April 2nd - Day 2

WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
Just getting this started.


  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    I managed to get out of bed before 6am and get my Shred On, I feel like I did the whole routine in my sleep, because before I knew what was going on, it was over! Crazy!

    I looked for my measuring tape, but couldn't find it, so no measurements yet for me.

    Pushups were still on my knees and I'm using 3# weights. I'm thinking of moving up to 5# for days 5-10 of Level 1, to challenge myself and mix it up. However the last combined strength move, with the straight arm raises and the side squats, even 3# seems tough! I know I could do all the other moves with 5#, but that one kills me! Ok, maybe the squat thrusts would be tough with 5# too, but I think I could do those.

    Happy Wednesday everyone, I'm feeling really good! I am excited to see results. I've been making myself get to bed by 10pm so I can get up and get the workout done before I start my day.
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    Oye! I just did the second day yesterday too! It was killer on my arms, and my legs are pretty sore this morning! I agree with what you said about that last movie (side lunges with arm raises). That is definitely the hardest. I don't have any weights smaller than 5lb, and since I can't keep up with them on the arm raises, I just raise my arms half way instead up all the way up to my eyes (like she says). If I ever feel like it's too easy, I'll just life my arms more.
  • TooTatToTrot
    TooTatToTrot Posts: 81 Member
    Today will be my first day, but since i've done level one before, I dont mind skipping a day and doing an extra workout of level 3 when i get there. I get out of class at 2:00pm today so hopefully it will go class, nap, run, rest (20 minutes), shred, eat, sleep lol
  • krissj
    krissj Posts: 9
    Mama's got it cookin' :-) Got up and at it at 5am and got day 2 done! It was harder this morning as my muscles were still sore from yesterday, but I didn't let that stop me. I got it, I did it, I conquered it! Whoot Whoot. On to day 3
  • Amyy1982
    Amyy1982 Posts: 369 Member
    I will be starting today! Was too sick yesterday to move, damn cold BUT I am feeling much better now and I can't wait to start the shred!! WOOHOO!! :happy:
  • danabm
    danabm Posts: 47 Member
    Got up 20 minutes early this morning so I can get this done in the morning. I am breaking a good sweat and hope it does get better like she says, but if this is level one I am going to find level two and three very interesting if they are the same length of time.

    My thighs are feeling. Not a fan of the push ups because I just have never liked them, but totally dig the punches. :smile:
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    Was seriously considering skipping today because I was feeling so low energy. I stretched out a lot first and then made it through. This is my 7 day on level 1 and it seemed to go by so fast today. I feel pretty pumped up now. Time to drink lots of water.
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    I managed to get out of bed before 6am and get my Shred On, I feel like I did the whole routine in my sleep, because before I knew what was going on, it was over! Crazy!

    I looked for my measuring tape, but couldn't find it, so no measurements yet for me.

    Pushups were still on my knees and I'm using 3# weights. I'm thinking of moving up to 5# for days 5-10 of Level 1, to challenge myself and mix it up. However the last combined strength move, with the straight arm raises and the side squats, even 3# seems tough! I know I could do all the other moves with 5#, but that one kills me! Ok, maybe the squat thrusts would be tough with 5# too, but I think I could do those.

    Happy Wednesday everyone, I'm feeling really good! I am excited to see results. I've been making myself get to bed by 10pm so I can get up and get the workout done before I start my day.

    Great job! My body was so tired from shredding and doing a long walk yesterday that I let myself sleep in a bit too long this morning. Since I work from home, I'm going to take an afternoon break to do Day 2.
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    Mama's got it cookin' :-) Got up and at it at 5am and got day 2 done! It was harder this morning as my muscles were still sore from yesterday, but I didn't let that stop me. I got it, I did it, I conquered it! Whoot Whoot. On to day 3

    You're awesome!
  • Imperfect_Angel
    Imperfect_Angel Posts: 220 Member
    Got my Day 2 on about midday & completed it. I'll still complain of the side lunges with a shoulder raise. That minute is a very close cousin of the devil, I was dying in that moment but pushed through.....Was also wondering what weight everyone is using? I'm using 5lb weights and I have no intention of moving up the weight scale. I'm already getting my *kitten* kicked as it is

    On to Day 3 tomorrow. Super excited!
  • michlou84
    michlou84 Posts: 34
    I have just completed day 2. I don't know if its because I was still aching from yesterday or I worked hard but that made me sweat and was tough. I love it though, it really feels like I've worked out.
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Got my Day 2 on about midday & completed it. I'll still complain of the side lunges with a shoulder raise. That minute is a very close cousin of the devil, I was dying in that moment but pushed through.....Was also wondering what weight everyone is using? I'm using 5lb weights and I have no intention of moving up the weight scale. I'm already getting my *kitten* kicked as it is

    On to Day 3 tomorrow. Super excited!

    Great job! And I hate those just as much as you, and I use 3 pound weights :\ I always end up doing the lunge without the raise a few times, they are so hard! Hopefully it gets easier!
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    Got my Day 2 on about midday & completed it. I'll still complain of the side lunges with a shoulder raise. That minute is a very close cousin of the devil, I was dying in that moment but pushed through.....Was also wondering what weight everyone is using? I'm using 5lb weights and I have no intention of moving up the weight scale. I'm already getting my *kitten* kicked as it is

    On to Day 3 tomorrow. Super excited!

    I have been using 3 pound weighs. I think I will move up to 5 pounds after Level 1. I can't imagine doing those side lunges with 5 pounds right now. Congratulations for getting Day 2 done!
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I have just completed day 2. I don't know if its because I was still aching from yesterday or I worked hard but that made me sweat and was tough. I love it though, it really feels like I've worked out.

    Great job!!!
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    I have just completed day 2. I don't know if its because I was still aching from yesterday or I worked hard but that made me sweat and was tough. I love it though, it really feels like I've worked out.

    That's excellent! You're motivating me to do my Day 2 later this afternoon even though I am sore.
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Holly..cow. I woke up sore this morning, lol. I really felt it in my legs (which happened both times previously) but i actually felt it alot in my midsection which didn't happen before, but! I am very happy that i know its working! On to day two today when little one takes a nap! excited! you ladies are so motivating! We are all gonna get through this together! Isn't it kinda cool how when you do the workout, you just feel better all day knowing you accomplished your goal for the day? that's how I feel anyway :) Have a good day ladies!
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    Good Suff Ladies!!! It always feels great after I complete the work-out! As Jade said I feel that I've accomplished my goal for the day and everything else that I do is extra!!! LOL
  • babinsiegel
    babinsiegel Posts: 38 Member
    I did day 2 last night and it felt harder- my muscles were so tired! But I did it- the whole thing and feel great about it! I'm looking forward to round 3 tonight.

    Is anyone else doing this at night? I'm working out after my son's bedtime (about 7:30). If you are doing this later in the evening, when do you eat- before or after the workout? I've done both so far and I just don't know what's better for the body and fat burning. Any input or experience would be greatly appreciated! I'm leaning towards eating after because last night I ate before and this morning I woke up STARVING!!

    Thanks everyone!
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    It's so nice to have a group to be accountable too. Almost as much as when I meet a friend at the gym before work. "I have to get out of bed, because they are counting on me ;)"

    Plus we can all complain about our sore muscles. As Jillian says, you have to make it uncomfortable to make changes!
  • laoanime
    laoanime Posts: 15
    Day 2 done!