Strength training excersises

I've been going to the pool about two weeks now and I'm starting to get a little bored with what I'm doing and looking to change things up so I can still feel the burn.

I swim from anywhere between 60 min to 90 min. This is my usual routine

- freestyle laps sets of 4 - 8 laps* to work on cardio and endurance.

- breaststroke for rest laps. (can't do breaststroke for long as I have a knee injury)

- dolphin kick and freestyle kick laps to work the legs 2 sets of 4 laps for each.

- freestyle laps no kicking to work the arms. 2 sets of 4 laps

- Some butterfly maybe 4-6 laps staggered here and there.

* 25m course.

I'm going to invest in some hand paddles, but what are some things you do to keep your routine fresh and different?


  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I don't do these exercises but some of the ladies in the pool do so I thought I'd pass them along. One lady uses light freeweights and swims basically a puppy paddle, other ladies like to do pullups by holding on to the starting blocks in between laps, a few others do yoga at the end of their workouts and others do stretching at the shallow end with their legs - straddle out and in - for their knees. I also have bad knees and I appear much older than you. I car pool so I don't have the luxury of longer than an hour workout. I hope some of these might interest you.
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Sounds like you've got got lots of variety. I would suggest splitting up the different strokes. Perhaps freestyle and butterfly strokes one day and backstroke and breaststroke on another, so each day is different to the last. Or you could choose a stroke that you would like to improve your technique and focus on those skills for a while. I did this last summer with learning butterfly and it felt great to get better technique and required concentration and focus.
    Hope this helps.
  • dickrocketjones
    dickrocketjones Posts: 78 Member
    Try a waterproof iPod. Really helps from getting bored. Waterfi is the brand I use.
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Try a waterproof iPod. Really helps from getting bored. Waterfi is the brand I use.

    ^ This, same here, I LOVE my Waterfi with the Swimbuds short cord headphones. The only problem with the Swimbuds is they do tend to crap out, they're usually good about replacing them even if it's a little past the warranty period. I just keep a spare pair in my bag, when I have to break that out it's time to order the next (if I can't get a warranty replacement......

    Also, you can alternate days where you swim distance 1 day & do shorter sets the opposite day. My distance days are all freestyle, my opposite day I do individual medleys + some extra laps of butterfly. If you use the pull paddles just stay aware for pain in the shoulder - not usual muscle pain, but pain in the joint itself. The shoulders are unstable & too much stress on them can cause injury to the capsule (one of the trainers at my gym said this was the most common injury in swimmers). You can search the USA swimming site for non-injured shoulder strengthening exercises, they're designed to strengthen the muscles in & around the shoulder joint to help stabilize the joint itself. They definitely make a big difference.........
  • SynchroGal
    SynchroGal Posts: 4 Member
    I have a swimP3 player and love listening to music as I swim. Makes the time pass quickly.

    Also Try mixing up what you already do write out a workout add some drills.
    For breast stroke have you ever tried doing dolphin kick? This is a fun drill and not too hard on the knees.

    My favorite workout in the pool would have to be Synchro- great workout always challenging!

    I can send you one of my workouts if you want to give it a try. Good luck!
  • sanderdejonge
    sanderdejonge Posts: 415 Member
    Try to focus on particular things to keep things interesting;
    sprinting, distance, legs, arms, particular stroke, etc..

    Training example for sprinting:

    2x100 freestyle
    1x100 backstroke
    50 legs
    100 arms
    100 medley

    TECHNIQUE (25sec rest)
    100 freestyle, tick hips
    100 freestyle, tick shoulder
    100 freestyle, enter water with hands early and make wave-like motion with arms (in Dutch we call it the Japanese gliding stroke...)
    100 freestyle, above combined

    SPRINTING (first 100/75/50 you set a time, next 3x try to achieve the same time)
    4x100 freestyle 95%, 10sec rest
    - 1 min rest
    4x75 freestyle 95%, 10sec rest
    - 1min rest
    4x50 freestyle 95%, 10 sec rest
    - 1 min rest
    Swim in easy pace

    300 own choice

    TECHNIQUE e.g. butterfly (15 sec rest)
    100 legs
    50 right arm only (and legs)
    50 left arm only (and legs)
    50 right arm 3 times, then full stroke once - left arm 3 times, then full stroke once
    50 full stroke

    150 own choice