Alright Ladies!



  • sammer825
    sammer825 Posts: 50 Member
    Im so excited I found this group, sadly I can not get past day 3! i am hoping you guys can motivate me to do this everyday, i have started it numerous times. my friend did it and it worked for her, i know once i get past maybe day 4 or 5 it will get easier lol i am curious as to how many calories you guys think it will burn? im 5'9 160 pounds..
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I was thinking that once we start doing the challenge, we could check in with out measurements every ten days (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3) so we can keep supporting each other throughout this process. I find it really encouraging when I have others to motivate me (especially with JM workouts, lol).

    thats a great idea! sounds like a plan!
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Hi Ladies,

    I am 99% sure I have the DVD at home. Seems I tried and gave up like everyone else. With this group, I think I can stick with it and "git-r-done" . Very excited. Going hinting right after work. If I don't have it, I am heading right on over to Amazon and get one sent here ASAP.

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you and seeing the changes in us all.


    Were excited to have you! Thanks for joining us, we can all make it through with each others support! :)
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    good idea, this group sounds great, I am also glad we have a few days before we actually start so we can gear up for it, I have to get some small weights.
    Thanks for starting this, its just what I need!
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Im so excited I found this group, sadly I can not get past day 3! i am hoping you guys can motivate me to do this everyday, i have started it numerous times. my friend did it and it worked for her, i know once i get past maybe day 4 or 5 it will get easier lol i am curious as to how many calories you guys think it will burn? im 5'9 160 pounds..
    Hey! Thanks for joining us! I know it is really tough to get past the first few days, i myself have never made it past day 12 consecutively but i am hoping with encouragement from each other and now with other people watching i can do it! lol I think it really comes down to becoming routine and it just becoming part of your day. I have searched for it on MFP trying to add it to my exercises but i can never find it. It does change depending on your height weight etc so im not sure. It is non stop for 20 minutes, i think it probably burns anywhere from 150-300 calories depending on how hard your working, but im not totally sure.
  • Amyy1982
    Amyy1982 Posts: 369 Member
    Hello lovelies :flowerforyou:

    I love the Shred! Results are guaranteed and this is the perfect time to start! Looking forward to it!!

    Amy xo
  • morgo20
    morgo20 Posts: 68 Member
    Woo! I cant wait to start this on the 1st! I am going to send in my measurments on the 31st as well!
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    I've been doing this DVD on and off for ages it seems like, but I've never done it for 30 days consecutively. so I haven't been able to see the FULL results. I'm hoping this group will give me the kick in the butt I need! Good luck everyone! I'll send in my measurements on the 31st along with everyone else!
  • babinsiegel
    babinsiegel Posts: 38 Member
    OK so I have started before and want to make sure I am doing it right. You do the 1st series for 10 days straight, then you do the 2nd for 10 days and then the 3rd right? Is that the right way to do this video? I've always been a believer in not working the same muscles 2 days in a row but the results seem to speak for themselves so I really want to try it (and look fab for my son's 1 year photos!!).
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    OK so I have started before and want to make sure I am doing it right. You do the 1st series for 10 days straight, then you do the 2nd for 10 days and then the 3rd right? Is that the right way to do this video? I've always been a believer in not working the same muscles 2 days in a row but the results seem to speak for themselves so I really want to try it (and look fab for my son's 1 year photos!!). [/quote

    yep that's right! that's the way she explains to try it in the video. I want to try and do it this way. When i got to day 12 last time i could feel new muscle definition in my thighs i never knew i had! :) Good luck!
  • SmarteeC
    SmarteeC Posts: 12
    Are 10 lb weights acceptable? I could get smaller ones but I normally use my 10s b/c that's whats around...never used em long enough to where my body is used to it 100% though lol ;P
  • Hi everyone! I am new to MFP but after researching I decided to do the 30 day shred. Glad I found the group. I am one to not follow through so I'm hoping you guys will be extra motivation for me :-)
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Are 10 lb weights acceptable? I could get smaller ones but I normally use my 10s b/c that's whats around...never used em long enough to where my body is used to it 100% though lol ;P

    I think it depends on your fitness level, 10 pounds seems a little heavy for me personally but if you are a person who likes heavier weights during your workout then that's fine! I use 3 pounds, 5 pounds was a little much for me, but i am still a beginner with weights :)
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Hi everyone! I am new to MFP but after researching I decided to do the 30 day shred. Glad I found the group. I am one to not follow through so I'm hoping you guys will be extra motivation for me :-)
    glad to have you! :)
  • okaytori
    okaytori Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in the same spot as you ladies. I've tried it and never made it to the end. Made too many excuses. I'm ready if you are! Let's do this. Maybe some of us can friend one another that way it will be easier to be push each other!
  • Yay! I'm so excited! I have 3lbs. weights and I am 4' 11" aiming for 1340 calories a day. I've never been able to stick with any program but since this one is only 30 days I think I can finish it! :D
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I am so excited that we have 58 people in this group as of today, willing to go in this together! This is going to be awesome! Cant wait to start!
  • sweetu24
    sweetu24 Posts: 21
    I am so excited that we have 58 people in this group as of today, willing to go in this together! This is going to be awesome! Cant wait to start!

    I am super excited to see the results. I am trying to loose 10 pounds from last 2.5 years but always failed coz of lack of motivation.. I badly want to get through these 30 days.
  • butterrum13
    butterrum13 Posts: 77 Member
    Are 10 lb weights acceptable? I could get smaller ones but I normally use my 10s b/c that's whats around...never used em long enough to where my body is used to it 100% though lol ;P

    I think it depends on your fitness level, 10 pounds seems a little heavy for me personally but if you are a person who likes heavier weights during your workout then that's fine! I use 3 pounds, 5 pounds was a little much for me, but i am still a beginner with weights :)

    I would die with 10 lb weights for 30DS, but have a weak shoulder. Last time I started I did 2 lbs but I'm going to pick up some 3s this weekend.
  • dmfrank78
    dmfrank78 Posts: 16 Member
    Are 10 lb weights acceptable? I could get smaller ones but I normally use my 10s b/c that's whats around...never used em long enough to where my body is used to it 100% though lol ;P

    If you are used to 10 lbs. then I would use those but maybe have some lighter weights (6-8 lbs.) nearby in case you need to alternate or go down a couple lbs. while doing the workout.