Advise on the Benefits of yoga

Lo0n3y Posts: 68 Member
Hi was looking some advise started dieting and sticking to 1400 calories have been doing this for 2-4 weeks and haven't lost anything buy faith. I was in a car accident so couldn't exercise but physio have got me movement and suggested I start yoga, Pilates etc I started the gym for the past week I go and do the cross trainer, tread mill walking and the bike as I can't lift weights as ive no power on the left side, will doing Pilates, yoga and this cardio help me to lose lbs or am I wasting my time?
My diet is under control ur I don't know what I'm doing wrong,
Will yoga help me to lose weight ? What are the benefits ?


  • nikirtehsuxlol
    nikirtehsuxlol Posts: 41 Member
    I personally think yoga changes you from the inside. So instead of trying to stay under a limit and feeling deprived like with most diets, yoga can change your "True North".

    So instead of being like, "Oh, I cant eat this cookie because I only have 200 calories left for the day and the cookie is 260 calories", a yogi might think, "Oh, I don't want to eat this cookie because there's nothing really nutritious about it and food is something I use to sustain myself." See the difference? Typical dieter will always feel deprived. Someone who has a "Mindful" approach to food will view mealtimes in a completely different way.

    And, if you were just in a car wreck, I'm assuming you'd want to start with a beginner yoga class or, even better, a restorative yoga class. Go slow. Learn proper alignment. You can get injured in yoga. Especially if you learn incorrect form and repeat that incorrect form over and over and over again.

    And, again, my opinion ... you're not going to burn calories in a yoga class like you would running or doing some other type of cardio. But I go to yoga class because it teaches me mindfulness, and I get strong, and it's better and more fun than other types of workouts (so I actually go!)! So yoga is a huge payoff for me :D

    Good luck in your recovery.
  • Lo0n3y
    Lo0n3y Posts: 68 Member
    Hi would you look at my diary and tell me where u think I'm going wrong with the foods
  • hellsbells3272
    hellsbells3272 Posts: 128 Member
    Depending on the type of yoga you will burn more calories than doing nothing in it's place, sometimes just a few more, sometimes a lot more.

    Yoga makes you feel strong, centred, calm and it will build proper core and muscle strength and make you leaner! It won't fast-burn calories.

    If done properly, with a good instructor, it will help your body to become better at things - which in turn will lead you to build up to some other type of exercises if you want. It also focuses your mind on to your goals. It will make you LOVE your body whatever it looks like, you will focus more on how it feels.

    As an aside from yoga, have you considered swimming or aquafit? Both have low risk of injury, and build both strength and stamina - and you can get a good CV burn :)
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    Hi would you look at my diary and tell me where u think I'm going wrong with the foods

    Your diary isn't open, or I'd give you my thoughts on your foods.

    I think you've gotten good advice here. Yoga is amazing. Is it the biggest calorie burner in the world, no, but there are so many benefits, and especially where you have some injuries, it's so much less damaging than other exercises.