Newbie to Paleo

Myan1959 Posts: 30 Member
Hello everyone, so happy to see there is a group on here for this. I started Paleo 3 weeks ago. I have always been a pretty healthy eater but I have to say since I started I do feel so much better. I do 80-20. It has got easier with the lower carbs and sugar. Just wanted to stop by and say hi. It's a journey but I am enjoying it. Been reading a lot of your posts and did not know about Mark's Daily Apple been reading that also. Thank you for mentioning it in your posts. The hardest thing I have is around 3pm when I want a pick me up. I reach for peanuts and a apple any suggestions greatly appreciated. Happy Friday????


  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    Hello and welcome, I tend to have the same issue I eat a nut snack when I get home from work before I go do my workout, but if I do not workout I tend to do it anyway. It is an old habit for me (and not to blame anyone but myself here) my Wife usually eats her lunch around 2 or 3 so she doesn't feel hungry until 6 or 7 and I am really getting strong cravings by 5 from my schedule. So a snack serves me well and a quarter cup of nuts will usually hold me. As for fruit, it is okay but it never satiates and would just drive my hunger so I avoid it until after or with a meal and only a few times a week because of the sugars.
  • Myan1959
    Myan1959 Posts: 30 Member
    I have had an apple everyday for so many yrs I don't know how to give it up lol I eat lunch at 12 so by 3:30 I am hungry. Then dinner at 8. It's tough. I used to buy the biggest apples now I try and pick out the smallest ones so that is a step forward:)
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    Seeing that you have very little weight to lose,I don't understand why an apple would be bad,even if you do have loads to lose.It's an apple.
    The peanuts are a no no on this woe,as they are full of mould,a legume,and not the healthiest nut choice.
    I am never hungry between meals,I can easily go 8+ hours without an issue,unless I am eating high carb(over 60 grams for me).
    I eat quite high fat (about 60-70% of my calories)as well as good amounts of protein(25-30%).It's what works for me.
    I don't get an afternoon slump and I can fast from the night before(around 630)until the next day(around 11-12).
    One thing,apples have the highest level of pesticides of all fruit.They spray the hell out of them and not with just one type but many.
    Unless you know the source(i.e.,farmer's market),I would not be trusting a grocery store's apples.
    There has been a lot of talk in recent years about stuff coming from the US(not sure where you live)that is labelled organic but has actually come from China and the organic practices of those farms can not be proven as the US is just taking China at it's word.
    All of that being said,play around with your macros and see how you feel.It takes some time,but you will get there in the end :)
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Welcome. :flowerforyou:

    I'm another ketogenic Paleo person. I have severe metabolic disorder and starch and sugar are not my friend. That isn't the case for everyone. But for metabolic disorders its usually a good strategy.

    Just my 2 cents re 80:20. The idea behind that is to aim for 100 but we will come in at 80 because perfection is not possible and there are too many delicious "sometimes" foods to avoid them forever. If you aim for 80 you will possibly hit much lower. The only food I NEVER eat is wheat. Never.
  • annoel
    annoel Posts: 18 Member
    Regarding your snack: Whenever I have trigger responses and daily habits, that's usually the time to make changes. Like you, I was having daily almond afternoon snacks. I didn't like this, so I threw away all nuts. I don't miss them, and I've been steadily losing weight and inches.
  • little_firebug
    little_firebug Posts: 22 Member
    The longer you are Paleo the less intense these cravings for an afternoon uppie will be. I remember I was really bad at first--like bust down the front door to get to the kitchen hungry. But gradually this went away and I noticed I wasn't even getting hungry until about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. (I fell off the Paleo wagon, so to speak, but have since climbed back on so these are only memories, haha).
    My go-to snack is hard-boiled eggs. They are filling and portable. I usually boil a few on the weekend to keep through the week and that works for me! Good luck and have fun with it! There is so much delicious food out there just waiting to be turned into kick-*kitten* energy.
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    Welcome to the forum! I would swi tech those peanuts out for almonds. Or maybe change things up and see how you feel with a decaf bulletproof coffee. Some people find they do better with a 1/4 nuts every other day rather than everyday.