
  • Well, not had the best weekend diet wise. It was my sons birthday so I Obviously had to have a little bit of cake and party goddies lol

    but..... then it was my birthday weekend and I was taken out for the day doing an tree top assault course and after that I ate like a good un. I didn't know that I could consume so much food.

    I'm back on it today and looking forward to my workout :D
  • savoy815
    savoy815 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey everyone! Today I did TBC and actually feel like I made some progress with the planks. I also did Stretch today since I was crazy busy yesterday. I fell off on my eating this weekend because my husband i going to be out of town for the next few weekends so we went out a few times but i wasn't TERRIBLE. I will admit that I had pasta on Saturday but just did a basic garlic oil sauce instead of Alfredo (my favorite) and only ate half. I plan to just do extra Zumba to make up the difference in calories.

    I hope that everyone had a good Monday!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Yesterday I did wk 1 day 1 I did restart yesterday which was cardio today I do speed 1.0
  • tigergem86
    tigergem86 Posts: 59 Member
    Last night i did couch to 10k week 4 day 3, total body circuit and sundays stretch. This morning i did speed 1.0, at least 23 minutes of it, i ran out of time and had to get ready for work. No workout tonight as i rest and get back at it tomorrow with lower body focus and couch to 10k week 5 day 1
  • savoy815
    savoy815 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey folks! Completed speed 1.0 and did WAY better. Did about 95% with the crew and had to just take 2 super quick breaks. Really excited about my progress!

    Have a great day guys!!
  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Took a much needed rest day yesterday. My body was hurting ! I'm ready to get after it today with TBC!

    Have a great day!
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    Lower focus for me yesterday. I have realised that I hate it lol I thought it was abs I didn't like, but no, definitely lower focus. it just kills my legs! Which is obviously the point, it means its doing something, but wow!
    Cardio today!
  • savoy815
    savoy815 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey team! Did Lower Focus and again i am seeing improvements. Since this is the first time I did this one on a single day it was nice to be able to push and not have to save my energy for that extra workout. My legs felt like jelly during all the lunge pulses. I still have to get out of it for a few seconds in the middle but i am getting better. My goal is to not stop next time. This workout makes me sweat so good! I still have problems with the lunge squat progression and alignment but i am getting a bit faster at least. I am looking forward to cardio tomorrow. I can't believe that we are halfway through Alpha! Time is really flying.

    I plan to shake my butt to a little zumba later this evening.

    Have a great evening!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Alpha wk1 day 3 - Tbc- DONE
  • estherrobinson9
    estherrobinson9 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey everyone I'm new to this group. I am on week 2 day 4. T25 is really kicking my butt and I LOVE IT!!! Quick long will it take to get my heart in shape? I feel these workouts are harder on my heart than my body
  • MadFrankie99
    MadFrankie99 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey everyone I'm new to this group. I am on week 2 day 4. T25 is really kicking my butt and I LOVE IT!!! Quick long will it take to get my heart in shape? I feel these workouts are harder on my heart than my body

    Welcome along...

    It's an impossible question to answer about your heart, the only thing that can be said is that with every session of exercise you do, your overall health and stamina will improve and you'll start to notice you are out of breath less, have more energy, can complete more etc etc...

    Any exercise is better than none!
  • savoy815
    savoy815 Posts: 88 Member
    Cardio done! I did pretty well but i have a really sharp pain in my back/shoulder that really prevented me from going full speed. It feels like when you sleep wrong and get a crick in your neck but it is in such a strange place i have no clue how i did it. It is like under my right lat in my back. It prevented be from doing anything fast or aggressive on my left side so I feel like i couldn't go at 100%. I took some advil and will hopefully just be able to wait it out.

    We will see how it is tomorrow...if it is still feeling the way that it is right now I might have to do TBC on Saturday emoticon

    Anyway, have a great day team!
  • Cardio done! I did pretty well but i have a really sharp pain in my back/shoulder that really prevented me from going full speed. It feels like when you sleep wrong and get a crick in your neck but it is in such a strange place i have no clue how i did it. It is like under my right lat in my back. It prevented be from doing anything fast or aggressive on my left side so I feel like i couldn't go at 100%. I took some advil and will hopefully just be able to wait it out.

    We will see how it is tomorrow...if it is still feeling the way that it is right now I might have to do TBC on Saturday emoticon

    Anyway, have a great day team!

    I get that pain too :O not sure what causes it but when I get it it hurts like hell! Mine not constant so hopefully you should fell it getting better soon.

    p.s. Good on you for still doing it :D any workout is better than no workout :D
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    3/20- wk1 day 4 ab intervals DONE
  • savoy815
    savoy815 Posts: 88 Member
    Good Evening guys!

    The week 3 double day is in the books and it kicked my behind. I had to take a 4 hour break in between TBC and Ab Invervals, I was just too exhausted. Right after ab intervals I did a 20 minute Zumba session to get a better calorie burn today. I always try to go a little harder on the day before STATurday. I am a bit nervous about this one because I was pretty bad last Saturday and Sunday. I have been clean all week and did some extra Zumba sessions to make up for the extra calories that I consumed but you just never know!

    It is so interesting to me that I had a tough time with energy yesterday and today, I am thinking that maybe it has something to do with the order of the videos this week. It seems like doing TBC, then Speed 1.0 then Lower Focus sucked a lot of energy from me. Looking at the schedule for next week, I am not sure that it is going to get any better emoticon.

    Have a great one guys....I will update my STATurday info in the morning.

  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Hey everyone hope your all doing good pushing play daily as for me I'm happy to say my 1st double day is done
    Alpha wEEK 1 is complete feel accomplished now week 2 on Monday here I come and taking stats tmm
  • estherrobinson9
    estherrobinson9 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey everybody today I finished my second week of alpha (lower focus and and ab intervals) can't waint until Staturday!! I will let yall know what my stats are! Yall keep up the good work and keep your focus!
  • estherrobinson9
    estherrobinson9 Posts: 6 Member
    Good morning friends just a update on my staturday results finishing week 2 alpha.


    Week 1: 137 lost 2cm in my arms and 1cm in my thighs dont ask my why cm lol!!!

    Week 2: now im measuring in inches my weight yesterday showed I had lost 2 more lbs but today backup to 137
    This week I have lost 1/2 inch in my waist and 1/2inch in my hips so I guess thats not to shabby!!
  • cshaw6482
    cshaw6482 Posts: 7 Member
    So excited! Staurday results!!!
    End of week 4 Alpha for me:
    SW 171

    Today 165 and I lost a total of 5 inches!

    Just keep pressing PLAY!!!!! Yay me! lol
  • MadFrankie99
    MadFrankie99 Posts: 46 Member
    So, week 5 total body done. I think I'm getting better. I've found I'm not looking at the tv as much and wondering how to move my body into that move anymore and can focus on the actual exercise.

    So, on track so far with weight loss and feeling better so...
