Week 10 Chat (24-30 March)

SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
Hi Challengers!!

Welcome to Week 10 of the Trim Taut and Terrific Aussies (and friends) 12 week challenge!!

The purpose of this thread is whatever you want - Chat away to your :heart: content - it's all about sharing and support.

If you are a late starter (welcome), please make sure that you have read the GOALS thread, and posted your details under INTRODUCTIONS.

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Hi everyone!!

Our numbers have dwindled over the past weeks, and I know I haven't been as active with my updates either. I've been super busy with my job and had a few things going on with my family as well. Had a few days of pulling everything together and hopefully I will be back to all my plans this week.

Bumper is home from his overseas holiday :heart: so I'm really happy about that - but then again, he's just another something to schedule into my already over-busy life!! Some days I wonder how I fit it all in...

Anyway, happy Monday!!! Hope you all have a fabulous day and good start to the week :flowerforyou:


  • bigldesigns
    bigldesigns Posts: 102 Member
    Hey everyone...

    Here is my slightly less wiggle dance for the week!

    Almost another 1kg+ loss again this week! although it was a very very lazy week for me.. didn't do much all week.. in fact i didn't even get out of my PJ's till Friday :(
    Don't worry I did shower etc and change each day! just didn't wear "outside the house" clothes all week..

    I think this weeks goal is to actually get dressed each day even if I don't leave the house!

    I did a big update at the end of the week 9 thread.. so there is not much more to tell here.. I did not do any work on the weekend.. I played WOW all weekend... So I really better get some work done this week..

    Enjoy your week every one!!!

  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    Hey everyone, hope you're all looking forward to a great week!

    Skim - good luck with getting back to your plans this week! I hope you have recharged enough.

    Allie - congrats on your continued weight loss!

    I hit all my goals for last week - 4 runs, squash, and 3 bodyweight strength sessions! I have been unmotivated to do my strength workout for quite a few weeks, only averaging 1 session a week, so very happy about getting it done 3 times last week.

    Also did my 1 hr 50 min run on Saturday morning, covering 16 km in that time. I realised that I would only need to run another 5 km in addition to that to complete a half marathon distance. It makes me think I can really do it!

    My plan for the week looks like this:

    - 4 runs, including a 2 hr long run on Saturday! (I think I will do a reduced volume week next week)
    - squash tonight
    - 2-3 bodyweight strength sessions

    Good luck with your goals this week!
  • Tansy98
    Tansy98 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi - I'm sneaking back into the group after going missing for a couple of weeks yet again - hope that's okay, and sorry :(

    Ok, well confession time: I don't think anyone will be surprised that I haven't been honest with anyone (even myself) about what I've been eating and exercise lately. Not sure what's happened except that I have only just started to really get over this on-again, off-again flu/sickness that I've had for about a month and a half. The whole thing, going for tests, dr visits etc. just got me down I guess and I just stopped caring about eating healthy, exercising (I had no energy anyway) and so on - I wasn't logging properly, and not finishing my log for the day because more days than not I was way over on cals anyway. And it wasn't even that I was scared of nasty comments (cos all of my friends on here are pretty great), but rather that I couldn't face nice comments when I felt I really didn't deserve them. I started sneaking crap back into my diet, particularly bread, and as a result my weight has begun creeping back up - only 1 or 2kgs, but I've felt all my hard work has been coming undone. I feel like I've failed the TTTA challenge, the group, and worse myself and my family and I feel very sorry about it that I've let other people, not just myself, down :(

    So after yet another weekend of feeling sick (this time a tummy bug, just for a change, lol), and spending it curled up on the couch feeling sorry for myself, I've finally come to the realisation that I have to pick myself up and keep going. I'm going to have to start with basics all over again, cut that demon bread and sugar out again, eating healthy again, log everything I eat and really be accountable for it, even if I end up blowing out on calories, and start moving myself off the couch and enjoying life again. Honestly, I don't think at this stage I'm going to reach that goal I set way back at the beginning of the TTTA challenge, but I'll settle for at least getting back to where I was so I can continue on from there.

