Summer Challenge! - For a burst of Motviation

Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
Hey Ladies,

For those of you that would like to find our message board more easily, I thought I'd put us under my group. :wink:

I hope you are all having a super successful week.

I sadly was over calories last night, which was odd i thought I was under. Really need to work on my preplanning. I did go grocery shopping on lunch yesterday and ended up stocking up my work for the next two weeks! Here's hoping I eat wisely!!!


  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member

    Going down very slowly! I'm going to try for a no-weigh April. We'll see how long that lasts!!
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    In in in in (again)

    I'm moving to Texas in August so I really need to lose weight so I don't die from the heat!!!
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    Thank you for setting this group up, it's much easier to find now.

    I just wanted to let you know I completed the 24hr exercise challenge for March, I did a total of 24 hrs and 30 mins of exercise during the month, consisting of, walking, cycling on an exercise bike, Pilates and social badminton.
    I'm going to carry on and see if I can better myself during April, I know it's going to be hard because we've got the Easter holidays and the children are off school for 2 weeks, this really messes with my schedule.
    I'll keep you posted, but please give me a nudge if you see me slacking.

    AMW5471 - how exciting moving home, I wish you the best of luck.

    Clareyoung80 - Good luck for your no weigh April, I would find that really difficult, I like to step on the scales every morning, I've been on a plateau for ages, months, the most they move is a few oz, I can see my body toning up and I've dropped a dress size in this time so I don't let the numbers worry me, but I don't want to not weigh, then step on and I've put lbs on, we're all very different, it's just a case of finding what works for us.
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    @ Wendy congrats on completing the 24 hr fitness challenge! That is awesome! Are you from Texas? I am moving for (more) school. Excited to quit my entry level position and get back in the classroom.
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    AMW5471 - Thank you, no I'm not for Texas, I'm form the UK. Well done you for going back to school, I don't think I could do that.
  • muddyevil
    muddyevil Posts: 31
    Whoop Whoop UK! I am joining too by the way! Wendy - use the easter holidays as an excuse to get out and play with your kids! It's great at burning calories. I don't have any kids of my own - but as an Aunty to 10 then I know just how great they are at tiring you out! My oldest niece (13) is wanting to do the race for life this year, so I am training with her!

    Some great things to play are = tag, stuck in the mud (this is great for interval training!), races, and if you have a play area near you then you can set up courses throughout it and see who can do it the fastest!
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    Thank you Muddyevil for your great ideas, my daughter is 14 so doesn't like to be seen out with her Mum at the park!! I'm hoping I can get her to come out on a few bike rides with me, my OHs children are 6 and 9, they love going to the park, but they're going away with their Mum for the holidays.
    An Auntie to 10, I bet they keep you busy.
  • muddyevil
    muddyevil Posts: 31
    Oh so a little bit older then! Bike rides sound good, and walking as well. And maybe even take her shopping - I found I get so many miles in when I shop with my 13 year old niece! Also, see if there's any roller skating around you, I go every week with the 5 oldest and they absolutely love it!

    And yes, they certainly do!
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm 23 and an only child so I am pretty close to both my parents but I love to do active things with my mom! We went to a trampoline park recently and we love to go ziplining! Groupon(if they have it in the UK) has so many discounted activities it is fun to make a girl date, especially since those activities tend to be more morning/daytime which gives me the free time to go out with friends at night. My mom and I have also been going to Zumba together since I was 16.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    So, are we going to set up a challenge or goal for April? I was thinking this might help motivate me a bit. Anyone with ideas?
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member

    Going down very slowly! I'm going to try for a no-weigh April. We'll see how long that lasts!!

    Oh that's great! One nutrition class I took said only weight in every 6 weeks, because the little fluctuations could be very frustrating and even discouraging. So I shall cheer you on! In fact since you're doing that I'll not weigh in until my first mini goal which is Good Friday (the day I buy my reward sundress hehe).
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 23 and an only child so I am pretty close to both my parents but I love to do active things with my mom! We went to a trampoline park recently and we love to go ziplining! Groupon(if they have it in the UK) has so many discounted activities it is fun to make a girl date, especially since those activities tend to be more morning/daytime which gives me the free time to go out with friends at night. My mom and I have also been going to Zumba together since I was 16.

    Wow it sounds like you have an amazing mom and amazing mom/daughter relationship! That's so awesome! You're both encouraging some great fitness with each other. Great accountability! I think I'll try that with my 19year old! Thanks!!!
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    So, are we going to set up a challenge or goal for April? I was thinking this might help motivate me a bit. Anyone with ideas?

    I have a mini goal of losing 9lbs by Good Friday, and then as a reward a new sundress (I have a mini trip that weekend). I'm happy to set an April goal of 10lbs from my current weight with a weigh in on April 30lbs. That may be pushing it for me though. I'll try. Monday I weighted in at 210. So here goes for April 30th 200! :)

    I encourage you to set what you feel comfortable with. Good luck!
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    I have mini goals basically up through my potential move in day! All surrounding events

    165 by Easter
    159 by Tough Mudder (June 1)
    154 for America's Birthday
    147 for law school move in (August 20th ish)

    I'd like to reach my goal weight of 120 by my 24th birthday January 14, 2015
  • eperk07
    eperk07 Posts: 11 Member
    My mini goal is to lose 20lbs more by my first 10k in July! I think having smaller goals makes me feel like I am making progress!
  • Cmatamoros
    Cmatamoros Posts: 35 Member
    Hey ladies,

    So glad this made it easier for you, definitely easier to find for me too!

    Wendy, so you're in the Uk? I have a coworker that I work with daily in the UK. You can keep me posted on Holidays so I know when he'll be in the office! ;)

    It's fun losing with kids. I agree with MuddyEvil I think it was that said Rollerskating is a great way to exercise with the kiddos. They can go with you but don't have to be "seen" with you! Plus its such a great workout!

    Muddyevil, wow you have a lot of great tips for exercising with kids! I'm going to take some of those tips.

    AMW, so which law school are you going to? That's great that you're quitting your job that you don't love and going back for something you do love. Your goals are great mini goals I bet you'll successfully hit all of them!!

    I just finished eating my favorite meal in the world I hadn't had in 6 years. Rice Cake Pizzas! I had 3 rice cake pizzas totallying 350 calories! OH THEY WERE SOOOO DELISH! Love low cal delish dinners!
  • muddyevil
    muddyevil Posts: 31
    Rice cake pizzas?
  • changingL1sa
    changingL1sa Posts: 54 Member
    My mini goal is a 5 pound loss in April. For the past few weeks the scale hasn't moved, which has been discouraging, but last night I measured and have lost 8 inches in the past month. Yay for NSV's!
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    @changingL1sa congrats on the NSV, I have weight as mini goals but I really just want to feel and look good! Glad you are keeping track of inches!

    @cmatamoros I am acutally currently deciding between two schools in Texas so I know I am headed there but I have to pick between two!
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Ok, I want to be in the 150's by Easter, and it would be great to do my 10K on the 19th under 1 hour. We'll see how it goes and how hilly the course is!