissaRettie
    MelissaRettie Posts: 48 Member
    So i am a little late to this bad!

    I did all of the workouts this week and while some did kick my butt, I did get them done! Have been following the nutrition guide but plan on incorporating various shakeology recipes into my daily rotation. I have also been drinking all of the water I can get my hands on. Anyway, here are my results for week 1:

    Week 1
    Starting Weight: 179.2
    Current Weight:: 174.6

    I am not doing measurements until the end of alpha.

    Have a great weekend!

    Congratulations on your progress ALREADY!!! Wow! I can't wait to hear your results after ALPHA phase is complete!!!
  • savoy815
    savoy815 Posts: 88 Member
    Checking in! Did Alpha Cardio this morning and while it was certainly not a walk in the park, I did WAY better today than i did last Monday and Friday. Making small steps to large goals!

    How is everyone else doing this fine and lovely day? Is your body used to the time change yet? After this winter I will sacrifice an hour of sleep to have an extra hour of sunlight!

    Enjoy your day!

  • savoy815
    savoy815 Posts: 88 Member
    So i am a little late to this bad!

    I did all of the workouts this week and while some did kick my butt, I did get them done! Have been following the nutrition guide but plan on incorporating various shakeology recipes into my daily rotation. I have also been drinking all of the water I can get my hands on. Anyway, here are my results for week 1:

    Week 1
    Starting Weight: 179.2
    Current Weight:: 174.6

    I am not doing measurements until the end of alpha.

    Have a great weekend!

    Congratulations on your progress ALREADY!!! Wow! I can't wait to hear your results after ALPHA phase is complete!!!

    Thanks! I am very happy and can't wait to see my final results too! We are al going to do GREAT!
  • OcotilloFire
    OcotilloFire Posts: 233 Member
    Hi Team
    I am a week behind, but I am here for the long haul. I just completed Week 1 Day 1 - followed the mass for some things and Tanya (or is it Tiny?) for others. I rated myself at a barely made it, though that is not entirely true. I said that because there were several times when I was thinking that I couldn't go that low, I couldn't move that fast, and/or I wasn't coordinated enough; however, if the video was an hour long and I modified as needed, I would have survived.
    I am looking forward to tomorrow's workout..
    Congratulations to all of you for all your hard work and successes thus far.
  • runningkathy
    runningkathy Posts: 11 Member
    I don't think I've checked in since Friday. I did Friday's cardio on Thursday, because I knew I wouldn't have time to do both workouts on Friday. Did lower on Friday, whew that burned! Took my stats on Friday, because I was out of town Saturday. Lost a half inch on my waist and 1/4" from my hips. That's awesome. Especially my hips since I can't suck it in and get an inaccurate measurement. Feeling great. Did Cardio today, less modification, more sweat. :)
  • MadFrankie99
    MadFrankie99 Posts: 46 Member
    I missed yesterday as I've got man flu - I sound like Barry White eating a Choir Boy at the moment.

    In a perverse way I actually miss T25, I might give it a go tonight, if not I'll be back on it tomorrow.

    Good news is that I'm not hungry so my calorie intake is pretty low!
  • Ive been plugging away and I'm glad to see that you all are enjoying the ride as much as I am.
  • savoy815
    savoy815 Posts: 88 Member
    checking in- did TBC today and it kicked my butt....but in the best way possible!!!

    See you tomorrow!
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    I did TBC yesterday, not great with a cough but I pushed through and although I was a sweaty mess afterwards, I felt great. Today is Speed 1.0 for me, I'm hoping my coordination will be better this time. Normally I would be working out about now, but I have a huge job interview in a few hours and need to keep my head focused on that, so will workout once I get home. I'm still really enjoying the workouts, although my kids said yesterday they think he is a meanie for making mama sweaty lol
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    I'm down for a few day as I have become sick with who knows what... two days of fever and just wanting to sleep... I really want to get back to my work outs I am missing them... but I will rest seeing that I took some medication and my temp is still up at 101.0... I think I need to crawl in bed and stay there for the night and tomorrow..
  • bradutah
    bradutah Posts: 25
    Hey guys way to go on your workouts keep up the great work I can feel some amazing results by the end for this program for this team!!!!!!!
  • hbowserfit
    hbowserfit Posts: 9 Member
    Today I really struggled with Total Body... Though I pressed 'play' I also pressed 'pause' multiple times to chill out, my muscles were screaming!

    Thinking I did better last week than this week...

    At least tomorrow is Lower Focus (which I love) but have another Total Body on Thursday, gack!

    Thanks for posting everyone, much needed inspiration!!!
  • tigergem86
    tigergem86 Posts: 59 Member
    Today was my monday, woke up late and didnt get total body circuit in :(... yes thats a sad face... i really like to get it done and out of the way in the morning so i cant make up excuses alll day as to why i cant get it done. I dont necessarily have more energy but i feel accomplished when im done. Tonight after church i will be getting it done, even though itll be at 9pm. Tomorrow is speed 1.0 and i dont want to double up... 50 minutes seems daunting.