Back to work

moxy28 Posts: 103 Member
Hey guys just wanted to let everyone know I'm back to work with the T25. I started over after missing a week. I was a lil disappointed but still excited! I'm really excited to hear everyone's progress as you start your 3rd week! So who's kept their focus and what results are you seeing? Anyone nailed it! yet???


  • ATyghter
    ATyghter Posts: 44 Member
    I've been doing the workouts as outlined including the Friday doubles. I haven't been doing any other workouts besides T-25 and I've lost 10.6 lbs in the two weeks since I've started. I'm excited to see how week 3 goes. This program is working magic on my body.
  • MadFrankie99
    MadFrankie99 Posts: 46 Member
    I've just started on week 4 and I'm down 6lb, which I'm pleased about as I've had a friends 30th birthday in the middle of that and a LOT of alcohol was drunk, (probably about a weeks worth of calories!).

    My body fat % is going down as well so all in the right direction so far!

    Well done everyone else, keep going and FOCUS!
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Well, I have been doing it as prescribed since the 3rd of March but I have put ON almost 2lb / 1kg, .4% body fat and 2cm on my waist measurement. :noway:

    But I have been eating on average 2225 cals a day instead of the suggested 1600 (which I only managed 2 days out of the last 15 - doh!) :noway:

    Will be making an effort to FOCUS on the calorie count this week!
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    I've been doing the workouts as outlined including the Friday doubles. I haven't been doing any other workouts besides T-25 and I've lost 10.6 lbs in the two weeks since I've started. I'm excited to see how week 3 goes. This program is working magic on my body.

    WOW! That is impressive!

    And great motivation for me to get my head out of the fridge.
  • Amianne
    Amianne Posts: 76 Member
    I have been doing the workouts as outlined. I have only lost a very minimal amount of inches and pretty much no weight loss, but I am feeling way better than before I started. I also have been getting thru the workouts a bit easier although I am no pro and it takes a lot out of me.
  • savoy815
    savoy815 Posts: 88 Member
    I just started week 3 and I lost 6 lbs. in the first two weeks. Not sure about measurements because I am not taking them until the end of the Alpha phase but my clothes are definitely fitting better already. Keep at it and I am sure you will have great results!
  • moxy28
    moxy28 Posts: 103 Member
    You are all so impressive!! Way to stay focused and committed!!! Even if you're not seeing the results you thought you would don't be discouraged! Change takes time, give your body time to adjust and catch up with your new lifestyle. Also remember Alpha is the foundation for Beta where we are really going to get our buts kicked!! Keep up the AMAZING work guys! And thanks for helping me keep my focus, even with having to start over... :)