Daily Dose of Encouragement



  • MaryMBacon
    MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
    Emergency food tips -- It's always great to have a back up plan, in case for example you forgot to turn the crockpot ON in the morning.
    Cook extra chicken next time you have it for dinner. cut into small strips, freeze for one hour then remove, vacuum seal and freeze in small portions. These work great on homemade pizza, salads, or for a wide variety of recipes that appear quick but call for cooked chicken as an ingredient.
    If you freeze for an hour before vacuum sealing, it reduces the potential for air and moisture. Set a timer and don't forget it though. I use the foodsaver.
  • MaryMBacon
    MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
    I wish I could post pictures ~ this is my latest thought. People keep saying "I'll be so happy when I lose this weight" The truth is, you will be thinner when you lose the weight. You CAN be happy now. Stop "weighting" to be happy. Stop "weighting" to buy clothes that fit and stop "weighting" to enjoy life. Do it now ~ you deserve it, your body deserves it.
  • MaryMBacon
    MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
    Sorry I haven't been posting as much ~ Getting ready for my conference call tonight. My dining room is under construction and the mess is keeping me from getting tons of research done. Luckily I have a room downstairs where we can eat at a table comfortably.
    Todays topic is sleep.
    about lack of sleep. This is such an overlooked problem in weight loss. I get tons of clients that want more energy and when I ask about sleep they’re not getting enough. These people do not suffer from any disorder or insomnia, they simply claim not to have enough time to sleep. I assure you that you do not have time NOT to sleep. The stress response alone is a HUGE factor for weight gain, and lack of sleep increases stress. Lack of sleep in the most simple terms makes your brain not work well, and it robs you of the energy you need to exercise. However the major issue affecting your weight loss efforts is a hormone called Ghrelin. When you don’t sleep Ghrelin increases and ghrelin increases feelings of hunger. You could even say little gremlins are making you eat more.
    In addition to making you hungrier, lack of sleep causes carbohydrate cravings. Carbs give you a little lift and help you feel more awake. A study looking at people who work the night shift found that on average a person switching from a day job to a night job gained approximately 20lbs.
    Countless studies have shown that where hours of sleep decrease, body mass index, a measure of weight, increases.

    Make sure you go to bed on time :)
  • MaryMBacon
    MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
    What's on your meal plan? Do you have a plan? Feb is meal planning month with Balanced Bliss. Meal planning saves time, money, reduces food waste, and ensures you have the tools (healthy food) on hand and ready for the week. Watch for more tips this week -- I use Cozi.com and they have an awesome meal planner that stores recipes, (just copy and paste it's so easy) adds the ingredients to your shopping list with one click. and you can view old meal plans to re-create them. Once you have 4-5 weeks of meal plans it's so easy to simply repeat them (I promise no one will notice lol)
    This week-ends job (Saturday since the super-bowl is sunday) go through the pantry, discard anything expired and then make a meal plan using what you already have. --- GO!
  • MaryMBacon
    MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
    How is everyone? sorry I haven't been on as much as I am in the middle of a major house remodel. I hope all is well, putting my house back together today and should be back to normal tomorrow.
  • MaryMBacon
    MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
    How is everyone doing -- I so wish we could post pictures here to cheer each other on. I just did a blog post on keeping yourself motivated and in my research it came up -- share before and after pictures. just taking the photos side by side and making a collage (you can use www.picmonkey.com to make one like I have on my profile can help when all your friends want to cheer you on. Use your social media to your advantage.
    I post a lot of photos that I think are very funny or even inspirational or informative, but I got the most likes and comments in the history of my facebook acct on my before an "after" (really a during photo) your friends want to cheer you on.
    Have a great week.
  • NikkiRaeLucas
    NikkiRaeLucas Posts: 27 Member
    Great words of encouragement! I am definitely in need of a recalculating! and not beating myself up or having a pity party!
  • MaryMBacon
    MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome Nikki, So sorry I haven't posted as much as I used to, it seems after the January rush a bunch of people stopped using MFP, but I'm glad to see you're here and enjoying the group.

    It's hard because MFP won't allow links to link, so i can't easily share the content from my website or other great bits of info but working on that. too.

    So who is still here and how can I help?
  • MaryMBacon
    MaryMBacon Posts: 94 Member
    Be sure to celebrate all your wins and successes -- no matter how small. Make a list of 10 things you absolutely love, preferably non food items, and treat yourself when you have success. Even if all you did was drink enough water, celebrate success everyday. What are you celebrating today?