Day 24...nearly done with Pylo

Goood morning all,

Second to last Plyo workout DONE, I was a little grumpy at having to get up to do this one this AM as just wanted to stay in bed!! By the time I got to basket ball I was in the zone though and managed to push myself a little harder to increase the number of jumps I did. Drills were also a little better today I managed to keep up the pace for both the 1st and 2nd rounds.

I'll be swapping Pure cardio & cardio abs with recovery tomorrow as I am travelling for the day on Friday and I think all the jumping in Pure cardio will be a little loud!! so I'll do Recovery on Friday instead.

Happy day 24 all only 4 left to go till month one is DONE xx


  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 334 Member
    Same here!

    I talked myself into 15 more minutes of sleep and aaaaaaalmost talked myself out of working out all together... so many excuses went through my head. I was 5 minutes into the workout and still looking at the couch thinking... hmmmm.... I could lay down now and get another hour and 1/2 sleep....


    It wasn't 100%. It wasn't great. But I did it!!! :)

    Thank all of you so much for this group! I would never have been able to push through the tired, head-cold, toothache, grumpy if you guys weren't all here and pushing through with me!!

    Now bring on the COFFEE!!!! :)

    I'm traveling this weekend as well, so will also be swapping Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs for the recovery tomorrow. I'll be back Sunday afternoon and will do the 2nd Plyo workout then (I hope).

    I won't be on Friday and Saturday except to log when I can.... I'm in Scout Camp Training and they have this silly rule about technology, but my Scout pants have a handy zipper pocket so I'll be peeking in when I can :) There will be no pictures as Scout Leader uniforms are NOT flattering to hippy females! :)

    Great job everyone! Month 1 is almost done!!

    Have a great one!!
  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    Oh, girl. I've had so many days like that, but even if you're not at 100% you're making more progress than just laying in bed. Also you're forming a habit!
  • jade_222
    jade_222 Posts: 147 Member
    I was the same way this morning, actually all week I've been like that. Struggling to get up in the morning, telling myself I only have to do half now and can do the other half after work. Today I slept in about 15 minutes, but I finished the whole workout this morning. I'm also grateful for this group because I'm pretty sure I would be close to stopping by now. Or at least stopping the morning workouts and if I do that I'm pretty sure I would stop all together because by the time I get home I have no motivation.
  • mummybabyjojo
    mummybabyjojo Posts: 87 Member
    I nearly didnt get up either it was a real battle of wills! Im pleased I did though as it wasnt as hard as I thought it would be. I ate three wine gums before my workout today and it went a lot smoother than when I do it on an empty stomach so Im going to try it again tomorrow. Theres no way I could do it on a full stomach but a couple sweets arent too bad!

    :-) enjoy tmrw's burn - lots of squats! :-S
  • Artificer22
    Artificer22 Posts: 68 Member
    I think we all had the issue of getting up today. I ended up missing my alarm so had to finish after work. My body feels like jello but hey its done. Awesome job everyone!!!
  • NyxButterfly
    NyxButterfly Posts: 88 Member
    Yeah, sounds lie we're all starting to hit that mental wall. But we gotta push through! We can do it!!