Day 93

Good Thursday Morning!!

Yesterday was much better than the day before. I was under my calories and I did move around more at work yesterday. Today will be another great day. I have all my food logged and will stick to what is on it. I hope everyone has an amazing day and pushes forward!


  • AlexzKT
    AlexzKT Posts: 131 Member
    Yay! Glad you had a good yesterday @Jeannieclark8 -- I hope today goes just as well for you.

    My name is Alexz, by the way.
    I'm joining this group a week late (I was in Chicago on vacation for the past week and I DEFINITELY did not want to restrict my eating while I was there!) -- but I'm starting today and felt like I might as well throw down my goals here:

    1) Log EVERYTHING!!!!!!!
    2) Hit the gym 3x/week at minimum, but I would much prefer 5x/week! I want to try to run 2x/week as a part of these workouts. I miss the days when I was running all the time!
    3) Really limit the sweet intake -- I don't have a concrete goal. I need to work on saying "no," even if I can afford it in my calorie count/macros! I'm pretty sure it's my sweets problem that has stalled my progress.

    I'm excited to be a part of this group! I will try to be as active as possible... but school (I'm a third year vet student) sometimes prevents me from being supportive as often as I would like.

  • Jeannieclark84
    Jeannieclark84 Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome to the challenge AlexzKT. I just wanted to let you know that I am a 4th year vet student in California. It is difficult to find the time but somehow I have managed to do it most of the time. If you need anything just let me know. I also started a group for vets and staff. I will send you an invite and if you want to join that would be great if not we can stay in touch here. Good luck with goals!

  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Great job @Jeannieclark8!! I'm having a much better day too! Banana and pineapple for breakfast, grilled chicken ceasar salad for lunch, and crockpot hawaiin bbq chicken with asian salad for dinner!!! yummers!

    WELCOME @ALEXZKT!!! So glad you are joining! You are going to do so GREAT!!! Those are great goals too!
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    UGH!! Me and my sweets! I can never stay under 100 calories for them...NEVER! But it is helping me to not go overboard so I am aiming for no more than 100 but if I do 200-300 I'm not gonna have a baby...because I was easily doing! It has cured my nightly ice cream habit!