Step 1.



  • Jaynehr
    Jaynehr Posts: 167 Member
    Ordered mine 2/12 and still nothing and no word from customer service. I sent a couple emails and they don't respond. I'm very disappointed that they haven't shipped this out yet and they aren't even giving any update on when to expect it.
  • MissDefinate
    MissDefinate Posts: 110 Member
    Hello, I am Aleasha and I just received my 21 day fix program and I am ready to get going and see some results! I look forward to learning new ideas. I have a ton of weight to lose and I hope this jump start my engine!
  • Jaynehr
    Jaynehr Posts: 167 Member
    Well it's now been a month and still no 21 day fix and no answers from customer service when I can expect it to be delivered. I'm so frustrated and so bummed. I have the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution workout showing up today that's a 90 day program and I really wanted to do the 21 day fix program first and then start the Body Revolution but it looks like that's not going to happen. Guess I'll do Jillian's first and then when and if the 21 day fix ever shows up I'll work on that.
  • stellaluna431
    stellaluna431 Posts: 35 Member
    Well it's now been a month and still no 21 day fix and no answers from customer service when I can expect it to be delivered. I'm so frustrated and so bummed. I have the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution workout showing up today that's a 90 day program and I really wanted to do the 21 day fix program first and then start the Body Revolution but it looks like that's not going to happen. Guess I'll do Jillian's first and then when and if the 21 day fix ever shows up I'll work on that.

    Ugh that sucks! I'm thinking of buying it and doing it AFTER Body Revolution, so that's funny that you're doing the same thing now. I'm ordering in the next month so it has plenty of time to get here (I'm only on day 6 of BR, so I have a lot of time).

    For those of you who started back in February, how is it going? What are your results looking like?
  • stellaluna431
    stellaluna431 Posts: 35 Member
    I just realized I never introduced myself :)

    I'm a 27 year old distance runner and yogi. I'm 5'5" and 161 pounds as of last Wednesday, and have a goal weight of 130. I'm not as concerned about that number as I am about what I look like and how I feel though, so if my magic number happens to be 160, 180, 120, or 135 I don't really care. I'll know when I get there.

    Like I said in my last post, I'm currently about a week (day 6) into Jillian's Body Revolution, which is a 90-day program. I'll be finished with that at the end of May and I have a half marathon in the first weekend of June. After that I plan to rest for a week and then tackle 21 Day Fix just in time for the 4th of July.

    I'm excited to follow everyone's progress and hopefully have some people going through it with me when I'm ready to start.
  • Jaynehr
    Jaynehr Posts: 167 Member
    TO: Stellaluna431 - I'd love to hook up with you on Body Revolution if you're interested. Did Day 1 last night and really enjoyed it and am looking forward to getting through these 90 days. My 50th birthday is the end of June so I'm hoping when this is over mid-June, I'll finally be at my goal which is 10 lbs lighter than I am today. As you said, I'm not as worried about what the scale says as how I feel. I want to be toned and in my best shape ever by my birthday. Hoping Jillian can get me there. :happy:
  • erinm2629
    erinm2629 Posts: 69 Member
    Hello ladies I just found the group and wanted to see if I can join in. I am on week 2 of the fix and have a challenge group on FB but find that I am still obsessively logging my meals on MFP to keep my streak alive. I would love to see what other people are eating and how the program is working for all of you. So far I have lost 2lbs and a total of 4 inches in the first week. I love the plan but MFP is concerned that I am not getting 1200 calories everyday. I am not hungry and my energy level has been good so I am not changing anything up at this point. Anyway I would really like to get to know you guys and particiapte in the group.
  • stellaluna431
    stellaluna431 Posts: 35 Member
    Hello ladies I just found the group and wanted to see if I can join in. I am on week 2 of the fix and have a challenge group on FB but find that I am still obsessively logging my meals on MFP to keep my streak alive. I would love to see what other people are eating and how the program is working for all of you. So far I have lost 2lbs and a total of 4 inches in the first week. I love the plan but MFP is concerned that I am not getting 1200 calories everyday. I am not hungry and my energy level has been good so I am not changing anything up at this point. Anyway I would really like to get to know you guys and particiapte in the group.

    Do you work with a BB coach who set up the challenge on FB? I'm trying to find someone who does this: I really need an active community to motivate me to keep going. If you know someone, please get me in touch with them! Haha :) My friend sells BB products but I don't want to buy from her because she doesn't really do anything like that and I'm looking for that this time around. Let me know.

    Glad to hear you're full on the meal plan. I'd try to sneak in some extra calories though- you don't want to go into starvation mode. Sometimes you can make easy changes without having to actually add food (ie- substituting lower calorie foods for those with higher- like butter/margarine)
  • erinm2629
    erinm2629 Posts: 69 Member
    My coach is Jill Hubbard and sheis awesome! I have been in a couple of challenge groups with and have met some awesome ladies! I am thinking about getting into coaching but haven't taken the plunge yet :-)
  • cc141
    cc141 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi everyone! I ordered 21 day fix on 2/6 and it finally came today! so I'm starting even though it's mid week. I'm also looking for friends that are doing the program so feel free to add me
  • Jaynehr
    Jaynehr Posts: 167 Member
    Finally received my 21 day fix yesterday after 6 weeks of waiting. I'm reading the books this week and learning about it and then plan on starting this weekend. We'll see how it goes. I'm going to continue doing the Body Revolution workouts because I'm on week 3 and don't want to stop now, but I'll use the 21 day fix meal program along with it. JMBR is only 30 minutes a night and that's the same amount of time as the 21 day fix program workouts so I think it should all work together.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I just got the 21 day fix but have not started yet. Scared I guess. I do not want to fail anymore. I want to be able to do this and be a good role model for my daughters who also struggle with weight. If I can do this, I know they will do this too. I have tried EVERYTHING in the past 6 years to lose weight. Nothing works because I struggle with portion control. I hope/pray this will be the answer. Tomorrow I am going to start, imperfectly if I have too, but I will fill all my containers and go for it! Here's hoping and praying.......
  • jelawton3
    jelawton3 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello! My name is James(also go by Jamie), I am 39 years old, married with no children at the moment.

