General chit chat part 3



  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Good morning :)

    So I have been having an argument with my scale for the last 3 days, my weight shot up over the weekend and I best my head into the wall trying to figure out how one meal of Chinese would do this! Then I realized it wasn't 1 Chinese meal it was a weekend gone to $&@". I ate burger and fries Friday, sat in an arena (not drinking enough) all day Saturday then went home had Chinese, slept in Sunday ate crap for breakfasts, shovelled snow for 4 hours than scarfed down 2 bowls of stew and 3 biscuits for dinner promptly passed out and then pouted cause Monday my scale was up 5 lbs. so Monday I felt like giving up and I shovelled more snow

    Well I know what I did, my scale is back down mostly now but I won't be showing a loss this week and I can finally mostly move all my joints and muscles again! I hurt myself which is no good because now I have to recover I had lots of sodium and water retention. I will treat myself much better this weekend :)

    I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Holly, it is not unusual for me to go up three pounds after eating chinese. Too much sodium. You have to accept that, drink massive water for a day or two and it subsides. As long as you don't pitch the whole thing.

    Oh, and sore muscles cause water retention too as the muscle mends itself. Double whammy for you.

    This again is the mental aspect of the process. We have to trust that what we are doing is making a difference and that even if the scale doesn't show it for a few days, if we keep working the program correctly, it WILL eventually show the progress we want!
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Okay missing in action for a few days!

    Thanks Dan, I don't know what is going on but I drank lots of water and rested my muscles for a few days! The truth will lie in my doctors scale on Tuesday morning!

    I have to admit I am not in a good space right now and I really don't know what's next! I am just angry and sad and frustrated and lonely yet I want to be alone! This is crap, and has been ongoing for some time! I used all my good advice to wait it out, act as if, give positive support and help others, open up to my husband, I just really want to run away because none of it is working! I don't want to see my doctor Tuesday because I failed at her task! I don't want to go home because my husbands kids are there and that means I'm going to have to not get sleep again, why the heck he can't stay up is beyond me, but it's always my job!

    I am bitter and angry and tired and stressed out!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Holly, I'm sorry you are not in a good place emotionally right now. I'm proud of you though because you realized your problem areas with your eating and you're taking steps to fix it. That's a major accomplishment.
    I'm an emotional eater and when my dear, sweet husband unit upsets me, it has always been my reaction to turn to food. Like I'm punishing him by mistreating myself. Turns out sometimes that just means that both of us are mistreating me! Not that he intentionally "mistreats" me, but you know what I'm saying?
    When things at home are not as smooth as they could be, take your own side. Be good to yourself, even if it means insisting that others adjust their own behaviors.
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi All!
    It's been a couple days since we have communicated to each other. I found in the settings that we could change our user name once if we wanted to. So, I changed mine to something a little more motivating my first name and my goal weight Crystallee145 :bigsmile:

    Holly, emotional eating has been my struggle too! It's the hardest part of this journey to overcome! I started out 1 step forward, 2 steps behind, and slowly progressed to 2 steps forward, 1 step behind - which is still progress! I'm not sure what the task is your doctor wanted you to complete - but you are losing weigh and that should be applauded! Leanna has given the best advice - take your own side! This hasn't been easy for me, but what I have learned is that my family wll benifit more if I take my own side. At first I felt like I was letting them down and hurting their feelings. But, once I started communicated my needs to my husband, we began comprimising. This eventually lead to my husband exercising with me - something I thought would never happen!

    I've been reading these books by Susan Albers: Eating Mindfully and 50 Way to Soothe Without Food. I have learned a lot about myself and utilizing these practices have helped me along this journey.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hey Holly, I hope everything has evened out! How did it go with the doc? In my opinion make your husband get up and deal. When you need sleep ... you need sleep. His turn to suck it up. :tongue: My hubby and I take turns. Though right now he's in my good books. He's let me sleep in for for a week an a half in a row. I got hit with three different colds in a row ... one of which I'm still taking the medication for. Guess winter is making me pay for not being sick all winter. :sick:

    I have barely been hanging on for the last bit... I have found it very hard to moderate my eating, when I have no energy to exercise. And I'm bored and can't do anything. I'm going to start to clean it up starting today. Get my zumba up and going again. Though I've been doing Leslie Sansone to keep me moving somewhat. But definitely doesn't have the same burn!
    The weather is definitely getting nicer. I've been hunting kijiji to get new bikes for 2 of the kids. Yesterday I got a bike with training wheels AND a bike carrier (pulls behind the bike) for 90. As soon as the ice is off the roads in morning... I told the kids they could ride their bikes to school with mom. I'm probably as excited as they are. I also hit the garden centre and picked up a whole bunch of vegetable seeds to get started. Our season is short but I"M GOING TO ENJOY IT!!!
    Have a great day everyone!!!!!!!
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    Yesterday I got a bike with training wheels AND a bike carrier (pulls behind the bike) for 90. As soon as the ice is off the roads in morning... I told the kids they could ride their bikes to school with mom. I'm probably as excited as they are. I also hit the garden centre and picked up a whole bunch of vegetable seeds to get started. Our season is short but I"M GOING TO ENJOY IT!!!
    Have a great day everyone!!!!!!!

