SO Excited.

I've been on Ideal Protein since October 2013, and I'm about 15 pounds away from the end of Phase 1. I started as part of an endorsement gig on my radio station - the chiropractic clinic that advertises with us wanted testimonials from station employees in exchange for going through the program for free and I got to be the one to do it. I've got commercials running on 2 of our 7 stations and I do endorsement blubs live twice a week during my radio show. It's a pretty sweet setup for all of us, especially Dylan, my health coach at the clinic.

He and I have been emailing back and forth all day about how much business the endorsements are bringing in.

So much business that he cannot handle all the patients/clients himself.

So much business that we've discussed my available hours and he's going to send me more information later on training so that I can be their second, part time certified health coach and teach the program to other people just like me.

I'm gonna be a health coach, guys!


  • ljlantgen
    ljlantgen Posts: 48 Member
    Wow how awesome and what a great weight loss! I am excited for you!!
  • QueenOSpades
    QueenOSpades Posts: 171 Member
    I'm really happy to hear fcbailey! Being surrounded by like minded people all day will definitely help you stay on track yourself :)

    Who knows, you might be able to touch many lives!
  • jan5500
    jan5500 Posts: 47 Member
    That is so exciting! I'm jealous.
  • Button400
    Button400 Posts: 6 Member
    Good for you! You will be terrific. Congratulations!
  • sdkyne
    sdkyne Posts: 77 Member
    I'd love to hear what it takes to be a health coach for IP. It's something I have been considering doing as well. I think I would be good at it. How do you earn money, is it by the hour, sales commission?
  • OWL9100
    OWL9100 Posts: 7
    OMG that is so cool. WTG! That means your an inspiration. I would love a job like that...witnessing people losing weight, feeling great and being a part of it.
  • ChampagneHrglss
    ChampagneHrglss Posts: 42 Member
    I'd love to hear what it takes to be a health coach for IP. It's something I have been considering doing as well. I think I would be good at it. How do you earn money, is it by the hour, sales commission?

    I'm making an hourly wage, but this is a second job for me so the money wasn't my big motivating factor. Today is my second day - I'm going to be there for three days every week, and I think he's hiring another two coaches and the three of us will all be part-time.

    Tuesday was my first day, and it was overwhelming but it was awesome. I got a tour of the clinic and I shadowed my coach for the first two appointments - which were new client consultations. Then we had a couple of check-in appointments, and then toward the end of my day we had another new client consultation. She was an ER nurse and was this incredibly awesome lady that I instantly adored. My coach asked me if I wanted to run the presentation and explain the protocol - on my first day. I was like "aaahhhhh really?" and the nurse said "Honey, I let people do IVs on me for their first time, bring it on."

    It was freaking cool. I've also been answering client questions via email and the boss/my coach is super impressed with me already. I've got some ideas to keep my clients motivated and engaged that I want to incorporate - for example, I've really stepped up my Tumblr blog with recipes and advice posts, and I've opened the submission box so people can ask me questions, even anonymously. I'm also going to encourage my clients to get onto MFP if they haven't already, so that they can learn the full nutritional value of the foods they're eating, and allow me to see their progress and help them out there, too.

    I might even create an Alaskan IP group for my clients and do like a weekly discussion post for those who are interested. I'm so excited about helping people reach their goals, and it totally is causing me to be more stringent on my own protocol. These last few pounds are being super stubborn and I think it's because I've been too lenient with myself. Time to crack down and be a good example!