Missed a few days!

So...... I missed a few days this week, and pigged out as it was my birthday :( I feel so bad for it too. I cut out sugar and fast food and when I had a little treat at the weekend it just made me want more!

So I'm back on it now and doing double tonight. I'm doing lower focus and cardio to make up for my lost days! then its healthy eating from then onwards.

Hope everyone else is doing good and sticking with it!


  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    I had a bit of a blow out too for my birthday (P.S. Happy birthday, birthday buddy!!) with pizza. But I knew I would and although I ate more than I should have, I'm back to behaving today. I think the important thing is to recognise why we ate the way we did, not dwell on it and carry on as we have been. I know for me, I'm not going to slip back into old habits, that I ate something different for a particular reason and that it won't become a habit or regular thing again.
    Good on you for doubling up the workouts to stay on track :) That shows a different mindset already.
  • martynangus3113
    Cheers :D Happy Birthday to you too lol! Yeah I ate way too much :P but like you said don't dwell on it.... it's not like we decided to give in or anything, it was just birthday time :P only happens once a year anyhow :D and Its probably the only time we can get away with eating junk.

    I worked my *kitten* of tonight, doubling up was such a good idea :D feel brilliant for it :D just need to get a shower now as I'm all yucky lol :P