April 2nd - Day 2



  • Day 2 done! Oh goodness those bicycle sit ups were killing my legs and abs! I am so glad for the community to talk to thanks everyone! Doing an awesome job!
  • miashbee
    miashbee Posts: 9 Member
    I too have a SERIOUS hatred for bicycle curls, BUT they are done. I was really sore before hand, but I noticed as soon as I started the warm up my muscles quit hurting as bad. My husband will probably look at me funny if I start doing jumping jacks in the middle of the day, but hey if it makes me quit hurting *shrugs* lol. I can't wait til I can get my heart rate monitor (any recommendations?). I feel like I'm burning a lot more than when I just walk, but everything I read is telling me to log it as less so I'll wait and see.
  • Imperfect_Angel
    Imperfect_Angel Posts: 220 Member
    But I love the bicycle crunches!!!

    As for HRM & logging the exercise, I'm not. I just add it in my exercise notes that I've competed it. I don't own a HRM & I hate to overestimate/underestimate what I'm burning doing the shred so I just leave it. I log in my other exercises though since I'm hitting the gym for 90 minutes 6/7 days.

    Good job ladies on completing day 2. I love how supportive everyone on this group is. Seriously, I love U guys! :-) xx
  • laurawale
    laurawale Posts: 9 Member
    Done :)

    I really struggle to keep my legs up for the final abs move. Working up to that one!
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    I too have a SERIOUS hatred for bicycle curls, BUT they are done. I was really sore before hand, but I noticed as soon as I started the warm up my muscles quit hurting as bad. My husband will probably look at me funny if I start doing jumping jacks in the middle of the day, but hey if it makes me quit hurting *shrugs* lol. I can't wait til I can get my heart rate monitor (any recommendations?). I feel like I'm burning a lot more than when I just walk, but everything I read is telling me to log it as less so I'll wait and see.

    I have an HR monitor, but I forgot to use it the last couple days! We are renovating our room, and I'm sure it's tucked in my gym bag under a big pile of stuff :)

    I've always had good success with the Polar brand. My first one lasted 10 years (and it only died because I thought I could wear it swimming, oops) the one I have now is a couple years old and going strong! I had a Timex but it didn't last too long. I don't think it has to do a bunch of fancy stuff, the basic Polar models are fine.
  • Apollo090
    Apollo090 Posts: 18 Member
    Today is day 4 for me but wow am I sore. Zumba last night made a difference .noticed mid-way through I really felt like stopping but after repeating "1 more circuit, 1 more" to myself I felt better. Not sure I'll be moving to level 2 day 10. When Jillian says "those who are on day 5, 6 or 7 probably notice a change in endurance" I wonder when I'll hit that spot!

    Currently using 5lb dumbbells. Considered dropping to 3lb ones but I want to power through. I figure I'm almost half way done level 1, maybe lowering isn't a great idea. ... Also considering one day 3lbs, one day 5lbs switch.
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    I did day 2 last night and it felt harder- my muscles were so tired! But I did it- the whole thing and feel great about it! I'm looking forward to round 3 tonight.

    Is anyone else doing this at night? I'm working out after my son's bedtime (about 7:30). If you are doing this later in the evening, when do you eat- before or after the workout? I've done both so far and I just don't know what's better for the body and fat burning. Any input or experience would be greatly appreciated! I'm leaning towards eating after because last night I ate before and this morning I woke up STARVING!!

    Thanks everyone!

    I do it at night whenever I get home from work and running errands. The past couple days I have been having a small granola bar before and then having my big dinner afterward. I've tried dinner before workouts in the past and I just end up getting tired/full/lazy and don't work out. I use dinner as the motivation lol. "If I finish this video, I can go eat dinner!!" I can't comment on what's technically better, but I just do it this way cause I'm more likely to workout when I'm not completely full from dinner.
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    Today is day 4 for me but wow am I sore. Zumba last night made a difference .noticed mid-way through I really felt like stopping but after repeating "1 more circuit, 1 more" to myself I felt better. Not sure I'll be moving to level 2 day 10. When Jillian says "those who are on day 5, 6 or 7 probably notice a change in endurance" I wonder when I'll hit that spot!

    Currently using 5lb dumbbells. Considered dropping to 3lb ones but I want to power through. I figure I'm almost half way done level 1, maybe lowering isn't a great idea. ... Also considering one day 3lbs, one day 5lbs switch.

    Today is day 7 for me and I am using 5lbs weights BUT on day 4 is was so sore I went to 3lb for the day and then took a day off. Today I am back to 5 lb weights and it really felt easier today and it seemed to go by really fast.
    Great job everyone!
  • Apollo090
    Apollo090 Posts: 18 Member
    Today is day 4 for me but wow am I sore. Zumba last night made a difference .noticed mid-way through I really felt like stopping but after repeating "1 more circuit, 1 more" to myself I felt better. Not sure I'll be moving to level 2 day 10. When Jillian says "those who are on day 5, 6 or 7 probably notice a change in endurance" I wonder when I'll hit that spot!

