How late is too late

Hey everyone,
I've been doing some SERIOUSLY late night studying and or work lately typically only getting between 2-5 hours of sleep. But my question is how do you combat the late night munchies? I typically get them around midnight and try to tell them to shush but if I'm up till 6 am it's really hard to do so.

Suggestions ?


  • Cudleigh
    Cudleigh Posts: 188 Member
    Ouch, two hours of sleep does not seem fun at all. I stay up late frequently, and yeah, sometimes I eat after midnight and all that. What I find is the later it is, the less effort I want to put into food. So, for example, I'm more likely to grab a bag of chips or something instead of steaming some broccoli. What I do is make sure that there's something easy to grab in case I do get hungry. I almost always have cut up celery/carrots in my fridge or fruit. That way, yeah I'm eating super late. but it's better than that entire box of Mac n Cheese I could have made, you know?
  • claritabay
    claritabay Posts: 5 Member
    Considering my life right know, I totally understand what you mean. I think it must have something to do with the fact that when we are awake, our bodies are accustomed to food every few hours, so when we stay up late, it is asking for food that it normally wouldn't need because of sleep. My suggestion is something substantial like a banana, cheese sticks, dried fruit, or carrots to fill you up and give you the energy to finish that paper.
  • Phoenix150
    Phoenix150 Posts: 24 Member
    I keep plain almonds, boiled eggs, and washed/cut veggies on hand for easy access snacks. Oh and veggie sticks if I want more crunchy snacks.
  • rom838love
    rom838love Posts: 20 Member
    Fiber-rich boxed cereal. Also fruit tea- low or no cal, no caffeine, it can sometimes help the cravings. Also popcorn isn't too bad.