April 1st - Day One

Day one of the shred - BAM!

It was tough in parts, but I made it all the way through. Whoo Whoo! Mission accomplished for day 1.


  • caranais
    caranais Posts: 101 Member
    Well done Kriss, I've just completed mine. I did 3 days last week then had throat and ear infection so had 2 days off. Was so hard to get motivated to start again today, but did it and now feel great (well in between gasps for breath haha.) Onwards and upwards
  • babinsiegel
    babinsiegel Posts: 38 Member
    I started last night (I have Monday start OCD-ness). It felt so good to get through it and I'm still feeling good about it this morning :) I'm really excited to do it again tonight!!
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    Great job Mama Kriss :) I remember you mentioned in your introduction that you would be the mother of the group. I think that's awesome. I will be the Aunt :) As I'm 39, so not exactly a baby either.

    I got my Shred on this morning, and I have to admit I was so nervous/excited that I woke up at 3am and thought it was about 5:30am, so I was going to get up and just get it over with. I had to force myself back to bed for a few hours.

    It has been years since I've attempted this dvd, and I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I think I had built it up in my mind as harder than it was, there were definitely more push ups than I was expecting, and in order to keep up, I had to do them on my knees. My hope is that by the end of the 10 days, I will be doing Level 1 exactly as shown, pushups on toes!

    The workout was over before I expected, that time went by fast, yay! I feel like I should do more, but I'm not going to get ahead of myself.

    I didn't take a before picture or do measurements, but maybe tomorrow. It would be nice to track the progress. I did mention that I'm 5'7" and 154#, and my the end of this 30 days I would like to be firmly in the 140s, and my ultimate goal is to be back in the 130s.

    Aunt Cole
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Great job everyone! Waiting for my toddler to take a nap, and its on to day 1 for me as well!
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    This is my day 6, I took a day off yesterday.
    I felt a lot stronger today but still a little queasy by the time I do those bicycle crunches. I added some extra stretches to cool down some more after.
    Good work everyone. Enjoy!
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    Great job, everyone! I just completed day 1, level 1. It was hard but I got through. I love the very last jump rope section, when Jillian says you're floating 'cause you strong or something like that, because I actually felt good in that moment!
  • laoanime
    laoanime Posts: 15
    Day one completed, Needless to say she kicked my butt, but in the end it feels really good to get the workout done :)

  • merenguera69
    I feel off the wagon for a while and I'm back on as of today so I'm looking forward to this workout and motivational group. I need to get this done. ^_^
  • chmosby
    chmosby Posts: 19 Member
    Day 2 = DONE! Those push ups kill me...and, I need better bras for all of these jumping jacks! Good Job, ladies!!!
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    Day 2 = DONE! Those push ups kill me...and, I need better bras for all of these jumping jacks! Good Job, ladies!!!

    Haha, I hear ya, gonna wear my sports bra tomorrow
    got thru it, but was feeling a bit queasy also near end.
    Do you guys eat breakfast before or after if you are doing it first thing in morning?
    I didnt eat first , so gonna fix some eggs now!!
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Day 2 = DONE! Those push ups kill me...and, I need better bras for all of these jumping jacks! Good Job, ladies!!!

    Haha, I hear ya, gonna wear my sports bra tomorrow
    got thru it, but was feeling a bit queasy also near end.
    Do you guys eat breakfast before or after if you are doing it first thing in morning?
    I didnt eat first , so gonna fix some eggs now!!

    always make sure you dont do it on an empty stomach, i did that once too and felt really sick after :(
  • ochibi91
    ochibi91 Posts: 115 Member
    Day 1 - Done! I still can't do full push-ups properly so I changed it to a knee push-up. My arms were still quite sore from yesterday's workout so I didn't want to strain them. I also did 2 rounds of Level 1 because I'm used to working out for 50~60 minutes so I wanted to maintain my level of intensity.
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Day 1 - Done! I still can't do full push-ups properly so I changed it to a knee push-up. My arms were still quite sore from yesterday's workout so I didn't want to strain them. I also did 2 rounds of Level 1 because I'm used to working out for 50~60 minutes so I wanted to maintain my level of intensity.

    Great job! That is impressive i cant imagine trying to do that twice in a row :)
  • sweetu24
    sweetu24 Posts: 21
    I am doing ripped instead of shred. I fear I'll loose motivation if I don't start getting result soon so starting with ripped. Today was my 2nd day of week 2 and I felt that it was easier than week 1 ;).. I am highly motivated to finish this.

    In this group I feel like I am with my real friends who share a special bond..lets keep each other motivated to reach our goals.
    Cheers!! :D
  • michlou84
    michlou84 Posts: 34
    Day 1 done ????
    It wasn't as bad as I was expecting although I do ache all over now. I really hope with the motivation this group supplies that I can get to day 30 (I tend to start things and not complete them)
  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    Day 1 = 1/3 done. Hahaha....I did the first 3-2-1 set and the arches of my feet were hurting a lot so I stopped. I think it might be the beginning of plantar fasciitis. I rolled my feet on a ball instead. I'll try again tonight.

    It's a miracle that I got out of bed at 5:30 a.m. though!
  • Imperfect_Angel
    Imperfect_Angel Posts: 220 Member
    I'm done with Day 1. I have to say that the Side Lunges With A Shoulder Raise destroy me. I was dying in those 30 seconds but made it through with plenty of sweat. I'm also following Anita on most of the moves except cardio. Push ups are also a killer but hopefully by the end of the shred I'd have mastered the proper way of doing them.

    I'm off to the gym now....Good Luck guys and please remember to drink plenty of water. It does wonders not just for weight loss but for our skin too :-)
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    I'm done with Day 1. I have to say that the Side Lunges With A Shoulder Raise destroy me. I was dying in those 30 seconds but made it through with plenty of sweat. I'm also following Anita on most of the moves except cardio. Push ups are also a killer but hopefully by the end of the shred I'd have mastered the proper way of doing them.

    I'm off to the gym now....Good Luck guys and please remember to drink plenty of water. It does wonders not just for weight loss but for our skin too :-)

    I HATE the side lunges with shoulder raise. Good to hear you made it through!
  • chmosby
    chmosby Posts: 19 Member
    Day 1 = 1/3 done. Hahaha....I did the first 3-2-1 set and the arches of my feet were hurting a lot so I stopped. I think it might be the beginning of plantar fasciitis. I rolled my feet on a ball instead. I'll try again tonight.

    It's a miracle that I got out of bed at 5:30 a.m. though!

    I have plantar fasciitis and it is horrible. I wear inserts in my shoes, but they only help so much. Thinking surgery might be in my future. I do the best I can with it. The jump rope part kills my left foot especially so I found that if I just do a "run in place" for that segment, I can get through it with the same amount of sweat and less foot pain. I can push through the pain of the sore muscles from being new to the exercise, pushing through the pain of the plantar fasciitis is not nearly as easy to do.
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I just finished day 1!!! yay! i am so proud of myself. I woke up with a sore throat this morning but i was like you know what, I AM FINISHING THIS TIME! :) And those side lunges are so tough. Let me say i am way more out of shape then i thought, but i got through it and I am going to get to the end! Great job everyone! Lets keep this going and get to day 30!!