    Currently using 5lb dumbbells. Considered dropping to 3lb ones but I want to power through. I figure I'm almost half way done level 1, maybe lowering isn't a great idea. ... Also considering one day 3lbs, one day 5lbs switch.

    Today is day 7 for me and I am using 5lbs weights BUT on day 4 is was so sore I went to 3lb for the day and then took a day off. Today I am back to 5 lb weights and it really felt easier today and it seemed to go by really fast.
    Great job everyone!

    Great to know! Congrats on it getting easier :D
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    I did my day 2 last night. (I'm a day ahead of y'all)
    I'm using 2.5 lb weights. I can't do the bicycle crunches right now, my core is not strong enough to do both legs and torso simultaneously but I'm doing the leg part for now, once I'm stronger in my core I'll add the torso crunch to it.
    My hamstrings are really sore, I limped out of bed this morning but I'll be getting into day 3 tonight once I get the kids to bed. I'm marking the days on my calendar!
  • chmosby
    chmosby Posts: 19 Member
    Today is day 3 for me since I started on Monday. I woke up with a horrible headache this morning and really didn't want to do the shred. I was just miserable. So here we are 2pm and it's done. I had to really talk myself into it! It seemed like it was over so quickly today and the moves were much easier for me so now I'm so happy (and proud of myself) that I did it! And...my headache is gone. Now to shower, eat lunch, and catch up on everything I didn't do this morning. :happy: :happy:
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    I feel like a wimp, I'm using 2lb weights! But I'm old and out of shape, lol, so I figured I better start slow. I got through day 2, but one of my knees is killing me! Which is really a bummer, because we're having our first day of spring weather here and I'm too tired to go for a walk!
  • beautifullyblessed16
    beautifullyblessed16 Posts: 180 Member
    The first time I did the 30DS over a year ago, the side lunges with front arm raises were the worst for me; I could barely complete the raises using 5# weights. Like a previous poster mentioned, I would just do the side lunges with the weights to the side while resting my arms. This time around, I can do the first set of side lunges and front arm raises straight through with the 5# weights. The second set is still iffy but I still keep moving.

    I can do 12 regular pushups! I am so stoked about that. I am hoping for 15 straight (first set only) by the time I am done with level 1.
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Today is day 3 for me since I started on Monday. I woke up with a horrible headache this morning and really didn't want to do the shred. I was just miserable. So here we are 2pm and it's done. I had to really talk myself into it! It seemed like it was over so quickly today and the moves were much easier for me so now I'm so happy (and proud of myself) that I did it! And...my headache is gone. Now to shower, eat lunch, and catch up on everything I didn't do this morning. :happy: :happy:
    Great job pushing thru your headache and still doing your workput! up should be proud of yourself. Now if you happen to get one again you will know you can make it through!
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I feel like a wimp, I'm using 2lb weights! But I'm old and out of shape, lol, so I figured I better start slow. I got through day 2, but one of my knees is killing me! Which is really a bummer, because we're having our first day of spring weather here and I'm too tired to go for a walk!

    Don't feel like a wimp it Is not easy! I think in a few days the soreness will subside for you. Good job!
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    The first time I did the 30DS over a year ago, the side lunges with front arm raises were the worst for me; I could barely complete the raises using 5# weights. Like a previous poster mentioned, I would just do the side lunges with the weights to the side while resting my arms. This time around, I can do the first set of side lunges and front arm raises straight through with the 5# weights. The second set is still iffy but I still keep moving.

    I can do 12 regular pushups! I am so stoked about that. I am hoping for 15 straight (first set only) by the time I am done with level 1.
    Wow that is impressive!! I just today did all the raises correctly I ussually keep them at my side too they are tough! And I use 3lb weights! I also still do girl push-ups so as soon as the soreness subsides a little I am going to do asant regular as I can before I move to the easier ones. Great job again!
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    got thru the secnd day, but my knee is killing me in the jumping jacks, just doin the best to get thru them
    push ups are really hard to
    but hey I'm 60 so I think I am doing pretty well
    I give myself a pep talk and just do it the best I can
    Most certainly dont want to injure myself , as you get older it takes so much longer to heal.
    Great goin to all the ladies, very motivating group!
  • betaleonis
    betaleonis Posts: 176 Member
    I got my sore on:)
  • KCmomOH
    KCmomOH Posts: 6 Member
    Day one and I barely lasted 10 minutes. I modified the push ups by doing them on the stairs for now, until I can build up the arm strength. I did watch the whole level and will give it a go again tomorrow. Baby steps... :)
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    Wow, the first circuit in Day 2 was super hard for some reason. I felt like I wasn't going to make it but I pushed through. I think tomorrow I'll go back to doing it first thing in the morning. Just get it over with! It was definitely harder to motivate myself in the middle of the afternoon.