    My reason for joining MFP and many other sites is to help me reach my goals are to live a healthier lifestyle, get down to my goal weight of 180lbs. Stats for now are 5'10" at 255.6lbs. My reasons for this are, I want to be able to play with my children and not from some seated position due to things I control. I want to be able to take my shirt off an not feel ashamed of how I look, and above all I don't want to let health issues become an excuses as to why I can't enjoy life.

    I started T25 a few months back and liked it but after doing my first official marathon I dislocated a few ribs and was in therapy, then was injured by dog and had stitches in my foot, all this put me down for about 6 months. I have just picked up 21 Day Fix and am in a local challenge starting this week, I want to get back into T25, get back on my bicycle, and get back to my passion of speed walking.
    I've set several fitness goals;
    - Apr 27 2013 - 27 mile walk from NW SA to Randolph AFB (This is dedicated to my wife and a long list all those who inspire and motivate me) - ACCOMPLISHED!

    2013 - complete a marathon in 6.5 hours Accomplished

    2015 - Complete an ultra-marathon (50K) and learn to swim

    2015 – Complete a triathlon

    2016 - Ultra 100K

    I look to use this group and all others I am a part of to help me reach all my biggest grip with most is finding that accountability partner to hold me to it and push me past the BS I can come up with as I have lost some motivation to do what I use to do daily.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Jess and I am now on Day 3 of the 21 Day Fix. However for me it will be day 3 of pretty much how I know I need to eat for the rest of my life. I love pizza and cheeseburgers and reese's peanut butter cups but a lifetime of eating like that has landed me at the highest weight I've ever been. Myself, along with my fiance' eat way too much. That's what appealed to me about the 21 Day Fix: portion control and cleaner eating to help cut sugar.

    I've done all sorts of things as far as diets go. It's difference this time. I am a huge stress eater and being a graduate student and working full time I am constantly under stress. However, I've recently began to tackle that and it's drastically improved my stress eating/binges. Another new thing is my fiance and I decided to do this together, with no excuses. We threw out all the bad foods and started fresh. We don't live the life we want. Though we are extremely happy together, individually we struggle. I don't want to sit in front of a tv on a Saturday. I want to hike, canoe, etc. Getting some weight off will for sure help that. We also want babies soon so I have to get healthy!

    So I got organized and color coded and got started Monday!

    Thoughts as I go into Day 3: I'm not lethargic, I don't feel like crap, I'm not tired, I have energy, my body and pretty sore from head to toe, and I feel great! We are taking it one day at a time and today is a great day!

    Good luck everyone!!!!
  • Jaynehr
    Jaynehr Posts: 167 Member
    I'm also on day 3 of the fix and so far so good. I missed one orange container yesterday but otherwise it's going ok. I substituted a yellow yesterday for a treat of an orange container of raisinettes. Just needed a quick chocolate fix and it worked. I was pretty hungry the first day, but seems a bit better today. Good luck and keep us posted on your stats as you go through the next 3 weeks.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    I am in the 2000 cal range and it is a lot of food. I'm no where near accustomed to eating so many veggies and fruit so I've not had the issue with being hungry. I am, of course, craving sugar but I've got to work through those cravings. It's my love of carbs and sugar that got me here :). I'm sending you a friend request!
  • Jennwa
    Jennwa Posts: 107 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    My name is Jenn. I'm 30, mother of 3, and just got done with the first workout of the 21 day fix. I have seen way too much negative about the 21 day fix so I found this group and joined.
    I am in the 1500-1799 range, MFP had me at 1630, so its not all that off. I have had breakfast and lunch, I am not a fan of small meals. I just don't find myself all that hungry through out the day. And wow is it alot of food.
    3 years ago I lost a total of 65lbs. The last year I let 30lb come back. I thought it was medical, but alas, it was just me being lazy I guess.
    I started the fix because I am really good at following a plan that is laid out for me. Yes I can lay out my own plan,but I can also forget it. Last time I lost weight, I ate what I wanted, weighed, measured. That doesn't sound as much fun this time around.
    I got the plan on Saturday and read the book from end to end and then menu planned for the week. It was actually exciting! I can't wait to keep going with this.
    Anyway, thats my story, feel free to add me. I am committing myself for 21 days, and however many after that until I am confident I got the portion control down to be able to do it without needing the containers. This will be a lifestyle change for sure!
  • andersonm3
    andersonm3 Posts: 11
    My name is Melissa and just found out about 21 Day Fix today. I was so intrigued that I ordered it tonight. I am starting at about 195 pounds and my hope is to lose about 50 pounds over the next 6 months with it. I will be back as soon as my kit comes in.
  • pharmgirl2567
    HI! I am Kristin and I should be receiving my 21 Day Fix shipment this weekend. I am so excited to get a jump start on losing all this baby weight I have been carrying around! I currently am doing T25 for my exercise and am going to stick with that for right now as I like it and I generally hate exercise lol. I am looking forward to using the containers and simplifying thinking about food. I am most concerned about breakfast as that is my hardest time of the day when I am a little hungry but my stomach usually isn't settled enough for anything major.
  • SherryC53
    SherryC53 Posts: 48
    I am a longtime Fitness Pal member but just ordered 21 Day Fix and remembered how much support this site was for me a couple of years ago, so I thought I'd see if there was a group for this plan and voile there was! I can't wait to get it and get started! I'll see ya then!
