Introduce yourself!



  • lzzchic
    lzzchic Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm Mary. I'm 31, and I still have 45 or so lbs left to lose. I gained a ton of weight in college and just haven't been able to lose it. I've lost 46 lbs so far, and now I run several times a week and have been using MFP, and now I want to add this in for a little extra kick! I look forward to having a group to be accountable to...can't wait to get started! :-)
  • Hi All - I'm Melissa. 29 years old. I want to lose about 65 lbs. I lost about 25 lbs back in 2012 but have since gained back about half of that. I want to lose 20-25 lbs by my 30th birthday in August. Having a hard time making time to go to gym, so I started this DVD to help me get in the habit of working out in the AM. Good luck everyone.
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    Hi....I'm Renee....45 yrs old, full time working mom of 3 (2 grown and last one just starting high school). I just finished 30 DS for the first time YAY!!! I had started it before and not finished....but this time it took me about 7 weeks. I do 30 DS anywhere from 2-6 days a week depending on my schedule. The only time I find I can make it happen is in the morning before work. For now, I have decided to redo the 30 DS. Today was day 1 level 1. I am using heavier weights than the first time around (5 lb. instead of 3).

    I'm like the rest of you fabulous ladies. Trying to get in better shape. I lost 5-8 lbs (depending on the day lol) and quite a few inches. I have lots more to go to make me happy! Soooo here we 2nd round of 30 DS! Good luck to you all!!
  • natasha_nicholls
    natasha_nicholls Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, my name is Natasha.
    I am 22 years old and from Ontario, Canada. I work full time from home spend most of my day sitting in front a computer. I started my lifestyle change on November 4, 2013. I was diagnosed with PCOS after trying to have a baby with my husband and running into many difficulties.
    I decided instead of piling up on pills my first approach would be to lose weight and see if that helped, and it did! Still not pregnant but feeling great!B
    I have lost approximately 40lbs since November and I could not be more proud of myself.- But still have a long way to go- aiming for at least 60 more.
    I have found sticking to a diet the easier part but exercise has not been my friend I am hoping the 30DS will give me the motivation I need.
    Feel free to add me as I have no friends here on MFP :( lol.
  • danabm
    danabm Posts: 47 Member
    Hey all!

    My name is Dana and live in the sticks of Tennessee. I made a lifestyle change two years ago, but fell off the wagon last summer and put all the weight I worked so hard to lose back on. I had a great workout DVD that I loved, but it seemed to be the same ole same ole and it was no longer challenging. I found the 30 Day Shred DVD at a yard sale for 75 cents and thought score! Something new to try. I found out another one of my friends was going to do the program and I saw her post and led me here. I plan to start the workout this afternoon and I am really excited to have all of you along as motivation.

    My normal workout routine now is 20 minutes on the Elliptical in the morning and a walk outside right now. Also a little yard work has helped me get a little more exercise in. My calorie allotment is 1200 a day which has seemed hard, but I am getting better with it.

    So looking forward to this!
  • Hi! I'm on Day 7 of Level 1, so glad to see everyone in together. : )

    I'm 26, 5'4" and currently 117 lbs (from 124). I gained almost 20 lbs last year from medication + quitting cigarettes. I've only worn elastic waists for the past 9 months! :laugh: Hopefully I can lose an inch off my waist + hips to fit into my old clothes!

    OP, I'm also trying to tone for my trip to SF this month! Although I'll be leaving right when I start level 3. I haven't decided to keep it up while I'm there for 5 days. I would have to hide from my boyfriends' parents in the basement, haha. :embarassed: Might have to go for a run in Golden Gate instead!

    Is anyone else incorporating additional weight training in this program?
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Hi! I'm on Day 7 of Level 1, so glad to see everyone in together. : )

    I'm 26, 5'4" and currently 117 lbs (from 124). I gained almost 20 lbs last year from medication + quitting cigarettes. I've only worn elastic waists for the past 9 months! :laugh: Hopefully I can lose an inch off my waist + hips to fit into my old clothes!

    OP, I'm also trying to tone for my trip to SF this month! Although I'll be leaving right when I start level 3. I haven't decided to keep it up while I'm there for 5 days. I would have to hide from my boyfriends' parents in the basement, haha. :embarassed: Might have to go for a run in Golden Gate instead!

    Is anyone else incorporating additional weight training in this program?