    Sorry this is such a long post, I really felt the need to set the record straight. Thanks for letting me be part of your group, I'm sure you're all doing way better and reaching those goals, I'm aspiring to climb back up there and start meeting some of mine soon.
    Take care everyone, and hugs to you all,
    Tansy :flowerforyou:
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Tansy thanks for coming back and thanks for baring your soul - there is no apology needed whatsoever and I completely understand where you are coming from. I mean, I started the group and I've fallen off the wagon too!! For me it is the dreaded wheat and sugar and I know I've got a problem with wheat as I eliminated it from my diet last year and every time I eat bread I get horrendous bloating and gas and diahorrea about 6 hours later. It's a problem for me but the SMELL of it is like a drug. I've just got to stop buying it.

    I've also been a bit sick the last few weeks. Really run down I think and I'm sure the wheat and sugar doesn't help. Its such a vicious cycle.

    So - don't beat yourself up and don't feel guilty or bad about it. Every day is a new beginning and sometimes it IS a matter of resisting certain foods hour by hour. Just make a plan for today and stick to it and keep a small deficit for the first week and stick to that. There's no point being super strict with yourself if you know you are going to be more tempted to blow it. Go for a short walk - 15 minutes is better than nothing. Next week you can do 20 minutes and just build it up slowly.

    You have not failed!!!! Just coming here is PROOF of that.

    Sending LOTS of support your way.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Allie you are a scream!! I love staying in my pjs too :smile: and there is nothing better than having a week at home sometimes. Good for you still losing weight and doing so well. Very proud of you.

    Hey Mich, good work on the strength training and I'm sure you will kick all your goals this week. You are doing great!!!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I'm still not feeling great. Just SO tired and run down. Been to the dr and had some blood tests taken. She said to have a week off training and take it easy because I've got a lot going on with life and I'm pushing myself too hard (no surprises there, I'm usually a full steam ahead type of person).

    So I'm going to work from home for the next few days, pretty easy with everything operating remotely and I can do meetings online as well. It means I wont get my walk in to and from the train/work etc,,, but I guess that is the point!! So I'm going to be a bit sedentary this week, but I think I need it to re-charge and the dr seems to think so - I usually would ignore her advice, but I'm feeling that bad that I think I need to sit up and pay attention.

    Plus of course, I need to stop eating bread, it's really upsetting my guts and probably contributing to the tiredness as well.

    Other than that, I feel fine. Happy to have Bumper home and everything is going well with DD this week (but hey, it's only Tuesday) LOL!!

    Hope to see a few more TTTAers come back this week, if anyone is lurking and reading, please give us an update. Just to say how you are doing, no need for apologies, just say hi :smile:
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I missed posting last week but I'm still plugging away...

    Name: Ray
    Challenge Starting Weight: 79.0kg
    Goal Weight: 70kg ( <75kg within this 12 weeks is the minimum)

    Today's weight: 75.5kg (no real loss on the scale in the last two weeks, but hit a new low of 75.0 during the week so slowly pushing to new lows...)

    Today's Measurements:No change in any measurements in the last two weeks. Maybe down another cm around the waist but I'll wait until next week to report back. -just to be sure.

    Around 14,300 cals consumed this week
    Average of 2073 cals (1552 net cals) per day

    Have slipped a little in my discipline but still doing reasonably well. I probably need to drop the calories a little (I'm sure I'm overestimating my steady state cardio burns). Weight VERY slowly dropping now, I might give things a little more push in the next couple of weeks to get over this hump then back off a little after that.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I'm still about but have been very quiet mostly because I've pretty much given up on weightloss. Not in a hopeless "I'm going to eat everything in sight" kind of a way but more because I think part of the reason I've been so low on energy lately is because I haven't been eating enough. So I'm giving myself permission to eat a bit more and slowly upping my daily calories in the hope that I will have more energy to put into my training and life generally. I've had a little bit of weight gain also partly because of the upped calories but also because my weekends have been a little out of control.

