Where do you Shred?

WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
I have a pretty decent workout room in my basement. No windows, but it's painted a nice bright yellow and I have a good sized mirror on one side, so that helps.


  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    Basement, carpet and space to move.
    My dog is ever curious about what I am doing and wants to check on me when I am doing crunches. LOL. Nothing like canine encouragement.
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    I do it in my boyfriend's office. It's the only room in our apartment with the two required factors: privacy & space to jump around!
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I have a pretty decent workout room in my basement. No windows, but it's painted a nice bright yellow and I have a good sized mirror on one side, so that helps.

    that would be awesome! I do it right in my front room, with my toddler crawling on me usually lol ;)
  • laoanime
    laoanime Posts: 15
    We live upstairs so I just do it in the garage, nice and cool and can jump around!
  • danabm
    danabm Posts: 47 Member
    My living room. It is a large room and in one corner I have my elliptical with my work out mat and weights, so I go from my elliptical to this in the morning. Thankfully I am home alone.
  • babinsiegel
    babinsiegel Posts: 38 Member
    Funny you ask this today- I usually work out in the basement but thanks to a leaking water heater and a soaking wet carpet I am currently displaced. Still trying to figure out an alternative. Bad day... :(
  • In an empty room in my house. I live with several other girls so it's good to have the room to do this privately as I'm so out of shape and it'd be pretty embarrassing to do it out in the open >.>
  • ryker789
    ryker789 Posts: 255 Member
    In my living room. Usually with 2 kids trying to join me!
  • I have a pretty decent workout room in my basement. No windows, but it's painted a nice bright yellow and I have a good sized mirror on one side, so that helps.

    that would be awesome! I do it right in my front room, with my toddler crawling on me usually lol ;)

    Ha ha, I do the same. Only he tries to do the moves with me. It cracks me up.
  • michlou84
    michlou84 Posts: 34
    I have a pretty decent workout room in my basement. No windows, but it's painted a nice bright yellow and I have a good sized mirror on one side, so that helps.

    that would be awesome! I do it right in my front room, with my toddler crawling on me usually lol ;)

    Ha ha, I do the same. Only he tries to do the moves with me. It cracks me up.

    Same here, although so far I've managed to do it while he's been napping on the sofa. Might have to wait til he's in bed to do today's though.
  • agent85
    agent85 Posts: 23 Member
    I have a pretty decent workout room in my basement. No windows, but it's painted a nice bright yellow and I have a good sized mirror on one side, so that helps.

    that would be awesome! I do it right in my front room, with my toddler crawling on me usually lol ;)
    ditto. lol.
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    In my living room at 5:00 AM! LOL....
  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    In my bedroom, with the door closed! I don't want to end up on youtube with people laughing at me!!
  • Imperfect_Angel
    Imperfect_Angel Posts: 220 Member
    I shred in my living room. I just move my rug the other way & use the bit of space I have. It's actually enough space but I do wish I didn't live in a flat, my neighbours absolutely hate it when I shred too early or late at night..
  • isaacs06
    isaacs06 Posts: 75 Member
    In my living room. Usually with 2 kids trying to join me!

  • chmosby
    chmosby Posts: 19 Member
    In my husband's sports room, nice open space. I work from home FT so nobody is home when I do it, but they better know that I will be in this room with the door shut this weekend. I don't need the hubby in my way or the kiddos trying to "outdo mom"!
  • eclaireya
    eclaireya Posts: 61 Member
    I have a pretty decent workout room in my basement. No windows, but it's painted a nice bright yellow and I have a good sized mirror on one side, so that helps.

    that would be awesome! I do it right in my front room, with my toddler crawling on me usually lol ;)

    Ha ha this is me. Except mine is 4 and goes "oh that's easy Mommy, I can do that, watch me"
  • miashbee
    miashbee Posts: 9 Member
    I do it my little bitty living room (4 people in 800 sq feet lol) with my 5 month old on her little tummy time mat next to my yoga mat. Sometimes she likes to yell at mama for watching the tv instead of her. She makes sure I know she is displeased and well, if baby isn't happy... nobody is happy lol. This ends in my usually doing jumping jacks while making silly faces at her or rocking out punches while I talk to her. Gotta love a challenge.
  • KCmomOH
    KCmomOH Posts: 6 Member
    In the living room with the blinds closed tight :blushing:
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    In our basement in the evening after the kids are put to bed. My husband is NOT allowed in the basement during shred time, I'm way too uncoordinated and out of shape for anyone to see me flailing around.