    Haha thats awesome! it will be my first time there and I am bringing my daughter who this will be her first trip this far away so she is going to have a blast. I want to look my best for all the pictures we are going to take! congrats on getting to day 7, how are you feeling? I actually want to start weight training while doing this a few times a week also!
  • Jb00630
    Jb00630 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! My name is Jess and I'm starting back up with MFP after not using it for a long time! I'm 30 years old and looking to start a family in the near future but want to get my health in order first! Overall I would like to lose 50 pounds and I know it will be a long process, but what better time than now to start! Lets do this!!
  • Ewestlu
    Ewestlu Posts: 36 Member
    Hello! My name is Emma. I'm 24 and newly married. I found this group after finishing day 1 of the shred tonight so I think it will be good motivation for me. Currently I'm wanting to lose 15ish pounds and tone up for the summer especially since I am a bridesmaid in a friends wedding in July.
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    Hey all!
    My name is Erin, I'm a 30 year old Mom of 2 girls (2.5 yrs and 4.5 yrs). I teach Kindergarten and I'm looking to get back to my pre-baby weight. I got close last April using MFP but then the app stopped working on my phone, excuses crept in and life took hold. So here I am doing it again. Looking to lose about 20-25 pounds so I can fit back into all my old clothes!
  • Hi there! My name is Victoria. I'm a 19 year old full time college student studying Engineering here in my home state of Texas ^-^ I've always been quite heavy and I just kind of accepted it but after nearly finishing my first year in college I've reached a level of fat that is intolerable even to me. I just feel so tired all the time and I can see my double chin growing by the day! Anyways I began an attempt at healthy eating starting today and decided to downloading a calorie counting app which led me to myfitnesspal and then this group. I have over a 100 pounds to lose but I am determined to turn my life around! I hope to gain some starting ground for my journey through the 30 day shred :)
  • michlou84
    michlou84 Posts: 34
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Michelle, from Essex in UK. I'm turning 30 this year and would like to look fabulous when I do! Also I have a wedding to go to in August which my husbands first love will be at so i want to make sure I feel confident!
    I've been married 3 years and have a son who is 14 months. When I was pregnant my weight ballooned and I'm still a stone off what I was when I fell pregnant and about 2 stone off where I want to be. Also when pregnant I acquired the extremely unflattering mothers apron which I'm desperate to lose although I realise it will never completely go ????
    Feel free to add me
  • jcubedatund
    jcubedatund Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I am Jen, 32yo, and getting married in the fall. I have approximately 100lbs left to lose to reach my overall goal but I am not under the misconception that I will be losing it all before then. This month, I would like to lose 15 lbs. I have been averaging 10lbs per month since the start of the year but I would like to amp it up slightly so I lose more before my dress fittings start! I just found this group today so I am starting a bit late, but I am excited for this adventure!
  • isaacs06
    isaacs06 Posts: 75 Member
    What is UP! I'm Keavy. (kee-vee) I'm 34 from Raleigh NC area. Married with a 4yo girl and 2yo boy. I'm a working mom with a stay at home dad hubby. I'm happy to be here - though i'm 2 days late - but I just returned from a work trip. i already had 3 days of 30DS under my belt before i left but i'm back in the game tonight!
    Thanks for all the support! Let's rock this!
  • hoppa321
    hoppa321 Posts: 448 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Martha, I'm 44, married, mom to an 8yr daughter and live in Maryland. I started the 30 day shred on March 29th, so I'm up to day 6 of level one today. I have 30+ lbs to lose and hope this is a great kick-starter to my weight loss. Feel free to add me! We can do this :)
  • chmosby
    chmosby Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Chasity; 31, married, with 2 awesome kiddos (both boys 12 & 9) My husband and I started MFP on 1/6/14 and so far I've been able to lose 21 lbs and he lost 43 lbs. I'm looking to lose another 35 lbs and then re-evaluate. I'm looking to tone and hopefully lose a few lbs doing the shred. I'm hoping to stick with it for the full 30 days as I normally start out strong and then whatever I'm doing fades into the background and I never finish. This group has been awesome so far. The motivation is great!
  • Hiya everybody, I'm Heather from Wales in the UK. 35 years old with 2 children and two step children. I started doing the shred last year and got to a couple of days in on level 3. Hoping I can get some motivation from everybody on here and stick with it til the end this time. Looking forward to hearing everybodies success stories :)
  • Hello! I'm 36, married, no kids, with a demanding job. I'm just 5 feet tall, and started out at about 114 pounds, and after a month of eating better and just doing some elliptical work, I'm down to 111.5 before starting the shred this week. I'd prefer being around 100 pounds. I'm pear shaped and tend to carry any extra weight at my belly/hips/butt/thighs. As I mentioned in another thread, I had an illness about six years ago that dropped me down to a terrifying 82 pounds, and for a while I was so used to eating everything I could to gain, I went a little past where I'm comfortable. Loving the 30DS so far, though it kicks my butt and I'm never sure if I'm doing it quite right, ha ha! I'm heading out to a beach vacation in a month and hope by then to see good enough results that I feel great in a bikini. :)
  • Nessa1518
    Nessa1518 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone! My name's Vanessa, 29, and have a 5 year old and 4 month old. I used 30 Day Shred before a couple years ago with great results. After this baby, I'm breastfeeding and have noticed I'm not losing really any weight even with cutting out junk,etc and exercise. I'm hoping this will help again! Feel free to add me! I need the extra motivation!! Hoping to lose 30lbs :)
  • natsqui
    natsqui Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Natalie, 31 from the UK and have a 19 week old baby. So far I've lost 14lb and have about 28lb to go before I reach my initial target weight. I've been doing the Dukan Diet as well as the 30 Day Shred and currently on Day 5. Trying to maintain motivation by focussing on the 3 weddings I have to go to this summer, and promising myself a nice dress (or two!) if I succeed! I'm hoping we can all support each other during the days when all we want to do is quit and eat pizza (I did this on Sunday - felt really sick and put on 2lb!! Not worth it, ha!)