    Fantastic Find!!! I cant wait to get the bikes out and ride around with the family too! Also, felt the vegetable seed bug - I had bought quite a few seeds over the weekend, but I know I cant plant for a while longer
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Okay, back again! I am feeling a bit better after my doctor appointment yesterday and I only worked half a day and I gave myself the day off of being hard on myself!

    So my doctor was pleased with my weight loss even though it wasn't totally what she wanted but she said it was well! She also gave me the go-ahead for more exercise though I find I get tired so easily right now! So hopefully things keep going well and when I see her again in a month again that I lost another 5 lbs like she wants and that I can get out and do more now that is not -40! I am almost saved up for my treadmill as well which will help!

    I think some of my down mood was my limited activities most of the winter!

    Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,699 Member
    Does anyone get SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) where the reduced daylight in the winter affects moods?
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Why the H311 would you ask that now?!!! $#@!$%%^^&* it! :angry: :grumble: :sad:

    Seriously, yes, the shorter days stink. I get less exercise, I go to work in the dark, I get home in the dark. I trip over my black dog in the dark.

    I have mad cravings for sweets.

    Any other whines you want from me? :laugh:
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,699 Member
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member

    Avec du Brie?

    Every whine should be cheesy.

    So how are you all my friends? I've been so crazy busy, that I've been able to scan and post a quick note now and then, but I fear RL is getting in the way of MFP.

    I have lots of new challenges at work, mostly self imposed since I did not get the promotion for which I applied a while back. I'm thinking that if I get so involved in all these big projects, push to get things accomplished, then my name will be out there for good or ill. Even though I have chosen to do these, my stress level is through the roof and my life balance is skewed. I have got to get in more time for exercise as Paula's wall keeps telling me daily (whether she knows it or not) and some good sleep would be welcome too!

    Hope you all are doing great. Holly, I'm glad the doctor visit wasn't as bad as you feared. You did so very well losing what you did over the month, I'm glad the doctor was happy with your efforts!

    Pixy, the bicycling sounds like fun! I keep making excuses to not buy a bicycle, they really are not comfortable for me to use, but both DW and DS are pushing me. If DS would just move out I doubt I'd have this issue. (Although we almost had an expensive accident yesterday when backing into the garage. He was attempting to fix a flat tire in our parking space and the sun was making vision impossible to use the backup camera or focus in the darker garage interior. Luckily we hit the inexpensive toolbox before taking out his new hybrid bike...) Did I mention it is time for him to move OUT?

    Time to get back to work, break is over. Be well my friends.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Paula, I know I get SAD. Part of the reason I moved out of the lower mainland (BC). The weather is generally more temperate but 3 entire months of NO sunlight...just rain. I had just had my first and I was already pretty housebound. I'd rather be freezing my butt off than have no sun ever again. People are so happy even though it is +3 some are wearing shorts.

    Well, it is the first day of spring! So being Edmonton it is time to SNOW! lol! I find this hilarious! It'll melt again over the next week, but too funny. I'm a little glad, my son had a snowshoeing field trip (delayed because it was too cold for the kids 2 weeks ago) today and it wasn't looking good.

    Dward, I couldn't comfortably sit on a bike seat till I hit 260. When I first started last year, I only stood and rode... just to get the kids back and forth to school. I bet this year is going to be much better, now that I'm not going to break my bike. lol!
    Holly, I'm glad the doctor was pleased..... you were so worried.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Fantastic Find!!! I cant wait to get the bikes out and ride around with the family too! Also, felt the vegetable seed bug - I had bought quite a few seeds over the weekend, but I know I cant plant for a while longer

    I can't plant outside yet either... I'm going to start seed trays in my living room. :happy:
    It's very nice that your hubby exercises with you. Mine at this point is supportive but still wants to be lazy. Apparently what I do looks like hardwork. :laugh:
  • MichelleLee1978
    MichelleLee1978 Posts: 55 Member

    I haven't really posted much in here but I am just about bursting and really needed to shout out. I have had a few rough weeks with losing friends at work through way too many layoffs, losing arguments with my scale and then decided to get acute bronchitis which has robbed me of lung capacity and therefore any chance of working out. BUT today is wonderful day with the scale moving, fitting into a shirt that I bought years ago that never felt right until now, and reassurances from my boss that my department is secure (that was yesterday but I will add it in). Oh and I was able to carry a box of paper through the office without passing out. :D

    Thank you for being here for me to share this with. Hopefully everyone is having a great day and not getting the stupid icy roads and big snowflakes to start off Spring as we are in Calgary.
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    I like these happy posts!

