April 2nd - Day 2



  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    I feel like a wimp, I'm using 2lb weights! But I'm old and out of shape, lol, so I figured I better start slow. I got through day 2, but one of my knees is killing me! Which is really a bummer, because we're having our first day of spring weather here and I'm too tired to go for a walk!

    I used two pound weights too. I could probably do it with three-pound weights but I'd say some bad words once I got to the part with the side lunges.
  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    Got my Day 2 on about midday & completed it. I'll still complain of the side lunges with a shoulder raise. That minute is a very close cousin of the devil, I was dying in that moment but pushed through.....Was also wondering what weight everyone is using? I'm using 5lb weights and I have no intention of moving up the weight scale. I'm already getting my *kitten* kicked as it is

    On to Day 3 tomorrow. Super excited!

    Oh these are the hardest! I forgot about working early yesterday so I had my day one at 7pm and day 2 at 7am this morning (to get back on track for morning workouts) and I'm telling you, a body needs more than 12 hours between workouts! It was tough, but I made it through!
  • caranais
    caranais Posts: 101 Member
    the way I look at it is 10 minutes exercise is so much better than 10 minutes on the couch. Just keep going and do the best you can. It all makes a difference. Hang in there. I'm struggling too, but am determined just to be better than I was before. You're great, we're all great for wanting to change and doing something about it xxxx

    KCmomOH sorry don't normally reply to individuals and didn't realise when I pressed reply it wasn't just for you, but I mean it. I'm 52 yrs,, really out of condition, but want to better myself, so lets do this. xxx
  • dmfrank78
    dmfrank78 Posts: 16 Member
    The first time I did the 30DS over a year ago, the side lunges with front arm raises were the worst for me; I could barely complete the raises using 5# weights. Like a previous poster mentioned, I would just do the side lunges with the weights to the side while resting my arms. This time around, I can do the first set of side lunges and front arm raises straight through with the 5# weights. The second set is still iffy but I still keep moving.

    I can do 12 regular pushups! I am so stoked about that. I am hoping for 15 straight (first set only) by the time I am done with level 1.
    Wow that is impressive!! I just today did all the raises correctly I ussually keep them at my side too they are tough! And I use 3lb weights! I also still do girl push-ups so as soon as the soreness subsides a little I am going to do asant regular as I can before I move to the easier ones. Great job again!

    Great job! I use 5 lb. weights and the side lunges with arm raises were harder today. Another way to modify them is to alternate arms when you do the raises, that way you're not raising both arms at the same time - it really is a little easier but still a good workout.

    I finished Day 2 today. Tomorrow I will have to be up by 5 a.m. to get it done as I need to go to Jazzercise tomorrow night. That will be a hard one for me - hopefully I'll be able to roll out of bed in the morning!
  • Melissas9799
    Melissas9799 Posts: 34 Member
    Just finished my 2nd day......feeling a bit sore :)
  • sbicica
    sbicica Posts: 52 Member
    Day 5 done! It finally was a LITTLE bit easier today. I wasn't hating side lunge with shoulder raises as much as I usually do!!!!! :happy: Glad to see everyone is keeping up with it!!!! good luck everyone :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • ryker789
    ryker789 Posts: 255 Member
    Way to go everyone!! I really did not feel like working out today!! Of course, I did it anyway! Day 2 done. Those punches felt pretty good after a stressful day at work.
  • Karissa_Clohan
    Karissa_Clohan Posts: 126 Member
    Oh my... Day 2 seemed much more difficult than Day 1, but we pushed through and made it!
    Looking forward to Day 3 :)
  • Ewestlu
    Ewestlu Posts: 36 Member
    Finished day 2. The push-ups and side lunges with arm raises are so hard!
  • Day the 2nd complete!

    I actually found today to be a lot easier yesterday, especially the cardio portion...but that might be because I'm a server at a high-volume restaurant and got my *kitten* kicked at work and came home and did the shred immediately.

    Good job everyone! I am so happy to be doing this with you all and seeing how motivating we are being for each other!

  • hulamama808
    hulamama808 Posts: 499 Member
    Day 2... Check! And whew. It feels good to be pushing my limits. However slowly (I take advantage of the modifications on most of the moves) I am on my way to regaining some of the physical strength that I've misplaced in my 40s.
  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    Fourteen-hour day but I managed to get Day 2 done! I did it barefoot and my feet didn't hurt this time.
  • Fourteen-hour day but I managed to get Day 2 done! I did it barefoot and my feet didn't hurt this time.

    I did it barefoot as well and found that it was a lot easier on my feet and ankles.
  • I did day 2 last night and that moment between where the work out ends and the end stretches begin, you know, right after the bicycle crunches? i couldn't move for like a minute I was just laying there, feeling SO tired. I could definitely feel the workout doing it's job when I woke up this morning. Goodness, so sore but so ready to do it again later today :) I'm proud of us ya'll! We got this! One day at a time..
  • MrsV1983
    MrsV1983 Posts: 39 Member
    I work out a lot later than others apparently lol...but I finished working out around 10:30p last night. I did JM 30DS Level 1 and 20 mins of Zumba Core on the Wii. Tonight, I'll be doing 30DS and 20 mins on the elliptical. I'm excited for Level 2 already, the burn is so much more real! :happy:
  • jcubedatund
    jcubedatund Posts: 71 Member
    Today was my day 2. I was at a Yoga Workshop most the day and managed to do my shred over my lunch break. It felt pretty awesome (and tiring). Now my legs are so sore I can hardly move. Good excuse for my fiancé to give me a massage tonight I'm thinking! LOL Anyway, I'm hoping to continue on tomorrow with day 3.