Just wanted to brag!

For anyone doing keto, I highly recommend that you check your cholesterol levels early on, then later as you see results. I love to see all of my glorious numbers as my doctors look at me with disgust or confusion as I tell them how I got those results. No meds, just fatty food. Oh, I have had my issues with cholesterol, even had to be put on meds in my 20's for a while. But then, I kept an open mind while researching ways to help my fertility and metabolic issues. I stopped all medications, and dealt with my issues with food instead. For anyone who looks at you weird as you eat your full fat food,and says you are killing your cardiovascular system (even though they can clearly see you losing weight, or see your skin glowing) you can always whip out those numbers!

Or you can do as I do, and enjoy every freaking bite with no doubt, and quietly laugh.


  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    We will be laughing all the way while eating a lovely fat bomb and drinking coffee with HWC. Love all you said.
  • Mele1973
    Mele1973 Posts: 27
    Woot, woot, congrats!!! Yeah, docs, man! Don't they really get to you sometimes?! I'm lucky to have an open-minded doc, but his type is uber rare!!!

    Way to go!
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    Woot, woot, congrats!!! Yeah, docs, man! Don't they really get to you sometimes?! I'm lucky to have an open-minded doc, but his type is uber rare!!!

    Way to go!
    It's amazing to see the results - and until I'd seen it I wouldn't have believed it either - it's just not what our education taught us.

    My triglycerides were cut to 1/3 the previous level. My total cholesterol went down only slightly, but the ratio improved dramatically. I wish I had access to advanced lipid testing to really get a good picture ... Unfortunately I'd have to send samples to Toronto ... and don't care enough to do that :)

    FYI virtually all medical schools are still teaching the diet-heart hypothesis and lipid hypothesis. As are nutrition/dietetic programs. It's going to take a major shift to see that change, but hopefully it will happen.
  • AMPitup89
    AMPitup89 Posts: 39 Member
    That's so awesome!!

    I've never tested my cholesterol numbers before but all those typical markers have been healthy for me probably because of my age. What I do want to get checked is my hormone levels. I KNOW those are out of whack and have been for years. I think my diet caught up to me coupled with losing my mother and all the stresses of college life - I gained so much weight. And I have plenty of symptoms of unbalanced hormones. I did test my glucose levels out of curiosity and I'm right in the center of normal!

    Haven't seen one of my friends in a while but come to find out she's been using MFP to track her calories. I heard her say so many times how she has to try to control her hunger on 1,300 calories. Well that's about the calories I had yesterday too and I wasn't hungry at all. And I got to eat way more too. People give us weird looks but they have no idea what they're missing out on.