    Dan, I understand the stress at work I was turned down for a promotion 6 months ago and decided to work harder and make sure I make the next one, and that time is here now! I interview for it on Wednesday!!! Yikes!

    Pixy: glad the weather is nice there but if you get snow keep it, I still have snow to shovel!

    Michelle: I am glad things are working well for you and that you are feeling better :)

    Paula: I think seasonal mood disorder effects more people then we realize but summer is coming and soon we will forget :)
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Michelle, it must of been stressful with cutbacks... it must be a load off your mind to know your job was secure. Very scary. I totally understand about being sick... got hit with 3 different bugs that took me out for 10 days. Finally got some energy back in the last couple of days. I would really like to know why everytime I get sick my tonsils have to get infected. grrrr..... That is awesome about your shirt!!! woohoo! Love it when the scale moves.... yay!!!

    Holly, tell us how the interview goes!!!

    Holly, you got your wish... looks like the snow is planning to stick around for a couple of days.:tongue: Weather dropped and we're at -17 this morning! lol!!! The roads were so bad, I almost slid into someone yesterday morning. I was going grocery shopping but at that point, I just turned around and went home. It wasn't worth it. My dh tells me later... I was going to call and tell you the roads were awful. :grumble: "Thanks!"
    If I wasn't so happy about feeling better, I might be grumpy. I survived a live zumba class this morning... when I had no energy 2 days ago!!!:happy: Have a great weekend everyone!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Holly, best of luck during the interview. :)

    Michelle, what a happy post! I'm glad things are looking up and you are feeling better.

    Paula, I don't get SAD, but I have a friend who does. She uses a tanning bed in the winter to get the UV rays. She swears it works for her.

    Dan, I am sorry about the promotion not working out as you had hoped. Don't let it cause you a setback. And about the bike, we have a guy here in the RV park who rides a recumbent bike. I'm not crazy about bikes, but I might enjoy those. I ride a stationary recumbent bike at the gym sometimes.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,699 Member
    Michelle, thanks for the pick-me-up. Needed that.

    Dan, they make extra-extra wide bicycle seats. Don't know if that would help?

    I've had a hard week. Like Dan, it was self imposed. I've volunteered to work for a non-profit which resulted in too few workouts. Cooked for a potluck which resulted in too many carbs. Was really frightened I'd lost it, but got it turned around today. Dropped all carbs for the day and caught up workout challenges, and took the neighbor's dog for a walk. It feels so good.

    But it's scary that it's so easy to get derailed. Thank you to all my friends for your help!

    Have you ever had a reverse-NSV? I am wearing size 12/14 now, but tried on a size 14 skirt from twenty years ago which didn't fit! So now I know girls are a size larger than the old sizes, and womens are two sizes larger. Felt skinny for awhile there. Still have 50# to lose so I'm not really skinny, but when you're losing, it always feels that way.

    Wishing everyone :angry:strength:angry: and peace! :flowerforyou:
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions guys. It generally isn't the seat that is the problem with bicycles, it is the odd configuration of my hips making one leg about an inch shorter than the other. Gives me a rolling gait walking and fits when trying to ride a bike... I am certain there are shoes or other changes that might make it possible to ride, but I don't really care all that much to go to the expense to look into it. If it was a passion, then I'd pursue it. A flash in the pan desire to ride bikes with my son, while it would be nice, is a not so much. :smile:

    I think I mentioned posting on one of these threads that I was off to do a hike with a local group yesterday. While there was a couple hours of hiking, there was a lot more driving, still I had a GREAT time. Folks are posting photos on the site for the trip. I ended up in one of the photos. I have to keep telling myself that I am SO much better than I was. Still, if you would like to see me in full length mode, feel free to check my photos and click on the picture that seems to be of my backside in jeans. Talk about a reverse NSV! :noway: Too bad i couldn't see this photo shortly after it was taken, I was already starting to burn through that balding spot! But hey, the glove box which held the sunblock didn't burn! lol

    I hope you all had as wonderful a day yesterday as I did!