2014 Goals - Second Quarter and beyond

Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
New thread for Q2 goals - continuation of the Q1 one that can be found here:



  • dwilks42
    dwilks42 Posts: 18
    Log and track diligently in order to calculate my TDEE while doing little (or no) cardio. Try to improve strength numbers.

    Or to put it much more simply:

    -Eat all teh foodz
    -Do none of the cardio
    -Make all the gainz
    -Find out how much I'd get to eat to bulk :)

    ETA: GET to eat on a bulk, not HAVE to
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    1) Stick to consistent logging and weighing of food.
    2) 30 minutes of cardio a day.
    3) Eliminate wine
    4) Conquer and master once a month cravings.
    5) Master my JM DVDS.
    6) Attempt at least one yoga pose a week.
    7) 2 long bike rides a week.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Place well this coming show season (june and august). Even if I don't place well, I will still look my best ever.
  • CulturedCowgurl
    CulturedCowgurl Posts: 136 Member
    Finish another round of C25K running faster and also start strength training this quarter. This should get me close to my goal weight.
  • eatyourselffitter
    eatyourselffitter Posts: 42 Member
    Off the top of my head...

    -Eat more fruit (I love veggies but almost never eat fruit)
    -Work on strengthening my core. Its weak as can be and throws everything off for me.
    -Greatly improve squat form and actually start doing squats on a regular basis (squat slacker!)
    -Start lifting again (slacking on that as well)
    -Hopefully reign in my thyroid levels & figure out my ideal net cal intake(work in progress)
    -Walk more/drive less
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    - Keep logging most of the time
    - Keep losing slowly, in the hope that less of what I lose is muscle and the maintenance transition is easier
    - Keep working on strength gains via lifting
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Get down to prepregnancy weight
    Eat more protein
  • engian
    engian Posts: 70 Member
    2014 2nd Q Goals are:

    Low Bar Squat.....120 lbs ---> 150 lbs
    Deadlift..................175 lbs ---> 205 lbs
    Bench Press........130 lbs ---> 160 lbs (this may be a stretch!)
    OHP..........................75 lbs ---> 90 lbs
    Power Clean.........100 lbs ---> 115 lbs

    - more focus on eating to my macro targets (lax winter adherence :( )
    - eating healthy nutrient dense foods versus cr*ppy nutrient dense foods

    - continue gaining around 1/2 to 1 lb / month
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    2nd Qtr goals

    Lose the last 4lbs and get to maintenance - I have a plan in place for maintenance...
    Get my BF% done one way or another (have appt with Dr soon going to see about a dexa scan, if not then pics here)
    *depending on that BF% goals are 20-22%
    Break my stall on my weights (seem to be stuck on a few of my lifts) but still at TDEE-15% most days

    Would love to see a 200lb squat (PR is 180), triple diget OHP(current PR is 90lbs), 125lb Bench (current PR is 115)

    Recalculate my TDEE in 1.5lbs :drinker:
    Re-evaluate my Macros
    tighten up my weekends (get more protien and plan more)
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    1. Lose 10 pounds by sticking to my calorie goal.
    2. Complete C25K.
    3. Figure out what the hell is causing my shoulder pain, get it feeling better, so I can get back to All Pro.
    4. Stretch for 10 minutes once a day.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Compete a PL meet.

    That is all.
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    1. Lose 10 pounds by sticking to my calorie goal.
    2. Complete C25K.
    3. Figure out what the hell is causing my shoulder pain, get it feeling better, so I can get back to All Pro.
    4. Stretch for 10 minutes once a day.

    Update time!
    1. I lost 8 pounds by sticking to my calorie goal 10 out of 12 weeks.
    2. I did 2 weeks of C25K, then my knees were not happy. I enjoyed it, and would like to try it again sometime, but for now will stick with walking.
    3. Started paying out of pocket for a good physical therapist after going through my insurance for 3 months wasn't helping. My shoulder is improving, thought still not back to All Pro.
    4. I am doing better with stretching, doing about 20 minutes 2-3 times a week.

    I am feeling really good, and am within a few pounds of my goal weight.
  • engian
    engian Posts: 70 Member
    My update:

    2014 2nd Q Goals and Actuals:

    Low Bar Squat.....150 lbs......150 lbs*
    Deadlift..................205 lbs......195 lbs*
    Bench Press........160 lbs.......145 lbs*
    OHP.........................90 lbs.........80 lbs*
    Power Clean.........115 lbs.......stopped; replaced with Upright Rows

    - doing a better job of hitting macros, total calories

    - seem to have gained a little more 'non-muscle' weight than desired :(
    - currently 167-8 lbs

    * = took two weeks time off (work, family, etc) set me back in mid-June...I'm working back up to my max's listed above, which had occured in early June.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    Shortly after my post I injured myself. It knocked me down for a while but my squat is finally back to full strength. My deadlift is nowhere to be found unfortunately.

    Original goals for 2014:




    I've already hit both bench press goals. New goal would be to hit 315x1 by end of year.

    Squats are currently at 410x1, however it was a reasonably good 410. I think 450 is within reach by end of the year.

    Deads are nowhere near. I was at 415x1 when I made the original post, and I'm not back to 415 yet post-injury. At this rate, I'll be happy to be back to 405 by end of the year.
  • engian
    engian Posts: 70 Member

    I'm glad to hear you're back lifting. I get hobbled from time to time with injuries and both being away from lifting/training, and then climbing back up that ladder stink. From my perspective yours are awesome numbers.

  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    I'm glad to hear you're back lifting. I get hobbled from time to time with injuries and both being away from lifting/training, and then climbing back up that ladder stink. From my perspective yours are awesome numbers.


    Thanks, I appreciate it. I'm definitely happy where I'm at collectively -- it's just tough when you've got 1 lift that is so far behind that it's easy to focus on it rather than be happy about what's going well =)