    Footy season starts soon which means I'm going to be super busy from now until August. I'm on the social committee and am doing a level one coaching course so taking on a bit more than just playing this year. We have gala day on the weekend which is a round robin between the four teams down here. I'm also coaching on this day as part of my course. Really excited for it!!!

    Hope everyone is good :)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi Ray and Gemma and thanks for the update. Ray you are so close to goal, well done on getting under 75!

    Gemma sounds like a good plan and you are so active, I would say that you probably do need to eat more. The scale is only one small reflection of progress.

    I've made my diary private today. I wasn't posting it on my news feed, but it was public. However, I've not really been filling it out properly because my diet has been awful and I have a million excuses, so lets just leave it at that. I've been injured with this hand issue, feeling really "off" for the last month and just not in a great place.

    So today I was reading through the forums (haven't been there for ages) and saw a post from someone who said that they kept their diary private because it helped them be more honest with themselves. I had always thought that it kept me honest by keeping it public, but lately this has not helped me and I think I need to log everything, the good the bad and the ugly again and face the music.

    Anyway, in the interest of being open about what I'm doing - I thought I would tell you all why. Hopefully I'll be able to kick myself in the butt and get back to where I was. I've also made a dr appointment for tomorrow because I'm starting to think that maybe there is actually something wrong with me rather than I'm just being slack. I've been feeling like crap (super tired, various aches and pains, night time sweats, not sleeping properly, nauseous) for about 4 weeks and it's just not normal. I've been SO healthy and feeling so WELL... Of course, it could just be the effects of eating wheat and too much recreational sugar again. I know it's not good for me, maybe that is it.
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Must be something going round (nationally lol) as I've also been feeling tired and crap. Think in my case it hay fever - can't breathe and therefore don't sleep well and therefore am tired all day and am sneaking some comfort foods back into my diet. Still under cals (usually) but not always the best choices. New exercise plan is also killing me, legs feel like lumps of lead. Ok, whine over :blushing:
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Went to the doctor this morning, I typed it out in a blog post :

    I guess it would explain a lot of things, but I REALLY hope I'm not going through menopause just yet. She said all my symptoms were classic (except I still have TTOM) and if that's what it is, I just have to ride through it and I'll come out the other end - one day. She said we would discuss options next week when the results get back.

    *insert various expletives here*
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I'm thinking I may go to the gym tomorrow and do a LIGHT workout. Doctor said not to do anything strenuous so I figure I can do a light full body weights session for 45 minutes and that should be alright. I really feel like I need to do SOMETHING!!

    Going out tonight for Bumpers birthday dinner, but I'll be eating gluten free (steak and salad) and not going to have any wine either.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I didn't go to the gym this morning, but I am working from home today and every hour have walked up and down my stairs and done 20 squats, that's probably the best I'm going to get exercise wise today. Tomorrow I'm going in to the office so I'll at least get my 10,000 steps in. Haven't done that many this week.

    Feeling so much better about the whole peri-menopause thing (assuming that's what is wrong) today. I mean, it can't be avoided and I can't change it so I may as well make the most of it and (if that is what it is) I feel better just knowing what the hell is wrong with me.

    Last night we went out for dinner and I had steak and salad, soda water and no cake. Bumpers kids bought a lovely cake and I cut it up and handed out to everyone and they were all saying "what about your piece" and I simply stated that I had some tests done for gluten intolerance so I was "off" cake for the moment and everyone gave a big chorus of "oh no" and "how horrible" and "my friend has that" and the party went on. No big deal whatsoever.

    AND today I have woken up with an entirely different attitude. I don't want to be sick anymore. I don't want to feel like this. If cutting out wheat is going to reduce some of my symptoms, then it's a no-brainer really... Stop eating wheat!

