Day 88

ifaber Posts: 195 Member
Hey fit fam!!!

If you haven't checked out this week's challenge go ahead and take a peek...its definitely a CHALLENGE, lol!

Welp, I have had many successes and failures so far but I am LOVING this challenge and everything it is teaching me. The main thing it is teaching me is to say NO. Sometimes I override it but with consistency comes progress so I will be consistent in this and keep going. There's no use in stopping just because you fail...KEEP MOVING FORWARD!

I have two workouts in the afternoon and one tonight...LET"S GO!


  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    I've been doing pretty good for me. Today I'm having I don';t give a crap day though lol I'm still logging my food but I just feel so tired. I didn't sleep good at all last night. Also since I started trying to be more active I have found myself feeling more tired than normal. So today I upped my calorie intake from 1400 to 1600 in hopes it helps. I have barley been eating my full 1400 a day much a less eating back some of the burned calories. I may look into some nuts to help me hit my calorie and protein goals easier. Any suggestions are welcome! My diary is always open :smile:
  • Jeannieclark84
    Jeannieclark84 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi All!!

    @AvalonsUnicor - Are you getting plenty of rest? Rest is just as important as us moving around. Last week when I was tired and feeling hungry I found high protein foods to put in my daily routine and I am feeling much more alive this week!

    Today has been a good day. I have drank my water and have stayed within my calories. I will get two workouts in today but they will be together. Tomorrow I will do my yoga in the morning and run in the evening. Here is to sticking to our challenges and being the support to each other that we need!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Thatsmywrapgirl
    I'm 2 pounds shy of my first goal... 20 pounds! Just started back at the gym yesterday!
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    Probably not. I don't sleep as good in the winter in this apartment. I sleep down stairs on the couch. It's just to cold upstairs in the winter even with the heat on. Since I've been sleeping down here since about November and I won't share the broken pull out bed with my Fiancee it probably effects me more than I like to admit.

    Unfortunately I live on an old military base. That's all well and fine but the idiots who built the housing here back in the day mixed up the blue prints. Our apartments are made for Florida NOT the cold Upper Peninsula of Michigan's winters. In other words we don't have a single piece of paper between VERY thin walls for insulation. This winter has been particularly bad! Normally I love snow and cold. Not this year I've been pretty much hiding from the world until the snow melts and I can turn the heat off.

    I think my allergies due to having the heat running all the time also is causing some major allergy flare ups for me. Normally a simple Alevert takes care of that for me. But so far this year nothing is touching me and we haven't even had our snow melt yet! I think I'm going to add more protein if possible. I think also that when and if we ever do see the sun again it will help me greatly! I do know I am more tired and moody on cloudy days than I am when the sun is bright.

    As for you all working on your goals good job! I really like this group. everyone is so encouraging and helpful :) I think we will all do just fine if we keep it up
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    @AvalonsUnicor - Totally sucks to be cold! I am so not a winter person anyway so I can only imagine the misery if I had to be in a cold apartment! Are you able to get a space heater, that helps me TREMENDOUSLY in my house! Rest and proper nutrient intake is so important in our journeys. I have found that when I eat enough of the right stuff and get adequate sleep I am SO on top of my A game!

    @Thatsmywrapgi - Great job on the loss so far! Here's to reaching that 20lb loss goal!!!

    @Jeannieclark8 - way to get in there and do it! love your energy!!!
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    I can't really afford to use a space heater. I wouldn't have been able to afford the heat this year as is if I hadn't thought ahead and started paying extra during the summer months. Last year it wasn't this bad so we only turned the heat on once or twice a day. If it was my choice we would move. Problem is we have a dog. Even though she's only a little Chihuahua most places won't allow pets. That's how I ended up moving in with Josh instead of the other way around to began with. It is what it is. I would never make some one give up their pet for me. I'm normally naturally warm all the time. It's just been a bad winter. And it's still going >_<
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Ugh totally sucks sorry! Hopefully it will turn soon though. I mean its spring now...come on warmer weather!