"Let's Get Started"

Congrats for joining this Focus T25 Challenge Group!!
We are all here to help encourage one another and push forward toward our goals.

Wherever you are in Focus T-25 is fine, just make sure you set a time to do this everyday and take time to "check-in" here.
For those that didn't know, there is a MFP app you can use to log your food and exercise.

You may want to make sure you have a FITBIT or Pedometer. Some way to count the moves to record your workout here.

If you are new to Focus T-25, start reviewing your materials.
Look through the Nutrition Guide, 5-day fast track and quick-start guides. It's up to you what you'd like to use but
set yourself up for success. Plan out your meals.

I personally use Shakeology every morning. I drink half just as I get up and the other half after my workout before I go to work.
I love this shake because it fills me until lunch or past, I get my nutrients I need and gives me tons of energy.
I drink the chocolate one and add either almond milk and coffee or strawberries.

So for today, just get started.
Check-in everyday to hold yourself accountable to stay on track.
Tell us what exercise from Focus T-25 you did (please state: alpha/beta)
Share how you felt and what you're eating.
Your story can help inspire someone that day or give them ideas.
**If you share any negatives, please share a positive that you found through the negative or a goal you can set.

Let's get moving. Today is DAY 1.
For those that are new, you will be starting on ALPHA Cardio 1

{hugs} Jen


  • fullfaithfitness
    Jumping into week 2 today! Did Speed 1.0 today and it was awesome! being week 2 I am barely needing to use modifiers already! I have lost another pound this morning! WOOHOO I would definitely say I NAILED IT! The movements were easier now being in my second week. Shakeology is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! I took your advice Jen and drank half before my workout and now half after and it has made a world of difference! I had so much energy and strength from it! I feel full and ready to take on my day! Can't wait for tomorrow!
  • FaithFitness4Life
    Feel great. Finished my Speed 1.0 today and drank my shakeology! Nailed it! Even had a milestone Marker today! I was doing planks on the wall and got to move to a Little tikes chair!!!
    How did you do today?
  • FaithFitness4Life
    Great job!!! @Fullfaithfitness Don't forget you can follow on your app and my facebook @faithfitness4life