
kuderstadt Posts: 134 Member
Just joining this group today ~ I've read Body for Life probably 10 years ago now, followed it really good for the full 12 weeks, lost some weight and gained some muscle and then…. quit. Lol… I really can't say why… I wish I'd stuck to it, that's for sure!!!

Fast forward 10 years, 4 kids later and here we go again, I've been struggling to maintain some weight loss from last year and have for a while thought of getting back on track with Body for Life… mostly because I agree that I need to build some muscle and eat better and there's no better program to do that.

So… hello!!! Hoping to check in here throughout the next 11-1/2 weeks!!!


  • kuderstadt
    kuderstadt Posts: 134 Member
    So I'll just keep updating my own thread then? LoL… I think I'm the only one here.

    Oh well…

    I'm on week 2 and going strong, already noticing I'm feeling stronger too. So it's all good. Eating is fun, with a family of 6 to feed and not be cooking separate meals for myself… not as easy here as it was 10 years ago when it was just me and hubs and he didn't care anyways… But so far so good. Will just keep at it.
  • DaveMurphy6
    DaveMurphy6 Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome to the group.Its pretty quiet here sometimes(we are all working out really hard)

    If I can ever answer any questions let me know. I have been doing BFL for about 10 years. It has habitized my workouts and I believe it is the best system .

    Continued Success

  • kuderstadt
    kuderstadt Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks Dave!

    Well into week 3 and still going strong. Workouts are challenging, even when I think 'I've got this' I finish harder and stronger than before and find my legs aching later in the day… all good signs that it's working.
    Eating is still challenging, just working around feeding the rest of the clan and not preparing separate meals… but so far so good, not ready to give up yet, that's for sure.
  • DaveMurphy6
    DaveMurphy6 Posts: 130 Member
    The diet is the real key..also the hardest. At least for me. This site has helped with that alot
  • kuderstadt
    kuderstadt Posts: 134 Member
    I agree!! I never found it difficult 10 years ago ~ I cooked for myself alone… but now… it's tough. I can't feed my kiddos protein shakes!!! LoL… although we make smoothies with greek yogurt now… and they love them!!!

    Ok… well into week 4 and still going strong. Upped my resistance on the bike and noticing I'm peddling waaay faster. So it's good. And my jeans are officially loose. ;-)
  • kuderstadt
    kuderstadt Posts: 134 Member
    Week 5 check in time!

    Progress is coming along nicely… definitely feeling stronger and have lost a few pounds… better than that? My belt is a notch tighter this week… YAY!!!

    Trying sweet potatoes this week ~ working to keep the diet varied and since they're something I wouldn't normally 'go to', it's time to purposefully add them in. :-)
  • DaveMurphy6
    DaveMurphy6 Posts: 130 Member
    fantastic..keep up the good work
  • kuderstadt
    kuderstadt Posts: 134 Member
    Eeek! I forgot to do a Week 6 check in and we're already half way through week 7!!!

    So for today's update: switched my routine around this week so I could do legs tomorrow since I donated blood today and didn't want to do arms the day after donating! I figured proper planning would help me stick to my goals. So yay!!

    Meal prep for a family of 6 is still difficult with trying to make every meal BFL appropriate, but for now it's still working.

    I'm over half way through and down 5lbs, (137-132). I'd be happy if I could drop another 5lbs in the next 6 weeks!!!l
  • kuderstadt
    kuderstadt Posts: 134 Member
    Ok, another month has passed and I'm done BFL for now… my internet went down around Easter and without being able to log everything and stay within my goals, the eating slid… a little… but I kept up the exercise for another 2 weeks… and then… quit!!! Life's a little crazy at the moment, but that's ok, it'll come full circle and I'll be back on track soon!!!!
  • hatake_kakashi
    hatake_kakashi Posts: 14 Member
    Hi guys,

    I am repeating the program post my Achilles rupture injury, i ballooned to 217 lbs. I noticed that after the 2nd week work out that I gained weight (+10 lbs) I think it's my dinner, i get hungry so I eat a lot at night for the past 2 weeks so I'm cutting down on dinner and not eat solid after 6pm.

    I am 5'11, my target weight is 185 lbs. (that was my old weight prior to injury). I love the work out, it makes me feel very strong and confident, weight lifting is the best!
