Will this work - fitbit & EM2WL

geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
I have been thinking… I have done my TDEE based on scooby calculator (still need to do Heybales spreadsheet) but in the meantime I was thinking, if I am using my TDEE to work out the cut, as I have a fitbit (disconnected from MFP) can I work out what burn I have for that day and base the cut on this?

I know that fitbit doesn't calculate the likes of my boxercise/circuits classes, but I am thinking if I added a couple of hundred calories as activity on the fitbit website when I do these classes that would therefore increase for the activity?

I am concerned at eating too much on rest days - although why I worry when I still can't hit my calories I don't know, but I am trying to increase sensibly.

Additionally I have been to the docs today following a funny turn last night and she says I have a viral infection, I have to rest. Now I exercise a reasonable amount normally and struggle to lose any weight I'm terrified of stopping exercise and the effect this will have on me losing weight. She did say though that if I am not 100% fit my body will hold on to the calories its given as it is acting under stress, and getting myself well will help - whats your thoughts on this?

Sorry for the continuing questions.



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Using the Fitbit would be preferred over you picking from 5 rough levels - that's what it was designed for.

    Also as you point out, you are doing workouts it was NOT designed to estimate calorie burn on - so log it in FitBit using it's database, same public domain one MFP uses.

    Then keep running tabs on what it says the weekly TDEE is - divide by 7 - there's your daily goal for maintenance - less 15-20% depending on amount to lose - done.

    And yes, if body is under stress and immune system is wanting to work overtime, eat at correct TDEE for not doing any exercise. Review FitBit days of no exercise for an idea.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Thank you & apologies for taking so long to pick to your reply.

    I am merrily now recording food ate in MFP and calorie burn in fitbit & I'll add in some calories for my HIIT sessions then I get back to them.

    I feel happier knowing I'm eating the correct amount (albeit a bit higher at weekends /bit less midweek) but that's lately due to not exercising this week.

    Still feeling poorly so another week of rest then I'll take stock.