    With all this rest I am having, my hand also feels pretty good and I think I'll be able to go back to weights next week without any problem. Might have to go back in weight, seeing I haven't really done a good training session for the last month, but that's ok. I am really looking forward to getting back into it.

    Hope that everyone else is having a good day :smile:
  • Danispen
    Danispen Posts: 50 Member
    I feel so bad for not posting the last 2 weeks but been swamped at work, then shattered after gym really. I have really increased the intensity of my gym - now doing x 2 Rxd Sessions (same as crossfit), PT session, boxing class, body balance class (treat thae one) and started running and weights.
    Just wanted to share though that I ran/walked 4.2 km last weekend - still smiling to myself about it. I have never in my life ran for as long as that (did intervals - longest was 10 mins running).
    Sad almost to be still smiling 4 days later that I ran 4.2 km - so close to the 5k - then I just have to run all the way.
    Now just sick of the rain
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    dspen - thats fantastic, not surprised you are still smiling.

    Skim, glad you are feeling so much more positive today (and that Bumper's home)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Thanks Helen :smile:

    Danielle, that is GREAT news!!! Go you!!! I don't think I've ever run (on the treadmill) for longer than 2 minutes. But I don't have any desire to either... It's really good when we smash through one level to the next and I know what that good feeling is like. Hold onto it and tap into it when you have a low moment... For inspiration and all round good vibes.


    I went in to the office today. Still shattered due to lack of sleep, but at least working from home for a few days gave me a little re-charge. Haven't been to the gym for a week, but I have done squats at home and even some push-ups as my hand has been feeling better. I may go to the gym on Sunday... Will just see how I feel.

    Day 3 gluten free today, pain in stomach gone. I've only been having fresh veggies and meat and fruit, Greek yoghurt, coconut. I prefer to stay clear of stuff in packets and really don't see the point in "gluten free" flour etc. I'll get some rice crackers and might try making a rice pudding for breakfast if I need some carbs when I get back to the gym. I was thinking that rice, vanilla protein powder and cinnamon would make a good combination for breakfast. I'll report back when I try it!!

    Hope everyone is happy and well and has a good weekend!!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    What a beautiful Saturday!

    This morning I had to go to the funeral for a girlfriends mother. Very sad, but easily one of the most beautiful funerals I have ever attended. She was a deeply religious woman and although she was very sick for many years she truly believed she was going to a better place, and would be with God. In a way I envied that steadfast faith, let me tell you, it did really put a different slant on the funeral. Of course, it's sad for everyone for the loss and not to see her again, but the family were all very assured that she was at peace. I walked away from the funeral with quite a different look on faith and the way that people view religion.

    It takes all types to make a world - and it's good to see things from a different perspective every now and again.

    That said, I am feeling pretty good today. I think I started my wheat free lifestyle again on Tuesday (the day before the doctor) so that makes this the 5th day without wheat and I have had NO gut issues whatsoever.

    Still super tired, but feeling a little less brain fog.

    Going out tonight with Bumper and friends, but will have an easy day tomorrow and aiming to get back to the gym next week.
  • monbot
    monbot Posts: 97 Member
    Hi All! What a week.

    After my PT session last week, I had swollen arms, for 5 days! Seriously, they looked like legs of ham! So I kept to cardio until they settled down....

    Then on Monday I had cramps. Not only did that suck, but I started getting anxious about not making my 5 symptom free days by Sunday. I really, really didn't want to have to deal with the alternatives.

    Luckily, its Saturday, and today is my 5th symptom free day. Go team! I start my food challenges Monday.

    Well done everyone who is sticking to the plan, getting back on the plan or exceeding set goals.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Nice work Mon, PT sessions can be a real challenge sometimes, but I think it's so worth it.

    Good luck with your new food challenge tomorrow!
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