Day 1 Level 1

themaddbeader Posts: 38 Member
Good morning shredders!
Day 1, Level 1 is in the books for me. Had nice wobbly legs going back up and down the stairs, so I guess it was a good work out ;)


  • emilylostit
    emilylostit Posts: 20 Member
    Just about to start day 1! Just a question, how do you plan on logging this into the exercise portion of your diary? I like to keep track, but there is no "30 day shred" workout when I search it. I have no idea how many calories I will be burning, and I don't want to guess. Maybe Circuit training?
  • callen803
    callen803 Posts: 9 Member
    I was reading about how to log this yesterday. Most people put it under circuit training, but I guess the calories burned are WAY off. They said use a HRM to have correct numbers. I'll be doing my shred workout in a couple hours....gotta work around the kiddos schedules. :)
  • emilylostit
    emilylostit Posts: 20 Member
    Yeah, I got 325 calories burned for 25 mins of work. I included the warm up, but not cool down. It would be fantastic if that were true, can't use a HRM since I don't have one. But maybe I'll look into it.
  • themaddbeader
    themaddbeader Posts: 38 Member
    I log it as "Circuit Training, General" for 20 minutes. The exercise tracker on here gives me about 180 calories burned. I have no idea if it's even close, but it's what I go with. Anything is better than nothing!
  • emilylostit
    emilylostit Posts: 20 Member
    Alright, maybe I'll drop it down to 20 then.
  • rissamarie406
    rissamarie406 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi all, this is exactly what I'm doing. I've started level 1 multiple times and keep getting thrown off track. Day 1 Level 1 for me today was tougher than the last couple times I started this program, but I know it gets better.

    I look forward to shredding it with you guys! :)
  • rissamarie406
    rissamarie406 Posts: 29 Member
    I log it as "Circuit Training, General" for 20 minutes. The exercise tracker on here gives me about 180 calories burned. I have no idea if it's even close, but it's what I go with. Anything is better than nothing!

    That's how I usually log it too. I just read on a thread in the forums that Jillian Michael's uses a formula that goes something like this: ((your weight/25)×50))/60= the number of calories burned per minute.

    So I weigh 165. 165/25=6.6. 6.6 ×50=330. 330/60=5.5 calories burned per minute. HOWEVER, this formula doesn't account for intensity so...

    I don't eat back calories burned and I'd rather underestimate my calories burned, than overestimate it, so I'll probably start using this formula and figure I'm burning about 160-165.

    Really, the point is that we're letting Jillian Michaels kick our *kitten*, right? ;)
  • bostonboxermom
    bostonboxermom Posts: 24 Member
    I started yesterday. After only doing Zumba and 10k steps a day, this kicked my butt. This morning I def FELT yesterday. But, it wasn't horrible to the point I couldn't sit I trudged on and did today Day 2. I def think I need to use smaller weights - I've been using my 5 lb ones, but need to dig out my 2 lb ones. I want to do 5x a week with weekends off.

    There was a formula on the forums somewhere about calories burned... It's surprisingly low. I hope this doesn't slow my weight loss, I know inches are important too but I'm still about 23 lbs from my real goal (ticker goal is my first goal of 135)..

    Jillian, you are MEAN!!!!!!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I did day 1 level1 today hr estimated 300 cals I input 200 to be safe and I used 3lb weights
  • callen803
    callen803 Posts: 9 Member
    Ok, I just finished my Day 1 Level 1! It was hard, I'm totally going to be feeling it tomorrow, don't get me wrong, but not as hard as I remember....maybe because I couldn't do the cardio 100%. I'm breastfeeding and these bad girls weigh about 12lbs a piece....not exaggerating. So jumping jacks and butt kickers are rather hard on my back and chest. I've been doing Turbo Jam for 3 weeks or so, I think I'm not completely winded.
  • themaddbeader
    themaddbeader Posts: 38 Member
    Nice job everybody!
    Now time for some motivational speaking...
    30 Day Shred is no joke. Those of you who haven't done it before, be prepared. You are going to hurt tomorrow. In my opinion, tomorrow is the worst day... You hurt from head to toe and you have to do it all over again! But, once you get going on day 2 you'll start to loosen up and it won't be so bad... I promise! This whole week is kinda sucky, but stick with it!!! You can do it!
    I think it's best to underestimate your calories burned... It sucks to only put in like 150 calories burned, but try to keep in mind that this isn't *just* cardio. You're doing a lot of strength training. Cardio is what "burns" calories, strength training is what shapes and defines. Don't get too discouraged if you don't drop a bunch of weight doing 30 Day Shred. You are building muscle, which will help you lose weight in the long run because it burns calories all by itself, just by being there. You're also improving your cardiovascular system, giving you more stamina in everyday activities (all I really want is to make it up the 4 flights of stairs to my school's library without looking like I've just run 5K). You WILL lose inches and your clothes WILL fit better... and THAT'S what counts.
    We've got this! Keep it up!
  • PrincessTatertot
    PrincessTatertot Posts: 11 Member
    Just finished day 1 level 1. Reminded me how much my knees and I hate jumping jacks. HRM logged 335 calories including warm up and cool down. I am still sweaty and wobbly. I really hope to finish the whole program this time because I have never made it past level 1 :)
  • crenee014
    crenee014 Posts: 32 Member
    Just finished! Feeling weak but I did it lol..
  • callen803
    callen803 Posts: 9 Member
    Awesome job everyone! So glad to have ladies to support and get encouraged by! Remember you are capable of amazing things!!
  • bostonboxermom
    bostonboxermom Posts: 24 Member
    Today will be my third day. I found 3 lb weights to use. Still on a 500 cal deficit daily, so hoping I'll still lose a few pounds while doing this.

    I must say, I woke up today thinking I wouldn't be able to move. Not the case. I'm a little sore in the legs, but nothing like yesterday!!! I'm ready for Day 3!
  • bmlubin
    bmlubin Posts: 10
    I'm a bit late, but I started yesterday as well. Felt good. Looking forward to today's workout!
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    I just found that we moved to this group. I am 160 lbs hoping to lose 20 lbs in 30 days <wink> I will just be happy to lose something!

    I've been on a plateau and hoping this will move things back in the right direction. I have been doing this for 3 days. But I've reset to Monday as day 1. I found that I do have more stamina than I did day 1. At least I can get down and up on time to the DVD. I am terrible out of shape. I didn't realize how bad until I tried to stretch and reach my toes and tried to stretch my hamstrings. What the H*** happened?!! I haven't lost any weight yet. (HAHA) I am keeping my diet journal around 1400 cals. Got my grapefruit and salad with a little piece of chicken in the lunch bag!

    For the workout, I am using 3lbs weights, I have to really push myself on the side lunges to barely keep them eye level by the end, so it is a good start for me.

    I like to do the work out in the AM before work, but didn't have time this morning. I will do it when I get home tonight.

    Thanks for keeping me motivated.
    Have a great day - eat Healthy!